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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front
From ACM News

Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front

The U.S. military is accelerating its cyberwarfare training programs in an aggressive expansion of its preparations for conflict on an emerging battlefield.

In the Afghan War, a Little Robot Can Be a Soldier's Best Friend
From ACM News

In the Afghan War, a Little Robot Can Be a Soldier's Best Friend

The 310 SUGV is a distant cousin of the Roomba, the robotic vacuum cleaner currently being promoted as a Father's Day gift. In Afghanistan, the Marines call him...

Drone ­se Takes Off on the Home Front
From ACM News

Drone ­se Takes Off on the Home Front

With little public attention, dozens of universities and law-enforcement agencies have been given approval by federal aviation regulators to use unmanned aircraft...

Work on Causality Causes Judea Pearl to Win Prize
From ACM News

Work on Causality Causes Judea Pearl to Win Prize

Humans have always made inferences about causes and effects, sometimes based on scanty information. Many machines do now, too, and Judea Pearl is frequently cited...

A Roboticist's Trip From Mines to the Moon
From ACM News

A Roboticist's Trip From Mines to the Moon

Robots created by William "Red" Whittaker have crawled into mines and volcanoes, crossed deserts, won a 60-mile road race, helped clean up nuclear waste and harvested...

Ibm's Watson Becomes Big Man on Campus With Jeopardy Win
From ACM News

Ibm's Watson Becomes Big Man on Campus With Jeopardy Win

Jeopardy champion Watson is making IBM as sexy to work for as Apple, Google or Facebook.

Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street
From ACM News

Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street

Last spring, Dow Jones launched a new service called Lexicon, which sends real-time financial news to professional investors. This in itself is not surprising...

Wiring The Brain to Aid People With Paralysis
From ACM News

Wiring The Brain to Aid People With Paralysis

Scientists are reporting progress in their efforts to channel brain waves to power mechanical devices, a development that could someday help paralyzed people...

From ACM News

Letting the Machines Decide

Wall Street is notorious for not learning from its mistakes. Maybe machines can do better.

From ACM TechNews

In Search For Intelligence, a Silicon Brain Twitches

Blue Brain is a supercomputer-powered software model designed to closely simulate the activity of a rat's neocortical column (NCC) in the hope of gaining insights...
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