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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Facebook Widens Ban on Political Ads as Alarm Rises Over Election
From ACM News

Facebook Widens Ban on Political Ads as Alarm Rises Over Election

Political ads will be banned indefinitely after polls close on Nov. 3 and the company plans new steps to limit misinformation about the results.

Apple and Google to Make It Easier to Opt In to Virus Tracing
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Apple and Google to Make It Easier to Opt In to Virus Tracing

The tech giants said states could soon send notices directly to smartphones asking people to opt in to the technology, which helps trace the coronavirus.

The Lesson We’re Learning From TikTok? It’s All About Our Data
From ACM News

The Lesson We’re Learning From TikTok? It’s All About Our Data

We should minimize how much we share with all of our favorite and not-so-favorite apps.

England’s Flawed Virus Contact Tracing Will Be Revamped
From ACM News

England’s Flawed Virus Contact Tracing Will Be Revamped

After months of complaints about its centralized, privatized system, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government says resources will be diverted to local public health...

Major Security Flaws Found in South Korea Quarantine App
From ACM TechNews

Major Security Flaws Found in South Korea Quarantine App

Software engineer Frederic Rechtenstein found a South Korean mobile application designed to enforce pandemic quarantines contained major security flaws that could...

Goodbye to the Wild Wild Web
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Goodbye to the Wild Wild Web

The Internet is changing, and the freewheeling, anything-goes culture of social media is being replaced by something more accountable.

Reddit, Acting Against Hate Speech, Bans 'The_Donald' Subreddit
From ACM News

Reddit, Acting Against Hate Speech, Bans 'The_Donald' Subreddit

The influential pro-Trump community broke the rules on harassment and targeting, said Reddit, which also banned other groups.

Britain Didn’t Want Silicon Valley’s Help on a Tracing App. Now It Does.
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Britain Didn’t Want Silicon Valley’s Help on a Tracing App. Now It Does.

Months after other countries, Britain will now use technology provided by Apple and Google to build a contact-tracing app.

Signal Downloads Are Way Up Since the Protests Began
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Signal Downloads Are Way Up Since the Protests Began

Organizers and demonstrators say they feel safer communicating with end-to-end encryption.

Don’t Kid Yourself: Online Lectures Are Here to Stay
From ACM News

Don’t Kid Yourself: Online Lectures Are Here to Stay

The economic forces are too powerful for virtual instruction to go away after the pandemic. The important question is who will benefit financially, a Cornell economist...

Publishers Sue Internet Archive Over Free E-Books
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Publishers Sue Internet Archive Over Free E-Books

Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Hachette,  and Wiley accused the nonprofit of piracy for making over 1 million books free online.

App Shows Promise in Tracking New Coronavirus Cases, Study Finds
From ACM News

App Shows Promise in Tracking New Coronavirus Cases, Study Finds

The app, which allows people to record their symptoms, was remarkably effective in predicting infections. The most reliable indicators, researchers found, were...

A Pandemic Benefit: The Expansion of Telemedicine
From ACM News

A Pandemic Benefit: The Expansion of Telemedicine

Medical practice over the Internet can result in faster diagnoses and treatments, increase the efficiency of care, and reduce patient stress.

A Private Equity Firm Is Blocked From Buying .Org
From ACM News

A Private Equity Firm Is Blocked From Buying .Org

The deal for the Internet domain for nonprofit organizations had set off fierce opposition.

Quibi, JetBlue and Others Gave Away Email Addresses, Report Says
From ACM News

Quibi, JetBlue and Others Gave Away Email Addresses, Report Says

Personal data from millions of customers ended up with Google, Facebook, and other trackers, making it easier for them to be tracked online and targeted with ads...

Facebook-Backed Libra Cryptocurrency Project Is Scaled Back
From ACM News

Facebook-Backed Libra Cryptocurrency Project Is Scaled Back

After months of criticism, the cryptocurrency is moving ahead with significant revisions.

How Are You Feeling? Surveys Aim to Detect COVID-19 Hot Spots Early
From ACM TechNews

How Are You Feeling? Surveys Aim to Detect COVID-19 Hot Spots Early

More than 2 million Britons and 150,000 Israelis have completed health surveys to trace COVID-19 outbreaks and send resources where they can do the most good.

As Coronavirus Surveillance Escalates, Personal Privacy Plummets
From ACM TechNews

As Coronavirus Surveillance Escalates, Personal Privacy Plummets

Many countries scrambling to contain the coronavirus pandemic are deploying digital surveillance to control their populations.

Mapping the Social Network of Coronavirus
From ACM TechNews

Mapping the Social Network of Coronavirus

Analysts in Northeastern University's Network Science Institute are predictively modeling the coronavirus pandemic by incorporating social networks.

Activate 'Bracelet of Silence' and Alexa Can't Eavesdrop
From ACM TechNews

Activate 'Bracelet of Silence' and Alexa Can't Eavesdrop

A prototype wearable device blocks microphones in the vicinity from eavesdropping on conversations.
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