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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorThe Next Web

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

These are The 5 Most In-Demand Cloud Computing Jobs in 2022
From ACM News

These are The 5 Most In-Demand Cloud Computing Jobs in 2022

Unlike sectors such as hospitality, the cloud computing industry continued to grow in 2020 and onwards. But it's not stopping there.

Scientists Use Supercomputers, AI to Determine How Good (or Deadly) Your Street Drugs Are
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Use Supercomputers, AI to Determine How Good (or Deadly) Your Street Drugs Are

An artificial intelligence system developed by scientists at Canada's University of Victoria can ascertain the predicted chemical composition of drugs.

Flawed Algorithm Used to Determine U.K. Welfare Payments Is 'Pushing People Into Poverty'
From ACM TechNews

Flawed Algorithm Used to Determine U.K. Welfare Payments Is 'Pushing People Into Poverty'

Human Rights Watch warns a flawed algorithm for calculating monthly social security benefits in Britain is causing hunger, debt, and psychological distress.

Military Documents Reveal How the ­S Army Plans to Deploy AI in Future Wars
From ACM News

Military Documents Reveal How the ­S Army Plans to Deploy AI in Future Wars

Tomorrow's wars will be fought with a lethal combination of soldiers, drones, and AI-powered systems. The Internet of Battle Things, as it's being called, is a vast...
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