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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorThe Washington Post

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Here's How Russian Hackers Could Actually Tip an American Election
From ACM Opinion

Here's How Russian Hackers Could Actually Tip an American Election

Reports this week of Russian intrusions into U.S. election systems have startled many voters, but computer experts are not surprised.

98 Personal Data Points that Facebook ­ses to Target Ads to You
From ACM News

98 Personal Data Points that Facebook ­ses to Target Ads to You

Say you're scrolling through your Facebook Newsfeed and you encounter an ad so eerily well-suited, it seems someone has possibly read your brain.

Putting a Computer in Your Brain Is No Longer Science Fiction
From ACM News

Putting a Computer in Your Brain Is No Longer Science Fiction

Like many in Silicon Valley, technology entrepreneur Bryan Johnson sees a future in which intelligent machines can do things like drive cars on their own and anticipate...

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'

On a sleek white coffee table in Apple CEO Tim Cook's fourth-floor office in late July, beneath framed posters of Robert F. Kennedy, the Rev. Martin Luther King...

Microsoft's President Explains the Company's Quiet Legal War For ­ser Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's President Explains the Company's Quiet Legal War For ­ser Privacy

Apple's legal battle over encryption dominated headlines earlier this year, but another tech giant is fighting a quieter legal war over user privacy: Microsoft....

How Artificial Intelligence Could Help Warn ­S of Another Dallas
From ACM News

How Artificial Intelligence Could Help Warn ­S of Another Dallas

As the country reels from the spasm of gun violence that killed two black men and five police officers this week, a prominent digital vigilante is using an online...

Putin Signs New Anti-Terror Law in Russia. Edward Snowden Is ­pset.
From ACM News

Putin Signs New Anti-Terror Law in Russia. Edward Snowden Is ­pset.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed into law a controversial package of counterterrorism measures, including tougher sentences for extremism and...

This New Device Can Visualize Your Thoughts (sort Of)
From ACM News

This New Device Can Visualize Your Thoughts (sort Of)

The idea of a device that can materialize one's memories out of thin air seems like it could only exist in science fiction. But in a new study, researchers were...

China's Scary Lesson to the World: Censoring the Internet Works.
From ACM News

China's Scary Lesson to the World: Censoring the Internet Works.

First there was the Berlin Wall. Now there is the Great Firewall of China, not a physical barrier preventing people from leaving, but a virtual one, preventing...

More Than 30 States Offer Online Voting, but Experts Warn It Isn't Secure
From ACM TechNews

More Than 30 States Offer Online Voting, but Experts Warn It Isn't Secure

More than 30 states will be hosting online voting systems by the time of the U.S. presidential election in November, but experts warn such systems are still insecure...

This Top Scientist Offers a Solution For the Havoc Driverless Cars May Wreck on Workers
From ACM Opinion

This Top Scientist Offers a Solution For the Havoc Driverless Cars May Wreck on Workers

Proponents of autonomous vehicles are in a sticky situation.

This May Be the Best Way to Measure Gun Violence in America
From ACM News

This May Be the Best Way to Measure Gun Violence in America

In Canton, Ohio, one of the most common complaints that police chief Bruce Lawver hears is about gunfire. Shots fired. That unnerving pop of a firearm being discharged...

The Tremendous Ambitions Behind New York City's Free Wifi
From ACM News

The Tremendous Ambitions Behind New York City's Free Wifi

At this very moment in New York City, you can walk up to one of 65 futuristic kiosks, punch in an email address on your phone and instantly receive a wireless Internet...

How Facebook Is Helping the Blind 'see' Pictures Their Friends Share Online
From ACM TechNews

How Facebook Is Helping the Blind 'see' Pictures Their Friends Share Online

Facebook on Tuesday launched Automatic Alternative Text, a tool designed to enable sight-impaired users to "see" pictures posted by friends online. 

Why You Should Be Skeptical That Any Video Is Real
From ACM News

Why You Should Be Skeptical That Any Video Is Real

Be careful about believing what your eyes are telling you.

Fbi May Not Need Apple to ­nlock San Bernardino Shooter's Iphone
From ACM News

Fbi May Not Need Apple to ­nlock San Bernardino Shooter's Iphone

The FBI may have found a way without Apple’s assistance to unlock the iPhone used by one of the shooters in the San Bernardino terrorist attack, Justice Department...

Why the Government Can't Actually Stop Terrorists From Using Encryption
From ACM TechNews

Why the Government Can't Actually Stop Terrorists From Using Encryption

Security experts say U.S. government efforts to force technology firms to grant access to encrypted devices will do little to prevent terrorists from using the...

Why Naval Academy Students Are Learning to Sail By the Stars For the First Time in a Decade
From ACM Careers

Why Naval Academy Students Are Learning to Sail By the Stars For the First Time in a Decade

Peter Hogan was surprised at how heavy the sextant felt in his hand when he squinted through its eyeglass this week, the first time he had ever held one.

The Massive New Privacy Deal Between U.s. and Europe, Explained
From ACM News

The Massive New Privacy Deal Between U.s. and Europe, Explained

U.S. and European regulators have agreed to a tentative deal, officials say, that would allow thousands of U.S. companies to continue moving the personal information...

5 Futuristic Oddities From the Weird World of Wearable Tech
From ACM TechNews

5 Futuristic Oddities From the Weird World of Wearable Tech

Concepts of human-machine interaction are undergoing a transformation thanks to advances in wearable technology. 
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