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subjectArtificial Intelligence

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How To Delete Your Data From ChatGPT
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How To Delete Your Data From ChatGPT

OpenAI has new tools that give you more control over your information—although they may not go far enough.

Robot Lawyers Are About to Flood the Courts
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Robot Lawyers Are About to Flood the Courts

It's time to reform the U.S. legal system.

What's AGI, and Why Are AI Experts Skeptical?
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What's AGI, and Why Are AI Experts Skeptical?

ChatGPT and other bots have revived conversations on artificial general intelligence. Scientists say algorithms won't surpass you any time soon.

Metaverse Landlords Are Creating a New Class System
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Metaverse Landlords Are Creating a New Class System

Virtual landowners have found a way to put their investments to work, but with unintended consequences.

Yes, ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Office Job
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Yes, ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Office Job

White-collar workers may soon face the AI disruption everyone's been panicking about. But the news may be better than you think.

Audiobook Narrators Fear Apple Used Their Voices to Train AI
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Audiobook Narrators Fear Apple Used Their Voices to Train AI

After a backlash, Spotify paused an arrangement that allowed Apple to train machine learning models on some audiobook files.

The Generative AI Race Has a Dirty Secret
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The Generative AI Race Has a Dirty Secret

Integrating large language models into search engines could mean a fivefold increase in computing power and huge carbon emissions.

The Race to Build a ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine
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The Race to Build a ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine

A search bot you converse with could make finding answers easier — if it doesn't tell fibs. Microsoft, Google, Baidu, and others are working on it.

Fact-Checkers Are Scrambling to Fight Disinformation With AI
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Fact-Checkers Are Scrambling to Fight Disinformation With AI

Bad actors use artificial intelligence to propagate falsehoods and upset elections, but the same tools can be repurposed to defend the truth.

This Startup Is Using AI to Unearth New Smells
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This Startup Is Using AI to Unearth New Smells

Google Research spinout Osmo wants to find substitutes for hard-to-source aromas. The tech could inspire new perfumes—and help combat mosquito-borne diseases.

ChatGPT Stole Your Work. So What Are You Going to Do?
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ChatGPT Stole Your Work. So What Are You Going to Do?

Creators need to pressure the courts, the market, and regulators before it's too late.

Digital Eternity Is Just Around the Corner
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Digital Eternity Is Just Around the Corner

These past few years have been visceral reminders of our mortality. But new technologies can offer a way for us and our loved ones to live on.

These Algorithms Are Hunting for an EV Battery Mother Lode
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These Algorithms Are Hunting for an EV Battery Mother Lode

AI trained on reams of geological data can indicate where to dig in search of metals crucial to electric cars and other green technology.

Algorithms Quietly Run the City of DC—and Maybe Your Hometown
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Algorithms Quietly Run the City of DC—and Maybe Your Hometown

A new report finds that municipal agencies in Washington deploy dozens of automated decision systems, often without residents' knowledge.

The Low Threshold for Face Recognition in New Delhi
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The Low Threshold for Face Recognition in New Delhi

Police in India's capital say they only require an 80% accuracy rate for matches, raising new alarm bells for civil liberty advocates.

Sloppy Use of Machine Learning Is Causing a 'Reproducibility Crisis' in Science
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Sloppy Use of Machine Learning Is Causing a 'Reproducibility Crisis' in Science

AI hype has researchers in fields from medicine to sociology rushing to use techniques they don't always understand—causing a wave of spurious results.

Crypto and the U.S. Government Are Headed for a Decisive Showdown
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Crypto and the U.S. Government Are Headed for a Decisive Showdown

The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Ishan Wahi, a former product manager at the Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange, of insider trading and securities fraud...

The Fight Over Which Uses of AI Europe Should Outlaw
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The Fight Over Which Uses of AI Europe Should Outlaw

A new European Union law will set rules for what the technology can and can't do to people, like whether it's okay to deploy lie detectors at borders.

The Power and Pitfalls of AI for U.S. Intelligence
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The Power and Pitfalls of AI for U.S. Intelligence

Artificial intelligence use is booming, but it's not the secret weapon you might imagine.

Widely Available AI Could Have Deadly Consequences
From ACM News

Widely Available AI Could Have Deadly Consequences

U.S. researchers' "Dr. Evil project" proves drug discovery AI could be used to create biochemical weapons.
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