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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Making New Drugs With a Dose of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Making New Drugs With a Dose of Artificial Intelligence

You can think of it as a World Cup of biochemical research.

The Rise of the Robot Reporter
From ACM News

The Rise of the Robot Reporter

As reporters and editors find themselves the victims of layoffs at digital publishers and traditional newspaper chains alike, journalism generated by machine is...

'This Could Be the End' for NASA's Mars Opportunity Rover
From ACM News

'This Could Be the End' for NASA's Mars Opportunity Rover

NASA's Opportunity rover began its 15th year on Mars this week, although the intrepid robotic explorer may already be dead.

How Do You Govern Machines That Can Learn? Policymakers Are Trying to Figure That Out
From ACM TechNews

How Do You Govern Machines That Can Learn? Policymakers Are Trying to Figure That Out

Expert discussions on artificial intelligence took place last week in support potentially arrive at consensual recommendations for AI policy by the summer.

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm

Small farms are starting to upgrade to high-tech operations.

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm
From ACM News

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm

About 150 Jersey cows in the rolling terrain at Rivendale Farms in Bulger, some 25 miles west of Pittsburgh, wear Fitbit-like collars that monitor their movement...

Another Day, Another Exoplanet: NASA's TESS Keeps Counting More
From ACM News

Another Day, Another Exoplanet: NASA's TESS Keeps Counting More

NASA's new planet-hunting machine, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, is racking up scores of alien worlds.

NASA’s New Horizons Mission Releases Snowman-like Picture of ­ltima Thule
From ACM News

NASA’s New Horizons Mission Releases Snowman-like Picture of ­ltima Thule

Ultima Thule, an icy world 4 billion miles from the sun, looks like a big snowman.

One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine
From ACM News

One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine

In early December, researchers at DeepMind, the artificial-intelligence company owned by Google's parent corporation, Alphabet Inc., filed a dispatch from the frontiers...

All the Light There Is to See? 4 x 10⁸⁴ Photons
From ACM News

All the Light There Is to See? 4 x 10⁸⁴ Photons

In one of those exercises that you think should be impossible or perhaps a punishment for some infraction, a team of astronomers has now measured the total amount...

The Race Is On to Protect Data From the Next Leap in Computers. And China Has the Lead.
From ACM News

The Race Is On to Protect Data From the Next Leap in Computers. And China Has the Lead.

The world's leading technology companies, from Google to Alibaba in China, are racing to build the first quantum computer, a machine that would be far more powerful...

NASA’s Mars InSight Mission Lands on Red Planet's Surface
From ACM News

NASA’s Mars InSight Mission Lands on Red Planet's Surface

The InSight lander, NASA's latest foray to the red planet, has landed.

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions
From ACM Careers

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions

Some of the most critical work in advancing China's technology goals takes place in a former cement factory in the middle of the country's heartland, far from the...

Where Will Science Take ­s? To the Stars
From ACM News

Where Will Science Take ­s? To the Stars

After 30 hours of bumping along on planes and buses, at long last I stood in the darkness and gazed upon an immense night sky.

The Next Big One? Earthquake Scientists Look to AI
From ACM TechNews

The Next Big One? Earthquake Scientists Look to AI

Scientists are using artificial intelligence to improve data analysis to better understand earthquakes, predict their behavior, and warn of seismic events faster...

What Comes After the Roomba?
From ACM News

What Comes After the Roomba?

It has been 16 years since the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner was introduced by iRobot.

­.S. Begins First Cyberoperation Against Russia Aimed at Protecting Elections
From ACM News

­.S. Begins First Cyberoperation Against Russia Aimed at Protecting Elections

The United States Cyber Command is targeting individual Russian operatives to try to deter them from spreading disinformation to interfere in elections, telling...

A Goblin World That Points Toward Hidden Planet Nine in the Solar System
From ACM News

A Goblin World That Points Toward Hidden Planet Nine in the Solar System

Among some astronomers, there is a growing suspicion that our solar system's distant reaches conceal a large, ninth planet that we have not yet seen. New findings...

Hidden Kingdoms of the Ancient Maya Revealed in a 3-D Laser Map
From ACM News

Hidden Kingdoms of the Ancient Maya Revealed in a 3-D Laser Map

Hidden pyramids and massive fortresses in the jungle. Farms and canals scattered across swamplands.

Is a New Russian Meddling Tactic Hiding in Plain Sight?
From ACM Careers

Is a New Russian Meddling Tactic Hiding in Plain Sight?

To an untrained eye, USAReally might look like any other fledgling news organization vying for attention in a crowded media landscape.
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