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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Study: Wikileaked Data Can Predict Insurgent Attacks
From ACM News

Study: Wikileaked Data Can Predict Insurgent Attacks

Insurgencies are amongst the hardest conflicts to predict. Insurgents can be loosely organized, split into factions, and strike from out of nowhere. But now researchers...

Google Remakes Online Empire With 'Colossus'
From ACM News

Google Remakes Online Empire With 'Colossus'

More than a decade ago, Google built a new foundation for its search engine.

Google Shaman Explains Mysteries of 'compute Engine'
From ACM News

Google Shaman Explains Mysteries of 'compute Engine'

Google started work on the Google Compute Engine over a year and a half ago, and it was all Peter Magnusson could do to keep his mouth shut.

It's Not an Entertainment Gadget, It's Google's Bid to Control the Future
From ACM News

It's Not an Entertainment Gadget, It's Google's Bid to Control the Future

Joe Britt hands me his latest creation, a black ball with glittering LED lights around the middle, and implores me to examine it.

Microsoft's Research Boss Celebrates Legacy of Alan Turing
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Research Boss Celebrates Legacy of Alan Turing

What does Alan Turing mean to Microsoft and the rest of the modern tech world? Rick Rashid can tell you.

War With Friends: Pentagon Eyes a Drone App Store
From ACM News

War With Friends: Pentagon Eyes a Drone App Store

The U.S. military has dozens of different types of drones in its arsenal. Each one has its own unique controller. And each of those various controllers flies a...

­.s. Needs Another 600 Humans to Fly Its Robot Planes
From ACM Careers

­.s. Needs Another 600 Humans to Fly Its Robot Planes

The Pentagon doesn't have nearly enough people to operate its growing fleet of flying robots. Right now, the U.S. Air Force is short nearly 600 drone pilots and...

From ACM News

Apple, Google Just Killed Portable GPS Devices

If it wasn't obvious before, it’s crystal clear today. The dedicated portable GPS device is dead, with Apple and Google playing pallbearer to Garmin, Magellan,...

Craig Venter Wants to Solve the World's Energy Crisis
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter Wants to Solve the World's Energy Crisis

There is one version of Craig Venter's life story where he would’ve been a dutiful scientist at the National Institutes of Health, a respected yet anonymous researcher...

High Court to Hear Warrantless Eavesdropping Challenge
From ACM News

High Court to Hear Warrantless Eavesdropping Challenge

The Supreme Court agreed Monday to decide whether to halt a legal challenge to a once-secret warrantless surveillance program targeting Americans' communications...

Meet the Man Who Invented the Instructions For the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Invented the Instructions For the Internet

Steve Crocker was there when the Internet was born.

Onstar Files Patents For Minority Report-Style Billboards
From ACM News

Onstar Files Patents For Minority Report-Style Billboards

Two weeks ago, a patent filing by General Motors was uncovered that proposed using data collected from its OnStar service to tailor public advertisements to individual...

Vint Cerf: We Knew What We Were ­nleashing on the World
From ACM News

Vint Cerf: We Knew What We Were ­nleashing on the World

Vint Cerf invented the protocol that rules them all: TCP/IP.

Tim Berners-Lee: We Don't Need Arbitrary New Tlds
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee: We Don't Need Arbitrary New Tlds

World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee is criticizing the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers' plan to create arbitrary new top-level domains...

Going With the Flow: Google's Secret Switch to the Next Wave of Networking
From ACM News

Going With the Flow: Google's Secret Switch to the Next Wave of Networking

In early 1999, an associate computer science professor at UC Santa Barbara climbed the steps to the second floor headquarters of a small startup in Palo Alto, and...

Researchers Release New Exploits to Hijack Critical Infrastructure
From ACM News

Researchers Release New Exploits to Hijack Critical Infrastructure

Researchers have released two new exploits that attack common design vulnerabilities in a computer component used to control critical infrastructure, such as refineries...

Hacktivists Out-Stole Cybercriminals in 2011
From ACM News

Hacktivists Out-Stole Cybercriminals in 2011

Just two years ago, cybercriminal gangs were behind record-breaking data breaches that resulted in the theft of millions of customer records. But the year 2011...

DARPA Director Bolts Pentagon For Google
From ACM News

DARPA Director Bolts Pentagon For Google

Darpa director Regina Dugan will soon be stepping down from her position atop the Pentagon's premiere research shop to take a job with Google.

The Little White Box That Can Hack Your Network
From ACM News

The Little White Box That Can Hack Your Network

When Jayson E. Street broke into the branch office of a national bank in May of last year, the branch manager could not have been more helpful.

Dhs, Not Nsa, Should Lead Cybersecurity, Pentagon Official Says
From ACM News

Dhs, Not Nsa, Should Lead Cybersecurity, Pentagon Official Says

In the midst of an ongoing turf battle over how big a role the National Security Agency should play in securing the nation’s critical infrastructure, a Defense...
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