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subjectArtificial Intelligence

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Siri's Inventors Are Building a Radical New AI That Does Anything You Ask
From ACM News

Siri's Inventors Are Building a Radical New AI That Does Anything You Ask

When Apple announced the iPhone 4S on October 4, 2011, the headlines were not about its speedy A5 chip or improved camera.

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future
From ACM Opinion

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future

The robots are coming, and they're getting smarter.

Inside the Artificial Brain That's Remaking the Google Empire
From ACM News

Inside the Artificial Brain That's Remaking the Google Empire

It was one of the most tedious jobs on the Internet. A team of Googlers would spend day after day staring at computer screens, scrutinizing tiny snippets of street...

Machines Finally Match Monkeys in Key Image-Recognition Test
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Machines Finally Match Monkeys in Key Image-Recognition Test

There are so many ways that humans are still superior to machines.

Google ­ses Artificial Brains to Teach Its Data Centers How to Behave
From ACM News

Google ­ses Artificial Brains to Teach Its Data Centers How to Behave

At Google, artificial intelligence isn't just a means of building cars that drive on their own, smartphone services that respond to the spoken word, and online...

Disney Invents Robots That Swarm Into Colorful Animations
From ACM News

Disney Invents Robots That Swarm Into Colorful Animations

Walt Disney pioneered the art of animation and pushed the boundaries of robotics with his audio-animatronic presidents, but now the research lab that bears hisETH...

Watch the Astounding Dexterity of Honda's Dancing Humanoid Robot
From ACM News

Watch the Astounding Dexterity of Honda's Dancing Humanoid Robot

Even in today's rapidly evolving world of technology, there are few things that make your jaw drop when you see them in real life.

Hypnotic Art Shows How Patterns Emerge From Randomness in Nature
From ACM News

Hypnotic Art Shows How Patterns Emerge From Randomness in Nature

British mathematician Alan Turing is perhaps best known for the Turing test, which determines if a computer can be considered intelligent based on whether it can...

Nasa's Latest Robot: A Rolling Tangle of Rods That Can Take a Beating
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Nasa's Latest Robot: A Rolling Tangle of Rods That Can Take a Beating

Space-bound robots tend look like tanks and are about as flexible as the Tin Man after a rainstorm.

Netflix Is Building an Artificial Brain ­sing Amazon's Cloud
From ACM News

Netflix Is Building an Artificial Brain ­sing Amazon's Cloud

Nothing beats a movie recommendation from a friend who knows your tastes.

Meet the Man Google Hired to Make AI a Reality
From ACM News

Meet the Man Google Hired to Make AI a Reality

Geoffrey Hinton was in high school when a friend convinced him that the brain worked like a hologram.

Darpa's Robotic Gladiators Will Battle on This Disaster Course
From ACM News

Darpa's Robotic Gladiators Will Battle on This Disaster Course

In a robotic twist on American Gladiators, 17 robots and their teams will descend upon Florida this week to see which ones have the greatest superhero potential...

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem
From ACM Opinion

Doom's Creator Looks Back on 20 Years of Demonic Mayhem

At the stroke of midnight on December 10, 1993, an executive at id Software uploaded a file to an FTP site on the University of Washington's network.

Falling in Love with AI Virtual Assistants: A Creepy Love Affair Nearer Than You Think
From ACM Opinion

Falling in Love with AI Virtual Assistants: A Creepy Love Affair Nearer Than You Think

"I've never loved anyone the way I've loved you," swoons Joaquin Phoenix, in the movie Her.

A Neuroscientist's Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious
From ACM Opinion

A Neuroscientist's Radical Theory of How Networks Become Conscious

It's a question that’s perplexed philosophers for centuries and scientists for decades: Where does consciousness come from?

Why Facebook Is Teaching Its Machines to Think Like Humans
From ACM TechNews

Why Facebook Is Teaching Its Machines to Think Like Humans

Facebook is turning to deep learning to teach computers to more closely imitate the human brain, with the goal of gaining greater insight into individual users. ...

Killer Robots With Automatic Rifles Could Be on the Battlefield in 5 Years
From ACM News

Killer Robots With Automatic Rifles Could Be on the Battlefield in 5 Years

Robots armed with automatic weapons, anti-tank missiles and even grenade launchers are marching, er, rolling ever closer to the battlefield now that they’ve shown...

Twitter 'joke Bots' Shame Human Sense of Humor
From ACM TechNews

Twitter 'joke Bots' Shame Human Sense of Humor

Two Twitter bots generate phrases that are funny by virtue of not being particularly funny, to poke fun at human tweeters' own attempts at humor. 

The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next
From ACM News

The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next

If you liked 1960s Star Trek, the first non-Trek title that Netflix is likely to suggest to you is the original Mission: Impossible series (the one with the cool...

A Videogame That Recruits Players to Map the Brain
From ACM News

A Videogame That Recruits Players to Map the Brain

I'm no neuroscientist, and yet, here I am at my computer attempting to reconstruct a neural circuit of a mouse’s retina.
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