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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Bike Crash Wiped Details; Gps Data Filled Them In
From ACM News

Bike Crash Wiped Details; Gps Data Filled Them In

After racing and biking back roads on the San Francisco Peninsula for almost half a century without serious incident, on July 3 I crashed while riding downhill...

Hacker Rattles Security Circles
From ACM News

Hacker Rattles Security Circles

He claims to be 21 years old, a student of software engineering in Tehran who reveres Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and despises dissidents in his country.

In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores
From ACM Careers

In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores

Amy Furman, a seventh-grade English teacher here, roams among 31 students sitting at their desks or in clumps on the floor. They're studying Shakespeare's "As...

From ACM News

Why Wireless Markets Are Concentrated

In its suit to block AT&T’s $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile, the Justice Department leans heavily on the argument that consolidated market power is bad for consumers...

Animated or Real, Both Are Believable
From ACM News

Animated or Real, Both Are Believable

It is still possible to distinguish between a living, breathing character in a movie and an animated one—but it is getting harder.

From ACM News

Attention to Detail, Noted in 313 Patents

When people in the technology industry speak of Steven P. Jobs’s knack for design, they often have Apple’s iconic products in mind: the early all-in-one Macintosh...

From ACM News


Hundreds of framed patents hang on two separate walls at the headquarters of Motorola Mobility in Libertyville, IL. They testify to the pride in innovation at...

From ACM News

A Bull Market in Tech Patents

Google was willing on Monday to pay $12.5 billion for Motorola Mobility in no small part because of its stockpile of 17,000 patents. The patent portfolio, some...

Virtual and Artificial, but 58,000 Want Course
From ACM News

Virtual and Artificial, but 58,000 Want Course

A free online course at Stanford University on artificial intelligence, to be taught this fall by two leading experts from Silicon Valley, has attracted more...

Sending the Police Before There's a Crime
From ACM News

Sending the Police Before There's a Crime

The arrests were routine. Two women were taken into custody after they were discovered peering into cars in a downtown parking garage in Santa Cruz, Calif. One...

Industry Tries to Streamline Privacy Policies For Mobile ­sers
From ACM TechNews

Industry Tries to Streamline Privacy Policies For Mobile ­sers

As concerns grow over data collection, including proposed legislation to more closely protect consumers, mobile applications developers are building basic privacy...

On Its Own, Europe Backs Web Privacy Fights
From ACM TechNews

On Its Own, Europe Backs Web Privacy Fights

European regulators are increasingly embracing the concept of giving people the right to be forgotten on the Web by providing them with greater control over their...

London Police Use Flickr to Identify Looters
From ACM News

London Police Use Flickr to Identify Looters

As rioting continues to roil the streets of London, local police forces are turning to the Web to help unmask those involved in the torching and looting.  On...

Mobilizing Help for People Accused of Hacking
From ACM News

Mobilizing Help for People Accused of Hacking

When Senator Joseph R. McCarthy held hearings in the 1950s to question witnesses about their supposed ties to communism, critics accused him of fomenting a Red...

From ACM News

At a Hacker Conference, Plenty of Friendly Feds

 Why are the Feds hobnobbing with hackers? Defcon, a convention of computer hackers here, was crawling with federal agents on Friday. They smiled, shook hands,...

Costly Drone Is Poised to Replace ­-2 Spy Plane
From ACM News

Costly Drone Is Poised to Replace ­-2 Spy Plane

Tucked away here in the Mojave Desert, the assembly plant for the high-flying Global Hawk jet resembles a giant hobby shop. Work tables surround a handful of...

From ACM News

Pentagon Seeks a Few Good Social Networkers

The Pentagon is developing plans to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter as both a resource and a weapon in future conflicts. Its research and...

Can Microsoft Make You 'bing'?
From ACM News

Can Microsoft Make You 'bing'?

Mike Nichols has a poster on his office wall. It shows the young Muhammad Ali glaring down at a fallen Sonny Liston, the bruising heavyweight who had seemed invincible...

From ACM TechNews

Progress Hits Snag: Tiny Chips ­se Outsize Power

A research team recently presented a paper at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture that highlights the problem of developing smaller, more densely...

From ACM News

The Auteur vs. the Committee

At Apple, one is the magic number.
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