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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectData / Storage And Retrieval
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Third Gravitational Wave Detection, From Black-Hole Merger 3 Billion Light Years Away
From ACM News

Third Gravitational Wave Detection, From Black-Hole Merger 3 Billion Light Years Away

The void is rocking and rolling with invisible cataclysms.

Is China Outsmarting America in A.i.?
From ACM Careers

Is China Outsmarting America in A.i.?

Sören Schwertfeger finished his postdoctorate research on autonomous robots in Germany, and seemed set to go to Europe or the United States, where artificial intelligence...

What Self-Driving Cars See
From ACM News

What Self-Driving Cars See

Giant tech companies are fighting over the technology in court. Start-ups around the world are racing to develop new versions of it. And engineers say it is essential...

China, Addicted to Bootleg Software, Reels From Ransomware Attack
From ACM News

China, Addicted to Bootleg Software, Reels From Ransomware Attack

China is home to the world's largest group of internet users, a thriving online technology scene and rampant software piracy that encapsulates its determination...

A Robot Revolution, This Time in China
From ACM News

A Robot Revolution, This Time in China

Even a decade ago, car manufacturing in China was still a fairly low-tech, labor-intensive endeavor.

The Harmony That Keeps Trappist-1's 7 Earth-Size Worlds From Colliding
From ACM News

The Harmony That Keeps Trappist-1's 7 Earth-Size Worlds From Colliding

In February, astronomers announced the discovery of a nearby star with seven Earth-size planets, and at least some of the planets seemed to be in a zone that could...

How to Prepare For an Automated Future
From ACM Careers

How to Prepare For an Automated Future

We don't know how quickly machines will displace people's jobs, or how many they'll take, but we know it's happening—not just to factory workers but also to ...

Sent to Prison By a Software Program's Secret Algorithms
From ACM News

Sent to Prison By a Software Program's Secret Algorithms

When Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. visited Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute last month, he was asked a startling question, one with overtones of science fiction...

Meet the People Who Train the Robots (to Do Their Own Jobs)
From ACM Careers

Meet the People Who Train the Robots (to Do Their Own Jobs)

What if part of your job became teaching a computer everything you know about doing someone's job—perhaps your own?

Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?
From ACM News

Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?

In early January, I went to see Mark Zuckerberg at MPK20, a concrete-and-steel building on the campus of Facebook's headquarters, which sits across a desolate highway...

50 Years Ago, a Computer Pioneer Got a New York Subway Race Rolling
From ACM Careers

50 Years Ago, a Computer Pioneer Got a New York Subway Race Rolling

Fifty years ago, Peter Samson, one of the inventors of Spacewar, considered the world's first video game, began another craze underground.

How Youtube's Shifting Algorithms Hurt Independent Media
From ACM Careers

How Youtube's Shifting Algorithms Hurt Independent Media

At the age of 21, David Pakman started a little Massachusetts community radio talk program.

That Fingerprint Sensor on Your Phone Is Not as Safe as You Think
From ACM News

That Fingerprint Sensor on Your Phone Is Not as Safe as You Think

Fingerprint sensors have turned modern smartphones into miracles of convenience.

A Lizard With Scales That Behave Like a Computer Simulation
From ACM News

A Lizard With Scales That Behave Like a Computer Simulation

The ocellated lizard—known as the jeweled lacerta in the pet trade—is born rusty brown with white polka dots.

Canada Tries to Turn Its A.i. Ideas Into Dollars
From ACM Careers

Canada Tries to Turn Its A.i. Ideas Into Dollars

Long before Google started working on cars that drive themselves and Amazon was creating home appliances that talk, a handful of researchers in Canada—backed by...

Learning to Think Like a Computer
From ACM News

Learning to Think Like a Computer

In "The Beauty and Joy of Computing," the course he helped conceive for nonmajors at the University of California, Berkeley, Daniel Garcia explains an all-important...

Trump Completes Repeal of Online Privacy Protections From Obama Era
From ACM News

Trump Completes Repeal of Online Privacy Protections From Obama Era

President Trump on Monday signed a congressional resolution to complete the overturning of internet privacy protections created by the Federal Communications Commission...

Evidence That Robots Are Winning the Race For American Jobs
From ACM News

Evidence That Robots Are Winning the Race For American Jobs

Who is winning the race for jobs between robots and humans?

It's Possible to Hack a Phone With Sound Waves, Researchers Show
From ACM News

It's Possible to Hack a Phone With Sound Waves, Researchers Show

A security loophole that would allow someone to add extra steps to the counter on your Fitbit monitor might seem harmless. But researchers say it points to the...

Cosmos Controversy: The ­niverse Is Expanding, but How Fast?
From ACM News

Cosmos Controversy: The ­niverse Is Expanding, but How Fast?

There is a crisis brewing in the cosmos, or perhaps in the community of cosmologists. The universe seems to be expanding too fast, some astronomers say.
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