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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Police Drones Are Starting to Think for Themselves
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Police Drones Are Starting to Think for Themselves

In one Southern California city, flying drones with artificial intelligence are aiding investigations while presenting new civil rights questions.

Do You Have a Conflict of Interest? This Robotic Assistant May Find It First
From ACM TechNews

Do You Have a Conflict of Interest? This Robotic Assistant May Find It First

A Swiss publisher of open-access journals has rolled out a robotic review assistant to check for potential conflicts of interest.

London AI Lab Claims Breakthrough That Could Accelerate Drug Discovery
From ACM News

London AI Lab Claims Breakthrough That Could Accelerate Drug Discovery

Researchers at DeepMind say they have solved "the protein folding problem," a task that has bedeviled scientists for more than 50 years.

Training Facial Recognition on Some New Furry Friends: Bears
From ACM TechNews

Training Facial Recognition on Some New Furry Friends: Bears

Silicon Valley software developers have trained facial recognition technology to monitor individual bears, as part of a project called BearID.

Does Palantir See Too Much?
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Does Palantir See Too Much?

The tech giant helps governments and law enforcement decipher vast amounts of data — to mysterious and, some say, dangerous ends.

Activists Turn Facial Recognition Tools Against the Police
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Activists Turn Facial Recognition Tools Against the Police

"We're now approaching the technological threshold where the little guys can do it to the big guys," one researcher said.

U.S. Accuses Google of Illegally Protecting Monopoly
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U.S. Accuses Google of Illegally Protecting Monopoly

A victory for the government could remake one of America's most recognizable companies and the internet economy that it has helped define.

Facebook Widens Ban on Political Ads as Alarm Rises Over Election
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Facebook Widens Ban on Political Ads as Alarm Rises Over Election

Political ads will be banned indefinitely after polls close on Nov. 3 and the company plans new steps to limit misinformation about the results.

The Lesson We’re Learning From TikTok? It’s All About Our Data
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The Lesson We’re Learning From TikTok? It’s All About Our Data

We should minimize how much we share with all of our favorite and not-so-favorite apps.

With Virtual Reality, Caregivers Can Become Patients
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With Virtual Reality, Caregivers Can Become Patients

Carrie Shaw's struggle with her mother's dementia led her to create a company that allows users to experience the struggles of growing older.

England’s Flawed Virus Contact Tracing Will Be Revamped
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England’s Flawed Virus Contact Tracing Will Be Revamped

After months of complaints about its centralized, privatized system, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government says resources will be diverted to local public health...

Automated Line Calls Replace Human Judges at U.S. Open
From ACM TechNews

Automated Line Calls Replace Human Judges at U.S. Open

With the coronavirus pandemic highlighting the need for safety, the upcoming U.S. Open tennis tournament will replace human line judges on 15 of 17 match courts...

Aboard the Diamond Princess, a Case Study in Aerosol Transmission
From ACM TechNews

Aboard the Diamond Princess, a Case Study in Aerosol Transmission

Researchers are using computer models to determine how the coronavirus moves through a community, building, or small group of people.

This Tool Could Protect Your Photos From Facial Recognition
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This Tool Could Protect Your Photos From Facial Recognition

Researchers at the University of Chicago want you to be able to post selfies without worrying that the next Clearview AI will use them to identify you.

Major Security Flaws Found in South Korea Quarantine App
From ACM TechNews

Major Security Flaws Found in South Korea Quarantine App

Software engineer Frederic Rechtenstein found a South Korean mobile application designed to enforce pandemic quarantines contained major security flaws that could...

Google Promises Privacy With Virus App but Can Still Collect Location Data
From ACM News

Google Promises Privacy With Virus App but Can Still Collect Location Data

Some government agencies that use the software said they were surprised Google may pick up the locations of certain app users. Others said they had unsuccessfully...

Can an Algorithm Predict the Pandemic’s Next Moves?
From ACM News

Can an Algorithm Predict the Pandemic’s Next Moves?

Researchers have developed a model that uses social-media and search data to forecast outbreaks of Covid-19 well before they occur.

A Multibillion-Dollar Opportunity: Virus-Proofing the New Office
From ACM News

A Multibillion-Dollar Opportunity: Virus-Proofing the New Office

Tech, catering and design companies are rushing to sell employers on fever scanners, box lunches, and office floor-planning apps for social distancing. But it's...

Big Tech Zeros In on the Virus-Testing Market
From ACM News

Big Tech Zeros In on the Virus-Testing Market

As businesses grapple with how to safely reopen the workplace, some companies are rushing out new work force health-vetting and tracking tools.

Britain Didn’t Want Silicon Valley’s Help on a Tracing App. Now It Does.
From ACM News

Britain Didn’t Want Silicon Valley’s Help on a Tracing App. Now It Does.

Months after other countries, Britain will now use technology provided by Apple and Google to build a contact-tracing app.
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