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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorThe Washington Post

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say
From ACM News

NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say

The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents...

Here's Everything You Should Know About Nsa Address Book Spying in One Faq
From ACM News

Here's Everything You Should Know About Nsa Address Book Spying in One Faq

A new report from The Washington Post, based on documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden, reveals that the National Security Agency is collecting hundreds...

Nsa Chief Defends Collecting Americans' Data
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Chief Defends Collecting Americans' Data

The head of the National Security Agency delivered a vigorous defense Wednesday of his agency's collection of Americans' phone records for counterterrorism purposes...

The Skies. The Limits.
From ACM News

The Skies. The Limits.

Long ago, in a dreamier era, space stations were imagined as portals to the heavens.

The New York Times Was Losing $5 Per Second Thanks to Its Web Site Outage
From ACM News

The New York Times Was Losing $5 Per Second Thanks to Its Web Site Outage

The New York Times is still reeling from a massive Web outage that took down its homepage, its corporate Web site, and everything in between.

For Nsa Chief, Terrorist Threat Drives Passion to 'collect It All,' Observers Say
From ACM News

For Nsa Chief, Terrorist Threat Drives Passion to 'collect It All,' Observers Say

In late 2005, as Iraqi roadside bombings were nearing an all-time peak, the National Security Agency's newly appointed chief began pitching a radical plan for halting...

Pentagon Creating Teams to Launch Cyberattacks as Threat Grows
From ACM News

Pentagon Creating Teams to Launch Cyberattacks as Threat Grows

The Pentagon's Cyber Command will create 13 offensive teams by the fall of 2015 to help defend the nation against major computer attacks from abroad, Gen. Keith...

Banks Seek Nsa Help Amid Attacks on Their Computer Systems
From ACM News

Banks Seek Nsa Help Amid Attacks on Their Computer Systems

Major U.S. banks have turned to the National Security Agency for help protecting their computer systems after a barrage of assaults that have disrupted their Web...

From ACM News

When Is a Cyberattack an Act of War?

On the night of Oct. 11, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta stood inside the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, housed in a former aircraft carrier moored at a New...

Nasa Probe Offers New View of Mercury: Alien World Right in Our Back Yard
From ACM News

Nasa Probe Offers New View of Mercury: Alien World Right in Our Back Yard

The overheated, underappreciated runt of the solar system is finally getting some attention.

From ACM News

Facebook Ipo: How Does Facebook Make Its Money?

Facebook's IPO filing shows that the company brought in about $3.7 billion in revenue and made $1 billion in profit in 2011.

Cloud Centers Bring High-Tech Flash but Not Many Jobs to Beaten-Down Towns
From ACM Careers

Cloud Centers Bring High-Tech Flash but Not Many Jobs to Beaten-Down Towns

Here in this once-thriving town of furniture makers and textile mills, where Main Street businesses have vanished, nearby fast-food joints have closed and unemployment...

From ACM News

Google to Enlist NSA to Help It Ward Off Cyberattacks

The world's largest Internet search company and the world's most powerful electronic surveillance organization are teaming up in the name of cybersecurity. Under...

From ACM News

Computers Guide Traffic Lights to Reduce Congestion For Commuters, Other Drivers

There probably are just two times when you think about a traffic light. When one just turned yellow. ("Can I make it?") When one has been red for too long. ("Come...

From ACM News

Now We Know Where We Stand, and It's About Time

America has seen its last Lost Generation. Thanks to an invisible armada of incessantly broadcasting satellites, collectively called the Global Positioning System...

From ACM TechNews

Metrorail Crash May Exemplify Automation Paradox

The fatal collision of two trains on Washington, D.C., Metro's Red Line may come to symbolize the core problem of automation, which is the relationship between...

From ACM TechNews

The Next Big Sensation?

Computer scientists are developing machines that enable users to feel digital content. "The world is going digital, but people are analog," says Immersion Corp...
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