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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Do You Fix a School-Bus Problem? Call MIT
From ACM TechNews

How Do You Fix a School-Bus Problem? Call MIT

A team of researchers has developed an algorithm to plot more efficient public-school bus routes.

Elon Musk Lays Out Worst-Case Scenario For AI Threat
From ACM News

Elon Musk Lays Out Worst-Case Scenario For AI Threat

Powerful technology will threaten all human jobs, could even spark a war, Tesla CEO says.

In Pursuit of Planes That Think For Themselves
From ACM Opinion

In Pursuit of Planes That Think For Themselves

Just how smart can an airplane be?

Too Cute For Their Own Good, Robots Get Self-Defense Instincts
From ACM TechNews

Too Cute For Their Own Good, Robots Get Self-Defense Instincts

Robot designers are developing robots that appear non-threatening, but can take action when humans attracted to their cuteness interfere with performance of their...

Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot
From ACM TechNews

Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot

Researchers at schools such as the Georgia Institute of Technology are testing artificial intelligence to relieve the burden of teaching assistants. 

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'
From ACM News

Computers That Crush Humans at Games Might Have Met Their Match: 'starcraft'

Humanity has fallen to artificial intelligence in checkers, chess, and, last month, Go, the complex ancient Chinese board game.

Japan Road Tests Self-Driving Cars to Keep Aging Motorists Mobile
From ACM TechNews

Japan Road Tests Self-Driving Cars to Keep Aging Motorists Mobile

Japan's automakers aim to meet the challenge of aging drivers with few transportation options by testing self-driving vehicles on roads. 

Artificial Intelligence Ethics a New Focus at Cambridge ­niversity
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Ethics a New Focus at Cambridge ­niversity

A new center to study the implications of artificial intelligence and try to influence its ethical development has been established at the U.K.'s Cambridge University...

Scientists Tap Dragonfly Vision to Build a Better Bionic Eye
From ACM News

Scientists Tap Dragonfly Vision to Build a Better Bionic Eye

What can humans learn from dragonflies?

Automakers Tackle the Massive Security Challenges of Connected Vehicles
From ACM News

Automakers Tackle the Massive Security Challenges of Connected Vehicles

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is accelerating its efforts to mandate vehicle-to-vehicle communications, a step that could help lower the number...

Meet the New Generation of Robots For Manufacturing
From ACM News

Meet the New Generation of Robots For Manufacturing

A new generation of robots is on the way—smarter, more mobile, more collaborative and more adaptable.

Robots, Hungry for Power, Are Too Weak to Take Over the World
From ACM News

Robots, Hungry for Power, Are Too Weak to Take Over the World

Today's robots may just be too hungry and unfit to take over the world any time soon.

Does Artificial Intelligence Pose a Threat?
From ACM Opinion

Does Artificial Intelligence Pose a Threat?

After decades as a sci-fi staple, artificial intelligence has leapt into the mainstream.

Artificial Intelligence Experts Are in High Demand
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Experts Are in High Demand

Demand for artificial intelligence know-how has exploded in recent years, and major technology firms are turning to the ranks of academia to find that expertise...

At the Heart of Facebook's Artificial Intelligence, Human Emotions
From ACM Careers

At the Heart of Facebook's Artificial Intelligence, Human Emotions

Facebook Inc. doesn't yet have an intelligent assistant, like the iPhone's Siri.

Will Smart Machines Make ­S Stupid? AI Experts Weigh In
From ACM TechNews

Will Smart Machines Make ­S Stupid? AI Experts Weigh In

Experts on artificial intelligence discussed the future of the field this week at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, TX. 

Will Smart Machines Make ­S Stupid? AI Experts Weigh In
From ACM News

Will Smart Machines Make ­S Stupid? AI Experts Weigh In

Society stands at a crossroads of artificial intelligence: We can design computers that sharpen our wits or we can let our machines turn us into ignoramuses.

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots
From ACM Opinion

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots

Robots are becoming more of a reality in everyday life, and movies have started to overhaul their depiction of them. They're gentler, friendlier, and often better...

What Clever Robots Mean For Jobs
From ACM TechNews

What Clever Robots Mean For Jobs

For a long time economists maintained that new technology would not result in a net loss of jobs, but some economists now think the situation is more nuanced than...

Google Seeks Partners For Self-Driving Car
From ACM TechNews

Google Seeks Partners For Self-Driving Car

Google is seeking auto industry partners in its efforts to produce a fully autonomous car.
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