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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Apple Blinks in Apps Fight

In an uncharacteristic about-face, Apple Inc. loosened its control over software development for its iPhones and iPads as the company feels heat from a U.S. antitrust...

From ACM News

Lenovo to Develop Game Console

Lenovo Group Ltd. is investing in the development of a new videogame console, part of a broader push by the Chinese personal-computer company to branch out into...

Children's Book Apps Get Curiouser and Curiouser
From ACM News

Children's Book Apps Get Curiouser and Curiouser

I prefer the old-fashioned experience of reading in the printed form, though I'm intrigued by the idea that the iPad, and eventually other tablet devices will give...

From ACM News

Squeezing Web Sites Onto Cellphones

When a group of engineers at National Instruments Corp. modified a 1988 Oldsmobile so it could be controlled by an iPhone, the company was quick to share the project...

The Next Age of Discovery
From ACM TechNews

The Next Age of Discovery

Teams of computer scientists, conservationists, and scholars are rushing to digitally save and preserve the world's literary treasures. Advanced technology is...

From ACM TechNews

In Major Shift, Apple Builds Its Own Chip Design Team

In a major strategy shift, Apple reportedly has begun boosting its capability to design its own computer chips in an effort to create exclusive features for its...
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