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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Texas Jury Strikes Down Patent Troll
From ACM News

Texas Jury Strikes Down Patent Troll

After threatening web companies for more than a decade, Michael Doyle and his patent-holding company Eolas Technologies—named after the Irish word for knowledge—may...

From ACM News

Let the Robot Drive: The Autonomous Car of the Future Is Here

The object, vaguely pink, sits on the shoulder of the freeway, slowly shimmering into view. Is it roadkill? A weird kind of sagebrush? No, wait, it's … a puffy...

From ACM News

Humans Lose, Robots Win in New Defense Budget

The big loser in the Pentagon’s new budget? Ordinary human beings.

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10k Reasons to Worry About Critical Infrastructure

A security researcher was able to locate and map more than 10,000 industrial control systems hooked up to the public internet, including water and sewage plants...

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Warrants Needed For Gps Monitoring, Supreme Court Rules

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that law enforcement authorities need a probable-cause warrant from a judge to affix a GPS device to a vehicle and monitor...

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Air Force's Top Brain Wants a 'Social Radar' to 'See Into Hearts and Minds'

Chief Scientists of the Air Force usually spend their time trying to figure out how to build better satellites or make jets go insanely fast. Which makes Dr. Mark...

Marines Want iPads to Control Robo-Copter Brains
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Marines Want iPads to Control Robo-Copter Brains

It's been less than a month since the Marines flew their first robotic supply helicopter on its debut combat mission in Afghanistan.

Almost 1 In 3 U.s. Warplanes Is a Robot
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Almost 1 In 3 U.s. Warplanes Is a Robot

Remember when the military actually put human beings in the cockpits of its planes?

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First Siri, Now Threat Detection: Inside Sri's Amazing R&d

Who invented Siri?

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Iran's Alleged Drone Hack: Tough, but Possible

Take everything that Iran says about its captured U.S. drone with a grain of salt. But its new claim that it spoofed the drone’s navigational controls isn't implausible...

Warning to Gossipy Grunts: Darpa's Eyeing Your Email
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Warning to Gossipy Grunts: Darpa's Eyeing Your Email

The Pentagon's intent on weeding out "insider threats"—troops or other military personnel who might be disgruntled enough to (Wiki)leak some documents or mentally...

It Won't Be Easy For Iran to Dissect, Copy ­.s. Drone
From ACM News

It Won't Be Easy For Iran to Dissect, Copy ­.s. Drone

Prepare the dissection table. Iran says it’s planning to disassemble its prized acquisition: a CIA-operated drone that apparently crashed in its territory. Its...

Comedy of Errors Led to False 'water-Pump Hack' Report
From ACM News

Comedy of Errors Led to False 'water-Pump Hack' Report

It was the broken water pump heard 'round the world. Cyberwar watchers took notice this month when a leaked intelligence memo claimed Russian hackers had remotely...

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It's a Drone's World. We Just Live in It

Drones have had a profound effect on the way America fights its wars, allowing it to fight in new theaters while minimizing the risk to troops.

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H(ackers)2O: Attack on City Water Station Destroys Pump

Hackers gained remote access into the control system of the city water utility in Springfield, Illinois, and destroyed a pump, according to a report released...

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Supreme Court Sees Shades of 1984 in Unchecked Gps Tracking

A number of Supreme Court justices invoked the specter of Big Brother while hearing arguments Tuesday over whether the police may secretly attach GPS devices...

From ACM News

How Technical Glitches Foiled the Russian Sleeper Spies

Spying for Russia can be a hard life. The feds are on your trail, always trying to find out who you’re meeting with and talking to.

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Kevin Mitnick Rates Today's Blackhats

Kevin Mitnick was hacking when the LulzSec kids were still in training pants.

DARPA Wants to Master the Science of Propaganda
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DARPA Wants to Master the Science of Propaganda

Mark Twain once tried to distinguish between the storyteller’s art and tales that a machine could generate. He observed that stringing "incongruities and absurdities...

Idaho Lab in a Race to Shore Up Critical Infrastructure Systems
From ACM News

Idaho Lab in a Race to Shore Up Critical Infrastructure Systems

All it took was one click of a mouse from the CEO of the ACME Chemical company.
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