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authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­tah Republicans Open Caucuses to Online Voters
From ACM TechNews

­tah Republicans Open Caucuses to Online Voters

Utah residents this week will be able to cast ballots in the Republican presidential contest using computers, tablets, and smartphones, representing the largest...

Chip Hacking Might Help Fbi ­nlock Iphones
From ACM News

Chip Hacking Might Help Fbi ­nlock Iphones

Even if the Justice Department loses its legal showdown with Apple Inc. over access to a killer's iPhone, the government might still be able to extract the data...

Tiny Cameras to See in the Intestines
From ACM News

Tiny Cameras to See in the Intestines

The digestive tract can be inhospitable terrain to examine.

Apple Case Highlights Struggles Cios Face in Balancing Privacy, Law Enforcement Requests
From ACM Careers

Apple Case Highlights Struggles Cios Face in Balancing Privacy, Law Enforcement Requests

As technology advances, there's a delicate balance between individual privacy and law enforcement’s requests for information.

Cynthia Breazeal's Robotic Quest
From ACM TechNews

Cynthia Breazeal's Robotic Quest

Cynthia Breazeal has committed herself to the development of socially intelligent robots. 

Japan Road Tests Self-Driving Cars to Keep Aging Motorists Mobile
From ACM TechNews

Japan Road Tests Self-Driving Cars to Keep Aging Motorists Mobile

Japan's automakers aim to meet the challenge of aging drivers with few transportation options by testing self-driving vehicles on roads. 

Silicon Valley Faces Showdown as Lawmakers Fume Over Encryption
From ACM News

Silicon Valley Faces Showdown as Lawmakers Fume Over Encryption

A number of lawmakers on Thursday expressed a growing frustration with technology companies and signaled Congress would consider either curbing encrypted communications...

Does Encryption Really Help Isis? Here's What You Need to Know
From ACM News

Does Encryption Really Help Isis? Here's What You Need to Know

There's the war on terrorism, and then there's the war on how to fight the war on terrorism.

Artificial Intelligence Ethics a New Focus at Cambridge ­niversity
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Ethics a New Focus at Cambridge ­niversity

A new center to study the implications of artificial intelligence and try to influence its ethical development has been established at the U.K.'s Cambridge University...

Statisticians' Plea: Please Pick Up the Phone
From ACM News

Statisticians' Plea: Please Pick Up the Phone

In the era of big data, when demand for statistics is higher than ever, a shadow of danger looms over the numbers revolution: People are increasingly refusing to...

Google Says It Reviewed 1.2 Million Web Pages For 'right to Be Forgotten'
From ACM News

Google Says It Reviewed 1.2 Million Web Pages For 'right to Be Forgotten'

Alphabet Inc.'s Google on Wednesday said it has evaluated more than 1.2 million Web pages for compliance with Europe's "Right to Be Forgotten" ruling, and removed...

Paris Attacks Fan Encryption Debate
From ACM News

Paris Attacks Fan Encryption Debate

White House and congressional staffers have asked Silicon Valley executives for new talks in Washington, D.C., to resolve a standoff over encrypted communication...

New Report Puts Numbers on Data Scientist Trend
From ACM Careers

New Report Puts Numbers on Data Scientist Trend

Data scientist–a job that barely existed a decade ago–has become one of the hottest and best-paid professions in the U.S.

U.s. Tech Firms Look To Data Centers on European Soil
From ACM News

U.s. Tech Firms Look To Data Centers on European Soil

Silicon Valley companies say they’ve been preparing for yesterday's European Court of Justice decision invalidating the U.S.-Europe Safe Harbor agreement on data...

Before a Robot Takes Your Job, You'll Be Working Side By Side
From ACM News

Before a Robot Takes Your Job, You'll Be Working Side By Side

That's the takeaway from a new report by Forrester Research, Inc.

Silicon Valley Icon Wants to Hack His Way to the Presidency
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Icon Wants to Hack His Way to the Presidency

Silicon Valley icon Lawrence Lessig knows his moonshot bid for the White House hinges on the innovation and support of the tech industry.

Google Reveals How It Scales Its Network
From ACM News

Google Reveals How It Scales Its Network

Google Inc., Tuesday, outlined its decade-long journey with software-defined networking in a new paper that it presented at the ACM SIGCOMM 2015 conference in London...

Scientists in Greece Design Cryptographic E-Voting Platform
From ACM TechNews

Scientists in Greece Design Cryptographic E-Voting Platform

Researchers in Greece say they have designed the world's first encrypted electronic voting system in which voters can confirm their votes go to the intended candidate...

China Pushes to Rewrite Rules of Global Internet
From ACM TechNews

China Pushes to Rewrite Rules of Global Internet

China's government aims to redraft the rules of the global Internet so it can regulate the Internet on its own terms. 

Moxie Marlinspike: The Coder Who Encrypted Your Texts
From ACM News

Moxie Marlinspike: The Coder Who Encrypted Your Texts

Dreadlocked programmer has spooked the FBI by creating a tool that police cannot crack.
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