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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How to Stop Robocalls … or at Least Fight Back
From ACM Opinion

How to Stop Robocalls … or at Least Fight Back

"This is a final notice from the IRS."

Here's Your Chance to Decode President Lincoln's Secret Messages
From ACM Opinion

Here's Your Chance to Decode President Lincoln's Secret Messages

On April 12, 1865—three days after Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox and two days before President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated—the president sent...

Too Cute For Their Own Good, Robots Get Self-Defense Instincts
From ACM TechNews

Too Cute For Their Own Good, Robots Get Self-Defense Instincts

Robot designers are developing robots that appear non-threatening, but can take action when humans attracted to their cuteness interfere with performance of their...

How New Technology Is Illuminating a Classic Ethical Dilemma
From ACM Opinion

How New Technology Is Illuminating a Classic Ethical Dilemma

On a pleaant Friday afternoon in April, the grassy quadrangle at the center of the Carnegie Mellon University campus is buzzing with activity.

Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot
From ACM TechNews

Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot

Researchers at schools such as the Georgia Institute of Technology are testing artificial intelligence to relieve the burden of teaching assistants. 

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'
From ACM TechNews

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'

The next frontier for game-playing artificial intelligence could be the popular real-time strategy game "StarCraft."

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'
From ACM News

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'

Humanity has fallen to artificial intelligence in checkers, chess, and, last month, Go, the complex ancient Chinese board game.

Tech Companies Help Women Get Back to Work
From ACM TechNews

Tech Companies Help Women Get Back to Work

Technology companies are leveraging internships and other programs to help women return to work and update the skills they need to be competitive. 

Cern Is Seeking Secrets of the ­niverse, or Maybe Opening the Portals of Hell
From ACM News

Cern Is Seeking Secrets of the ­niverse, or Maybe Opening the Portals of Hell

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, is gearing up for another run at smashing particles together to unlock the secrets of the universe.

Bitcoin Technology's Next Big Test: Trillion-Dollar Repo Market
From ACM News

Bitcoin Technology's Next Big Test: Trillion-Dollar Repo Market

Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., a firm at the center of Wall Street’s trading infrastructure, is about to give the technology behind bitcoin a big test: seeing...

Massive Robots Keep Docks Shipshape
From ACM News

Massive Robots Keep Docks Shipshape

At one of the busiest shipping terminals in the U.S., more than two dozen giant red robots wheeled cargo containers along the docks on a recent morning, handing...

Crowd Control? Baidu Has an Algorithm For That
From ACM TechNews

Crowd Control? Baidu Has an Algorithm For That

Baidu's Big Data Lab has devised an algorithm that can predict crowd formation. 

App to Tackle Impact of Injuries on Nfl Players
From ACM TechNews

App to Tackle Impact of Injuries on Nfl Players

Researchers last week rolled out a new smartphone app to enable former NFL players and the general public to collectively participate in a clinical study to evaluate...

­tah Republicans Open Caucuses to Online Voters
From ACM TechNews

­tah Republicans Open Caucuses to Online Voters

Utah residents this week will be able to cast ballots in the Republican presidential contest using computers, tablets, and smartphones, representing the largest...

Chip Hacking Might Help Fbi ­nlock Iphones
From ACM News

Chip Hacking Might Help Fbi ­nlock Iphones

Even if the Justice Department loses its legal showdown with Apple Inc. over access to a killer's iPhone, the government might still be able to extract the data...

Tiny Cameras to See in the Intestines
From ACM News

Tiny Cameras to See in the Intestines

The digestive tract can be inhospitable terrain to examine.

Apple Case Highlights Struggles Cios Face in Balancing Privacy, Law Enforcement Requests
From ACM Careers

Apple Case Highlights Struggles Cios Face in Balancing Privacy, Law Enforcement Requests

As technology advances, there's a delicate balance between individual privacy and law enforcement’s requests for information.

How the ­.s. Fights Encryption--and Also Helps Develop It
From ACM TechNews

How the ­.s. Fights Encryption--and Also Helps Develop It

Some U.S. government agencies are financing the development of encryption technologies to protect communications even as others seek to circumvent them. 

Cynthia Breazeal's Robotic Quest
From ACM TechNews

Cynthia Breazeal's Robotic Quest

Cynthia Breazeal has committed herself to the development of socially intelligent robots. 

Companies Find Tech Talent in Robust Freelance Market
From ACM TechNews

Companies Find Tech Talent in Robust Freelance Market

Companies are turning to private marketplaces of software developers to assemble teams for specific projects, rather than hiring permanent personnel. 
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