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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Robots That Manage the Managers
From ACM TechNews

The Robots That Manage the Managers

New artificial intelligence-driven coaching apps and platforms aim to provide basic training in traditional supervisory skills such as delivering feedback and delegating...

MTA's Initial Foray Into Facial Recognition at High Speed Is a Bust
From ACM TechNews

MTA's Initial Foray Into Facial Recognition at High Speed Is a Bust

New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority program to identify high-speed drivers at the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge via facial-recognition technology is a failure...

Walmart Rolling Out the Robots
From ACM TechNews

Walmart Rolling Out the Robots

Walmart is expanding its deployments of robots in its stores to help track inventory, clean floors, and unload trucks.

Drone Racing Fans Have Some Questions: Where's the Drone? Who's Winning?
From ACM TechNews

Drone Racing Fans Have Some Questions: Where's the Drone? Who's Winning?

With drone racing becoming more popular, spectators and commentators need better ways of seeing which drones are ahead and which are falling behind.

Why the Card Game Hanabi Is Next Big Hurdle for AI
From ACM TechNews

Why the Card Game Hanabi Is Next Big Hurdle for AI

Researchers hope to train artificial intelligence to master Hanabi, a card game in which everyone wins or loses depending on how well they communicate.

Your Drone-Delivered Coffee Is (Almost) Here
From ACM TechNews

Your Drone-Delivered Coffee Is (Almost) Here

Iceland-based Aha uses aerial drones to deliver food and small consumer goods.

Food Lion, Other Grocers Will ­se AI for Food Suppliers
From ACM TechNews

Food Lion, Other Grocers Will ­se AI for Food Suppliers

Food Lion and five sister U.S. grocery chains will use artificial intelligence to revamp their food-ordering process.

The Risks of Marrying 'Smart' Technology With 'Dumb' Machines
From ACM TechNews

The Risks of Marrying 'Smart' Technology With 'Dumb' Machines

Before the Internet of Things becomes a pervasive reality, technology experts and public safety professionals are airing their concerns about cyber-physical security...

Display Technologies Set to Transform Workspaces
From ACM TechNews

Display Technologies Set to Transform Workspaces

Within the next decade, new workspaces will emerge with multiple displays and larger, panoramic screens.

Tonight's Dinner? In a Cooler-Sized Robot That Knows Where You Live
From ACM TechNews

Tonight's Dinner? In a Cooler-Sized Robot That Knows Where You Live

Venture-backed startups have been dispatching cooler-sized robots in cities around the U.S. to deliver food and groceries to customers' doorsteps.

AI Efforts at Large Companies May Be Hindered by Poor Quality Data
From ACM TechNews

AI Efforts at Large Companies May Be Hindered by Poor Quality Data

Poor-quality customer and business data may be keeping companies from leveraging digital tools to reduce costs, increase revenue, and stay competitive.

Buyer Beware: Hollywood Special Effects Now Permeate Property Listings
From ACM TechNews

Buyer Beware: Hollywood Special Effects Now Permeate Property Listings

Computer-generated imagery traditionally reserved for Hollywood has now become so cheap and easy to use that home sellers are digitally revising their online listings...

SpaceX Crew Capsule, With Dummy Astronaut, Docks With Space Station
From ACM TechNews

SpaceX Crew Capsule, With Dummy Astronaut, Docks With Space Station

A SpaceX capsule autonomously docked with the International Space Station.

Mercedes Enlists Quantum Computing to Build a Better Electric Vehicle Battery
From ACM TechNews

Mercedes Enlists Quantum Computing to Build a Better Electric Vehicle Battery

Mercedes-Benz is exploring how quantum computers could be used to discover new materials for advanced batteries in electric cars.

Pentagon Drafts AI to Fight Wildfires
From ACM TechNews

Pentagon Drafts AI to Fight Wildfires

The Pentagon has launched a program to use artificial intelligence to analyze data collected by drones to improve how wildfires are fought.

Inside Google's Team Fighting to Keep Your Data Safe From Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Inside Google's Team Fighting to Keep Your Data Safe From Hackers

Google's Threat Analysis Group is an in-house counterespionage unit committed to keeping sensitive online information safe from hackers and spies.

Driverless Cars Tap the Brakes After Years of Hype
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Tap the Brakes After Years of Hype

After years of hype, autonomous vehicle developers are taking a more cautious approach in the wake of a number of crashes.

FAA Proposes More Commercial Drone Operations at Night and Over People
From ACM TechNews

FAA Proposes More Commercial Drone Operations at Night and Over People

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has released preliminary rules to allow small drones to fly routinely over crowds of people at night.

Robot Hotel Loses Love for Robots
From ACM TechNews

Robot Hotel Loses Love for Robots

A hotel in Japan hyped as the world's first robot-staffed hotel has eliminated more than half of its robots due to mounting complaints.

In Fast-Aging Japan, Elder Care Is a High-Tech Pursuit
From ACM TechNews

In Fast-Aging Japan, Elder Care Is a High-Tech Pursuit

Startups are putting new innovations to work in Japan's elder-care market.
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