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authorThe Washington Post

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google, Nasa Work Together on Disney Show to Inspire Girls Into Sciences
From ACM TechNews

Google, Nasa Work Together on Disney Show to Inspire Girls Into Sciences

Disney Junior wants a new show it is developing to help bury media stereotypes about science and programmers.

The Void's Creator Details His Vision For ­nleashing Virtual Reality's Full Potential
From ACM Opinion

The Void's Creator Details His Vision For ­nleashing Virtual Reality's Full Potential

In a 60-by-60-foot room in Salt Lake City, Ken Bretschneider is taking virtual reality experiences to another level.

What 'the Imitation Game' Didn't Tell You About Turing's Greatest Triumph
From ACM Opinion

What 'the Imitation Game' Didn't Tell You About Turing's Greatest Triumph

Freeman Dyson, 91, the famed physicist, author and oracle of human destiny, is holding forth after tea-time one February afternoon in the common room of the Institute...

What Watson Has Been Up To Since “jeopardy!”
From ACM News

What Watson Has Been Up To Since “jeopardy!”

Remember Watson, the computer that won "Jeopardy!" in 2011 and made us all worry about the impending obsolescence of the human race?

America's Best-Selling Cars and Trucks Are Built on Lies: The Rise of Fake Engine Noise
From ACM News

America's Best-Selling Cars and Trucks Are Built on Lies: The Rise of Fake Engine Noise

Stomp on the gas in a new Ford Mustang or F-150 and you’ll hear a meaty, throaty rumble—the same style of roar that Americans have associated with auto power and...

A Q&a With the Hackers Who Say They Helped Break Into Sony's Network
From ACM Opinion

A Q&a With the Hackers Who Say They Helped Break Into Sony's Network

Lizard Squad. That's the hacker group whose name is suddenly on everyone's lips after it took credit for ruining Christmas for PlayStation and Xbox gamers everywhere...

Supreme Court Case Tests the Limits of Free Speech on Facebook and Other Social Media
From ACM News

Supreme Court Case Tests the Limits of Free Speech on Facebook and Other Social Media

About a week after Tara Elonis persuaded a judge to issue a protective order against her estranged husband, Anthony, her soon-to-be ex had this to say: "Fold up...

Hour of Code to Feature 'frozen' Characters
From ACM TechNews

Hour of Code to Feature 'frozen' Characters

Educational nonprofit is collaborating with Disney to open its week-long "Hour of Code" event during Computer Science Education Week Dec. 8-14. 

5 Insights from Vint Cerf on Bitcoin, Net Neutrality and More
From ACM Opinion

5 Insights from Vint Cerf on Bitcoin, Net Neutrality and More

When Vint Cerf, often called the "father of the Internet," is speaking, it's wise to listen.

The Case That Might Cripple Facebook
From ACM Opinion

The Case That Might Cripple Facebook

An Irish judge has rendered a preliminary judgment that may have sweeping consequences for U.S. e-commerce firms.

Forget Touchscreens, 3D Holographic Displays Are Coming
From ACM News

Forget Touchscreens, 3D Holographic Displays Are Coming

As it stands, the touchscreen experience is confined to a flat, two-dimensional world.

'a Fema-Level Fail': The Law Professor Who Coined 'net Neutrality' Lashes Out at the Fcc's Legal Strategy
From ACM Opinion

'a Fema-Level Fail': The Law Professor Who Coined 'net Neutrality' Lashes Out at the Fcc's Legal Strategy

Back in 2003, when he was a law professor at the University of Virginia, Tim Wu wrote the definitive paper on net neutrality.

Google Books Ruling Is a Huge Victory For Online Innovation
From ACM News

Google Books Ruling Is a Huge Victory For Online Innovation

 It's taken almost a decade, but the courts have finally handed down a ruling on Google's audacious project to scan millions of books to build a book search engine...

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse
From ACM Opinion

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse

Google X is responsible for some of Google's most literally fantastic projects: Google Glass, self-driving cars, gigantic inflatable balloons that beam Internet...

Google Maps Trained ­S to Follow Directions. Now Its Former Developer Wants ­S to Explore.
From ACM Opinion

Google Maps Trained ­S to Follow Directions. Now Its Former Developer Wants ­S to Explore.

It's not evident from the way his hair flops casually down and across, nor from his equally relaxed demeanor, but John Hanke is one of Google's most important idea...

Web-Connected Cars Bring Privacy Concerns
From ACM News

Web-Connected Cars Bring Privacy Concerns

Cars will soon be so linked into wireless networks they will be like giant rolling smartphones—with calling systems, streaming video, cameras, and apps ­capable...

The Economics of Video Games
From ACM News

The Economics of Video Games

Inflation can be a headache for any central banker. But it takes a certain type of economist to know what to do when a belligerent spaceship fleet attacks an interstellar...

From ACM News

Sopa Hearings Cast Debate as Old Media vs. New Media

The circus atmosphere of the hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act, introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), reflected the high-stakes, emotional nature of the...

From ACM News

Little-Known Firms Tracking Data Used in Credit Scores

Atlanta entrepreneur Mike Mondelli has access to more than a billion records detailing consumers’ personal finances—and there is little they can do about it.

From ACM News

Parting with Privacy with a Quick Click

When Scott Fitzsimones turned 13, he got an iPhone, set up accounts for Facebook and Pandora and went on an apps downloading spree. At the same time, the new...
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