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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Applications
authorThe Washington Post

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Tech Companies Are Slamming a Proposed ­k Terrorism Law. Here's Why.
From ACM News

Tech Companies Are Slamming a Proposed ­k Terrorism Law. Here's Why.

The world's biggest tech firms—including Apple, Microsoft, and Yahoo—are pressing for changes to a proposed British law aimed at expanding the government's electronic...

5 Amazing and Alarming Things That May Be Done with Your Dna
From ACM Opinion

5 Amazing and Alarming Things That May Be Done with Your Dna

"You're a male, you're 34-years-old and your 5-foot-10 1/2 inches tall." That's a prediction that Craig Venter, long a pioneer on the frontier of genomics, offered...

The Nsa School: How the Intelligence Community Gets Smarter, Secretly
From ACM Careers

The Nsa School: How the Intelligence Community Gets Smarter, Secretly

Leonard Reinsfelder's wife found a note on her car as she was leaving a shopping center one day: "Have your husband give us a call. We think we could use him."

The Significance of an MIT Drone Weaving Around Tree Branches at 30 Mph
From ACM News

The Significance of an MIT Drone Weaving Around Tree Branches at 30 Mph

To get his Ph.D., MIT grad student Andy Barry packed up a car with a drone and a catapult to launch it. Then he headed west.

A Data Genius Has Figured Out the ­ltimate Beer-Drinking Road Trip
From ACM TechNews

A Data Genius Has Figured Out the ­ltimate Beer-Drinking Road Trip

Data scientist Nathan Yau created a map of the top breweries in the U.S., and then determined the most efficient route to use to visit them. 

Everything You Need to Know About the Vast ­ndersea Network that Makes the Internet Work
From ACM News

Everything You Need to Know About the Vast ­ndersea Network that Makes the Internet Work

Russians submarines and spy ships are "ggressively operating" near the undersea cables that are the backbone of the global Internet—worrying some U.S. intelligence...

With Court Order, Federal Judge Seeks to Fuel Debate About Data Encryption
From ACM News

With Court Order, Federal Judge Seeks to Fuel Debate About Data Encryption

A federal judge in New York is seeking to expand to the courts the hot debate over whether tech companies should be forced to find ways to unlock encrypted smartphones...

How Google's Self-Driving Cars May Handle the Toughest Situations
From ACM News

How Google's Self-Driving Cars May Handle the Toughest Situations

Left-hand turns are one of the tougher things drivers have to do.

This Algorithm Can Create a New Van Gogh or Picasso in Just an Hour
From ACM TechNews

This Algorithm Can Create a New Van Gogh or Picasso in Just an Hour

German researchers have outlined a method of using deep learning to turn regular photographs into images in the style of great painters. 

­.S. Developing Sanctions Against China Over Cyberthefts
From ACM News

­.S. Developing Sanctions Against China Over Cyberthefts

The Obama administration is developing a package of unprecedented economic sanctions against Chinese companies and individuals who have benefited from their government's...

Why the Ftc Is Showing ­p at Hackers' Biggest Conferences
From ACM Opinion

Why the Ftc Is Showing ­p at Hackers' Biggest Conferences

The Federal Trade Commission, the de facto federal watchdog for consumers' privacy and data security, knows it needs help.

Inside the Fake Town in Michigan Where Self-Driving Cars Are Being Tested
From ACM News

Inside the Fake Town in Michigan Where Self-Driving Cars Are Being Tested

Later this year a Michigan pedestrian named Sebastian will spend his days throwing himself in the path of speeding cars.

June Will End with a Rare 61-Second Minute
From ACM News

June Will End with a Rare 61-Second Minute

We'll need to wait for July just a shade longer, as the world's timekeepers have added a leap second June 30—to officially keep Earth and our precise, atomic clocks...

Facial Recognition Technology Is Everywhere. It May Not Be Legal.
From ACM News

Facial Recognition Technology Is Everywhere. It May Not Be Legal.

Being anonymous in public might be a thing of the past.

How the Country's Top Privacy Cop Is Trying to Protect Consumers in the Digital Age
From ACM Opinion

How the Country's Top Privacy Cop Is Trying to Protect Consumers in the Digital Age

As the digital economy has exploded, tech companies are collecting untold amounts of data on everyday Americans.

The Long Life of a Quick 'fix'
From ACM News

The Long Life of a Quick 'fix'

By the time a pair of engineers sat down for lunch together in Austin, the Internet's growing pains had become dire.

The House Just Passed a Bill About Space Mining
From ACM News

The House Just Passed a Bill About Space Mining

For as long as we've existed, humans have looked up at the stars—and wondered.

The Void's Creator Details His Vision For ­nleashing Virtual Reality's Full Potential
From ACM Opinion

The Void's Creator Details His Vision For ­nleashing Virtual Reality's Full Potential

In a 60-by-60-foot room in Salt Lake City, Ken Bretschneider is taking virtual reality experiences to another level.

What It Feels Like to Fly a Drone with Your Brain
From ACM News

What It Feels Like to Fly a Drone with Your Brain

  At the Global Conference on CyberSpace, Vint Cerf tested technology that lets a person control a drone’s movements with his or her brain.  

As Encryption Spreads, U.s. Grapples with Clash Between Privacy, Security
From ACM News

As Encryption Spreads, U.s. Grapples with Clash Between Privacy, Security

For months, federal law enforcement agencies and industry have been deadlocked on a highly contentious issue: Should tech companies be obliged to guarantee government...
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