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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Researchers Create First Firmware Worm That Attacks Macs
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create First Firmware Worm That Attacks Macs

Researchers discovered Mac computers can be affected by known firmware bugs, and created a proof-of-concept worm. 

Hackers Can Disable a Sniper Rifle—Or Change Its Target
From ACM News

Hackers Can Disable a Sniper Rifle—Or Change Its Target

Put a computer on a sniper rifle, and it can turn the most amateur shooter into a world-class marksman.

Researchers Hack Air-Gapped Computer With Simple Cell Phone
From ACM News

Researchers Hack Air-Gapped Computer With Simple Cell Phone

The most sensitive work environments, like nuclear power plants, demand the strictest security.

After Jeep Hack, Chrysler Recalls 1.4m Vehicles For Bug Fix
From ACM News

After Jeep Hack, Chrysler Recalls 1.4m Vehicles For Bug Fix

Welcome to the age of hackable automobiles, when two security researchers can cause a 1.4 million product recall.

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—with Me in It
From ACM News

Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—with Me in It

I was driving 70 mph on the edge of downtown St. Louis when the exploit began to take hold.

The Tools Inspectors Can Use to Catch Iran's Nuclear Hijinks
From ACM News

The Tools Inspectors Can Use to Catch Iran's Nuclear Hijinks

After Tuesday's historic agreement between Iran and the "P5+1" group of countries, inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency will have access to all...

Manhattan Da: Iphone Crypto Locked Out Cops 74 Time
From ACM News

Manhattan Da: Iphone Crypto Locked Out Cops 74 Time

The debate over encryption and backdoors for law enforcement has long had a surplus of opinions and a deficit of data.

Mit’s Bitcoin-Inspired 'enigma' Lets Computers Mine Encrypted Data
From ACM Careers

Mit’s Bitcoin-Inspired 'enigma' Lets Computers Mine Encrypted Data

The cryptography behind bitcoin solved a paradoxical problem: a currency with no regulator, that nonetheless can't be counterfeited.

Facebook's New AI Can Paint, But Google's Knows How to Party
From ACM News

Facebook's New AI Can Paint, But Google's Knows How to Party

Facebook and Google are building enormous neural networks—artificial brains—that can instantly recognize faces, cars, buildings, and other objects in digital photos...

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane
From ACM News

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane

A security researcher kicked off a United Airlines flight last month after tweeting about security vulnerabilities in its system had previously taken control of...

This Little 3D Printed Robot Cracks Combination Locks in 30 Seconds
From ACM News

This Little 3D Printed Robot Cracks Combination Locks in 30 Seconds

Careful what you leave in your lockers, high school students and gym-goers.

Researchers Plan to Demonstrate a Wireless Car Hack This Summer
From ACM News

Researchers Plan to Demonstrate a Wireless Car Hack This Summer

A note of caution to anyone who works on the security team of a major automobile manufacturer: Don't plan your summer vacation just yet.

An App That Hides Secret Messages in Starcraft-Style Games
From ACM TechNews

An App That Hides Secret Messages in Starcraft-Style Games

Stony Brook University researchers are developing a prototype tool they believe will be able to send encoded messages using real-time strategy computer games. 

Hackers Could Commandeer New Planes Through Passenger Wi-Fi
From ACM News

Hackers Could Commandeer New Planes Through Passenger Wi-Fi

Seven years after the Federal Aviation Administration first warned Boeing that its new Dreamliner aircraft had a Wi-Fi design that made it vulnerable to hacking...

Snowden's 'sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure
From ACM Opinion

Snowden's 'sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure

Edward Snowden appears to have a thing for the late British conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher. And his obsession may even be clouding his famously paranoid...

Nvidia's Powerful New Computer Helps Teach Cars to Drive
From ACM News

Nvidia's Powerful New Computer Helps Teach Cars to Drive

As cars get smarter and creep ever-closer to driving themselves, the software that makes infotainment systems and adaptive cruise control work is becoming as important...

Voice Control Will Force an Overhaul of the Whole Internet
From ACM News

Voice Control Will Force an Overhaul of the Whole Internet

Jason Mars built his own Siri and then he gave it away.

Stealing Data from Computers ­sing Heat
From ACM News

Stealing Data from Computers ­sing Heat

Air-gapped systems, which are isolated from the Internet and are not connected to other systems that are connected to the Internet, are used in situations that...

Googlers' Epic Hack Exploits How Memory Leaks Electricity
From ACM TechNews

Googlers' Epic Hack Exploits How Memory Leaks Electricity

Researchers have demonstrated they could bypass security protections to induce electromagnetic leakage in the dynamic random access memory of some laptops. 

How to Sabotage Encryption Software (and Not Get Caught)
From ACM News

How to Sabotage Encryption Software (and Not Get Caught)

In the field of cryptography, a secretly planted "backdoor" that allows eavesdropping on communications is usually a subject of paranoia and dread.
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