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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Applications
authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Big Brother at the Mall
From ACM TechNews

Big Brother at the Mall

The U.S. Congress is investigating the use of advanced technology to track consumers around brick-and-mortar retailers.

MTA's Initial Foray Into Facial Recognition at High Speed Is a Bust
From ACM TechNews

MTA's Initial Foray Into Facial Recognition at High Speed Is a Bust

New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority program to identify high-speed drivers at the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge via facial-recognition technology is a failure...

How Gaming Technology May Help Taxi Drivers in Japan
From ACM TechNews

How Gaming Technology May Help Taxi Drivers in Japan

Tokyo, Japan-based DeNA has developed a program to direct cruising taxi drivers to streets where they are most likely to find customers.

Know-It-All Bot Shuts Down Dubious Family Texts
From ACM TechNews

Know-It-All Bot Shuts Down Dubious Family Texts

Taiwanese researchers have developed an artificial intelligence bot that interjects in real time to identify factual errors and alternative interpretations in news...

The ­-2 Spy Plane Is Still Flying Combat Missions 60 Years After Its Debut
From ACM News

The ­-2 Spy Plane Is Still Flying Combat Missions 60 Years After Its Debut

Six decades after the U-2 flew its first mission, the military is trying to harness artificial-intelligence technology to enhance the venerable spy plane's combat...

The 15 People Who Keep Wikipedia's Editors From Killing Each Other
From ACM News

The 15 People Who Keep Wikipedia's Editors From Killing Each Other

Wikipedia editors got locked in a dispute several months ago about the biographical summary boxes that sit atop some pages of the online encyclopedia. The tiff...

Who Has More of Your Personal Data Than Facebook? Try Google
From ACM Opinion

Who Has More of Your Personal Data Than Facebook? Try Google

Recent controversy over Facebook Inc.'s hunger for personal data has surfaced the notion that the online advertising industry could be hazardous to our privacy...

Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted ­sers
From ACM News

Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted ­sers

Facebook Inc.'s handling of user data has upset lawmakers and regulators in multiple countries. But the biggest risk to its business could come from angry users...

Chinese Scientists Engineer Flexible, Faster-Swimming Robot
From ACM TechNews

Chinese Scientists Engineer Flexible, Faster-Swimming Robot

Chinese researchers have developed a flexible, remote-controlled robotic ray that can swim through water nearly twice as fast as previous robo-swimmers without...

Can Tech Speed ­p Emergency Room Care?
From ACM News

Can Tech Speed ­p Emergency Room Care?

The next frontier in digital health may be one of the most unlikely: the emergency room.

Can an Algorithm Detect a Speaker's Mood?
From ACM TechNews

Can an Algorithm Detect a Speaker's Mood?

Researchers have developed an algorithm to determine a speaker's mood in real time by registering not only their speech, but also their vital signs.

Hackers Infect Army of Cameras, Dvrs For Massive Internet Attacks
From ACM News

Hackers Infect Army of Cameras, Dvrs For Massive Internet Attacks

Attackers used an army of hijacked security cameras and video recorders to launch several massive internet attacks last week, prompting fresh concern about the...

In Pursuit of Planes That Think For Themselves
From ACM Opinion

In Pursuit of Planes That Think For Themselves

Just how smart can an airplane be?

How to Stop Robocalls … or at Least Fight Back
From ACM Opinion

How to Stop Robocalls … or at Least Fight Back

"This is a final notice from the IRS."

How New Technology Is Illuminating a Classic Ethical Dilemma
From ACM Opinion

How New Technology Is Illuminating a Classic Ethical Dilemma

On a pleaant Friday afternoon in April, the grassy quadrangle at the center of the Carnegie Mellon University campus is buzzing with activity.

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'
From ACM News

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'

Humanity has fallen to artificial intelligence in checkers, chess, and, last month, Go, the complex ancient Chinese board game.

Cern Is Seeking Secrets of the ­niverse, or Maybe Opening the Portals of Hell
From ACM News

Cern Is Seeking Secrets of the ­niverse, or Maybe Opening the Portals of Hell

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, is gearing up for another run at smashing particles together to unlock the secrets of the universe.

Bitcoin Technology's Next Big Test: Trillion-Dollar Repo Market
From ACM News

Bitcoin Technology's Next Big Test: Trillion-Dollar Repo Market

Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., a firm at the center of Wall Street’s trading infrastructure, is about to give the technology behind bitcoin a big test: seeing...

Massive Robots Keep Docks Shipshape
From ACM News

Massive Robots Keep Docks Shipshape

At one of the busiest shipping terminals in the U.S., more than two dozen giant red robots wheeled cargo containers along the docks on a recent morning, handing...

Crowd Control? Baidu Has an Algorithm For That
From ACM TechNews

Crowd Control? Baidu Has an Algorithm For That

Baidu's Big Data Lab has devised an algorithm that can predict crowd formation. 
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