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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Applications
authorThe Wall Street Journal

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Time to Change Global Clock Management? It's ­nder Debate
From ACM News

Time to Change Global Clock Management? It's ­nder Debate

Does anybody really know what time it is?

IBM Wins Most Patents—again—but Google and Apple Climb in Rankings
From ACM Careers

IBM Wins Most Patents—again—but Google and Apple Climb in Rankings

There was little change among the largest recipients of U.S. patents in 2014. But two big Silicon Valley names—Google and Apple—continued climbing the charts.

'Internet of Things' Poses Risks, FTC Chairwoman Warns
From ACM News

'Internet of Things' Poses Risks, FTC Chairwoman Warns

By 2015, the world will have 25 billion smart thermostats, fitness bands, and other Internet-connected, data-spewing devices, according to the Federal Trade Commission...

Google Seeks Partners For Self-Driving Car
From ACM TechNews

Google Seeks Partners For Self-Driving Car

Google is seeking auto industry partners in its efforts to produce a fully autonomous car.

Sony Made It Easy, but Any of ­S Could Get Hacked
From ACM Opinion

Sony Made It Easy, but Any of ­S Could Get Hacked

Earlier this month, a mysterious group that calls itself Guardians of Peace hacked into Sony Pictures Entertainment’s computer systems and began revealing many...

Trends to Watch in 2015: From Algorithmic Accountability to the ­ber of X
From ACM News

Trends to Watch in 2015: From Algorithmic Accountability to the ­ber of X

Year-end technology prediction lists can be dull fodder devoted to pie-in-the-sky concepts, outlandish marketing claims or rehashes of familiar trends.

Survey: ­.s. Adults Feel They Are Losing Control of Their Data
From ACM News

Survey: ­.s. Adults Feel They Are Losing Control of Their Data

Adults living in the U.S. overwhelmingly believe that the government and private companies are violating their privacy, a new survey found.

What Is Tor? Did Police Outfox It?
From ACM News

What Is Tor? Did Police Outfox It?

European police Friday said they had figured out how to pierce an Internet privacy tool used by dissidents, journalists and online drug dealers.

Google Retools Its Flu Prediction Engine—after Getting It Wrong
From ACM News

Google Retools Its Flu Prediction Engine—after Getting It Wrong

It's flu season and Google has some news.

Accessibility Claims Expected Over Websites
From ACM Careers

Accessibility Claims Expected Over Websites

Businesses should brace for a new crop of so-called "accessibility" lawsuits alleging that their commercial websites fail to comply with federal disabled-access...

The Smithsonian Works to Digitize Millions of Documents
From ACM News

The Smithsonian Works to Digitize Millions of Documents

During the past six months, retired pharmaceutical researcher Irv Cantor helped transcribe a 641-page field book written by an archaeologist traveling through 1920s...

Replay: New Wizardry Keeps Pinball Rolling in the Internet Age
From ACM News

Replay: New Wizardry Keeps Pinball Rolling in the Internet Age

At the recent Battle at Stonehedge pinball tournament here, Jessie Carduner cursed her ninth-place finish and vowed to get professional help.

Google Backs Second Quantum Computing Effort
From ACM News

Google Backs Second Quantum Computing Effort

Scientists can't seem to agree on what a quantum computer is. But the uncertainty hasn't deterred Google from backing a second major effort in the field.

Okcupid's Co-Founder on Experiments, Data Science and the Myth of the 'unicorn'
From ACM Opinion

Okcupid's Co-Founder on Experiments, Data Science and the Myth of the 'unicorn'

Christian Rudder, co-founder and president of the IAC/InterActiveCorp.'s OkCupid, caused a stir recently when he responded to Facebook's news feed controversy with...

Google's New Moonshot Project: The Human Body
From ACM News

Google's New Moonshot Project: The Human Body

Google Inc. has embarked on what may be its most ambitious and difficult science project ever: a quest inside the human body.

For This Author, 10,000 Wikipedia Articles Is a Good Day's Work
From ACM News

For This Author, 10,000 Wikipedia Articles Is a Good Day's Work

Sverker Johansson could be the most prolific author you've never heard of.

D-Wave Wins More Funding For Quantum Computing Push
From ACM News

D-Wave Wins More Funding For Quantum Computing Push

D-Wave Systems, which has been developing a radically different kind of computer since 1999, has installed a grand total of two systems outside its premises. But...

Nypd's Facebook Page Shares Its Triumphs
From ACM Careers

Nypd's Facebook Page Shares Its Triumphs

The New York Police Department's Facebook page has taken on a role that was once largely limited to the city's press corps: publishing news articles.

Chainsaws, Gunshots, and Coughs: Our Smartphones Are Listening
From ACM News

Chainsaws, Gunshots, and Coughs: Our Smartphones Are Listening

From chainsaws whirring in rainforests to snoring that sounds like chainsaws, entrepreneurs are finding all sorts of creative ways to detect sounds using smartphones...

Former Nsa Chief Mike Mcconnell Says Culture, Not Tech, Is Key to Cyber Defense
From ACM Opinion

Former Nsa Chief Mike Mcconnell Says Culture, Not Tech, Is Key to Cyber Defense

John M. (Mike) McConnell says that technology alone isn't enough to secure corporate networks from pervasive and increasingly damaging cyberattacks.
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