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authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'space Lawyers' Help Startups Navigate the Final Legal Frontier
From ACM Careers

'space Lawyers' Help Startups Navigate the Final Legal Frontier

When Sagi Kfir meets people and tells them he is a "space attorney," they usually think he has a strange way of saying he is in real estate.

Will Smart Machines Make ­S Stupid? AI Experts Weigh In
From ACM News

Will Smart Machines Make ­S Stupid? AI Experts Weigh In

Society stands at a crossroads of artificial intelligence: We can design computers that sharpen our wits or we can let our machines turn us into ignoramuses.

Germany Moves Away From ­.s.-Dominated Iot Standards Groups
From ACM News

Germany Moves Away From ­.s.-Dominated Iot Standards Groups

Germany's main telco, tech and manufacturing companies have formed an alliance to make sure that when devices do start speaking to each other over the Internet...

Cybercriminals Are Misappropriating Businesses' Web Addresses
From ACM News

Cybercriminals Are Misappropriating Businesses' Web Addresses

Cybercriminals targeting businesses are stealing more than customer passwords and credit-card numbers these days.

Chip Makers Push New Senses For Smartphones–mobile World
From ACM News

Chip Makers Push New Senses For Smartphones–mobile World

Smartphones are about to get smarter, chip makers say, exploiting technologies that recognize people, objects and sounds to boost security and take helpful actions...

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots
From ACM Opinion

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots

Robots are becoming more of a reality in everyday life, and movies have started to overhaul their depiction of them. They're gentler, friendlier, and often better...

What Clever Robots Mean For Jobs
From ACM TechNews

What Clever Robots Mean For Jobs

For a long time economists maintained that new technology would not result in a net loss of jobs, but some economists now think the situation is more nuanced than...

White House Names Nation's First Chief Data Scientist
From ACM Careers

White House Names Nation's First Chief Data Scientist

Taking a page from Silicon Valley's playbook, the White House said on Wednesday it had appointed the nation's first chief data scientist.

Raspberry Pi 2 Review: A $35 Computer Can Do a Heck of a Lot
From ACM Opinion

Raspberry Pi 2 Review: A $35 Computer Can Do a Heck of a Lot

Our computers have become too easy to use.

In Image-Guided Operating Suites, Surgeons See Real-Time Mri, Ct Scans
From ACM News

In Image-Guided Operating Suites, Surgeons See Real-Time Mri, Ct Scans

Surgeons sometimes fly blind when operating on hard-to-reach anatomical parts or hard-to-see conditions.

In Japan, Dog Owners Feel Abandoned as Sony Stops Supporting 'aibo'
From ACM News

In Japan, Dog Owners Feel Abandoned as Sony Stops Supporting 'aibo'

Yahui and Tatsuo Matsui met because of their dogs, Ai and Doggy.

J. Craig Venter on Dna and Life's Mysteries
From ACM Opinion

J. Craig Venter on Dna and Life's Mysteries

J. Craig Venter is in the life business.

The Technology that ­nmasks Your Hidden Emotion
From ACM News

The Technology that ­nmasks Your Hidden Emotion

Paul Ekman, perhaps the world's most famous face reader, fears he has created a monster.

Time to Change Global Clock Management? It's ­nder Debate
From ACM News

Time to Change Global Clock Management? It's ­nder Debate

Does anybody really know what time it is?

IBM Wins Most Patents—again—but Google and Apple Climb in Rankings
From ACM Careers

IBM Wins Most Patents—again—but Google and Apple Climb in Rankings

There was little change among the largest recipients of U.S. patents in 2014. But two big Silicon Valley names—Google and Apple—continued climbing the charts.

'Internet of Things' Poses Risks, FTC Chairwoman Warns
From ACM News

'Internet of Things' Poses Risks, FTC Chairwoman Warns

By 2015, the world will have 25 billion smart thermostats, fitness bands, and other Internet-connected, data-spewing devices, according to the Federal Trade Commission...

Google Seeks Partners For Self-Driving Car
From ACM TechNews

Google Seeks Partners For Self-Driving Car

Google is seeking auto industry partners in its efforts to produce a fully autonomous car.

Sony Made It Easy, but Any of ­S Could Get Hacked
From ACM Opinion

Sony Made It Easy, but Any of ­S Could Get Hacked

Earlier this month, a mysterious group that calls itself Guardians of Peace hacked into Sony Pictures Entertainment’s computer systems and began revealing many...

Trends to Watch in 2015: From Algorithmic Accountability to the ­ber of X
From ACM News

Trends to Watch in 2015: From Algorithmic Accountability to the ­ber of X

Year-end technology prediction lists can be dull fodder devoted to pie-in-the-sky concepts, outlandish marketing claims or rehashes of familiar trends.

Survey: ­.s. Adults Feel They Are Losing Control of Their Data
From ACM News

Survey: ­.s. Adults Feel They Are Losing Control of Their Data

Adults living in the U.S. overwhelmingly believe that the government and private companies are violating their privacy, a new survey found.
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