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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Their Apps Track You. Will Congress Track Them?
From ACM News

Their Apps Track You. Will Congress Track Them?

There are three things that matter in consumer data collection: location, location, location.

Mobile Apps Drive Rapid Change in Searches
From ACM News

Mobile Apps Drive Rapid Change in Searches

When the Federal Trade Commission decided last week to close its antitrust investigation of Google without charges, one important factor, though hardly mentioned...

Digital Globes Offer a Dynamic Vision
From ACM News

Digital Globes Offer a Dynamic Vision

In the main hall of the hands-on science exhibits at the Cape Town Science Center in South Africa, a lifeless, tattered globe stands under naked fluorescent bulbs...

All the World's a Game, and Business Is a Player
From ACM News

All the World's a Game, and Business Is a Player

Congratulations. Reading the first paragraph of this article has earned you a badge.

Students Rush to Web Classes, but Profits May Be Much Later
From ACM TechNews

Students Rush to Web Classes, but Profits May Be Much Later

Several approaches to online education are emerging, and universities across the United States are increasing their online offerings. However, none of these programs...

Communications Satellites Made Legal For Export
From ACM Careers

Communications Satellites Made Legal For Export

To the delight of American satellite makers, communications satellites—which orbit Earth to relay phone calls, link ships to shore and broadcast television programs—will...

Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt
From ACM News

Outmaneuvered at Their Own Game, Antivirus Makers Struggle to Adapt

The antivirus industry has a dirty little secret: its products are often not very good at stopping viruses.

Real and Virtual Firearms Nurture a Marketing Link
From ACM News

Real and Virtual Firearms Nurture a Marketing Link

As Electronic Arts prepared to market Medal of Honor Warfighter, the latest version of its top-selling video game released in October, it created a Web site that...

Robotic Gadgets For Household Chores
From ACM News

Robotic Gadgets For Household Chores

Joseph Schlesinger, an engineer living near Boston, thinks robotic toys are too expensive, the result of extravagant designs, expensive components and a poor understanding...

Wallflowers of Silicon Valley Get Asked to Dance
From ACM Careers

Wallflowers of Silicon Valley Get Asked to Dance

After years of being wallflowers at Silicon Valley's hottest tech conferences and Sean Parker's after-parties, enterprise technology firms are now part of the "in"...

A Brooklyn Protester Pleads Guilty After His Twitter Posts Sink His Case
From ACM News

A Brooklyn Protester Pleads Guilty After His Twitter Posts Sink His Case

In the end, the tweets told the tale.

­.s. Rejects Telecommunications Treaty
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Rejects Telecommunications Treaty

The United States, Canada, and several European countries formally rejected a treaty proposed by Russia, China, and several developing countries that would have...

Learning to Accept, and Master, a $110,000 Mechanical Arm
From ACM News

Learning to Accept, and Master, a $110,000 Mechanical Arm

After the explosion, Cpl. Sebastian Gallegos awoke to see the October sun glinting through the water, an image so lovely he thought he was dreaming.

A Rising Tide of Noise Is Now Easy to See
From ACM News

A Rising Tide of Noise Is Now Easy to See

When a hurricane forced the Nautilus to dive in Jules Verne’s "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," Captain Nemo took the submarine down to a depth of 25 fathoms...

Planning His Legacy, Cisco Chief Maps an Expansion
From ACM Opinion

Planning His Legacy, Cisco Chief Maps an Expansion

John T. Chambers has readied his last great act as the leader of Cisco Systems, fearing major changes in the technology business that could doom his company.

Silencing the Voices of Militants on Twitter
From ACM News

Silencing the Voices of Militants on Twitter

Twitter, perhaps more than any other social media outlet, has become one of the most powerful tools to promote democracy in the Middle East.

Courts Divided Over Searches of Cellphones
From ACM News

Courts Divided Over Searches of Cellphones

Judges and lawmakers across the country are wrangling over whether and when law enforcement authorities can peer into suspects' cellphones, and the cornucopia of...

­ndisclosed Finding By Mars Rover Fuels Intrigue
From ACM News

­ndisclosed Finding By Mars Rover Fuels Intrigue

The Mars rover Curiosity has found something—something noteworthy, in a pinch of Martian sand. But what is it?

Integrity of Internet Is Crux of Global Conference
From ACM TechNews

Integrity of Internet Is Crux of Global Conference

At the recent World Conference on International Telecommunications, representatives from more than 190 governments, telecommunications companies, and Internet groups...

Scientists See Promise in Deep-Learning Programs
From ACM TechNews

Scientists See Promise in Deep-Learning Programs

Deep-learning technology, an artificial intelligence technique inspired by theories about how the brain recognizes patterns, has grown in speed and accuracy. Deep...
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