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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Army Tracking Plan: Drones That Never Forget a Face
From ACM News

Army Tracking Plan: Drones That Never Forget a Face

Perhaps the idea of spy drones already makes your nervous. Maybe you’re uncomfortable with the notion of an unblinking, robotic eye in the sky that can watch...

Supreme Court Docket: Surveillance, Profanity, and Thought Patents
From ACM News

Supreme Court Docket: Surveillance, Profanity, and Thought Patents

The Supreme Court’s 2011–2012 term began Oct. 3 with arguments on the docket concerning everything from television profanity to warrantless GPS surveillance.

Which Telecoms Store Your Data the Longest? Secret Memo Tells All
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Which Telecoms Store Your Data the Longest? Secret Memo Tells All

The nation’s major mobile-phone providers are keeping a treasure trove of sensitive data on their customers, according to newly released Justice Department internal...

Net Neutrality Rules Published, Lawsuits Soon to Follow
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Net Neutrality Rules Published, Lawsuits Soon to Follow

The FCC has finally officially published long-delayed rules prohibiting cable, DSL, and wireless internet companies from blocking Web sites and requiring them...

Inside Facebook's Bid to Reinvent Music, News, and Everything
From ACM News

Inside Facebook's Bid to Reinvent Music, News, and Everything

Earlier this year, Daniel Ek, the CEO of the music service Spotify, was in a car with Mark Zuckerberg. Ek was visiting the Facebook founder in California while...

Feds, Eff Clash in Appeals Court Hearing on Nsa Spying
From ACM News

Feds, Eff Clash in Appeals Court Hearing on Nsa Spying

A three-judge federal appeals court grilled government and civil rights lawyers while entertaining arguments here Wednesday concerning dozens of dismissed lawsuits...

Why Has BlackBerry Been Blamed for the London Riots?
From ACM News

Why Has BlackBerry Been Blamed for the London Riots?

The whole of London is taking stock after outbreaks of violence and looting across the capital. Ealing, Camden, Peckham, Clapham, Lewisham, Woolwich, and Hackney...

Diy Spy Drone Sniffs Wi-Fi, Intercepts Phone Calls
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Diy Spy Drone Sniffs Wi-Fi, Intercepts Phone Calls

What do you do when the target you’re spying on slips behind his home-security gates and beyond your reach? Launch your personal, specially equipped WASP drone—short...

Researchers Expose Cunning Online Tracking Service That Can
From ACM News

Researchers Expose Cunning Online Tracking Service That Can

Researchers at U.C. Berkeley have discovered that some of the net's most popular sites are using a tracking service that can't be evaded—even when users block...

Here's How U.s. Spies Will Find You Through Your Pics
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Here's How U.s. Spies Will Find You Through Your Pics

Iarpa, the intelligence community’s way-out research shop, wants to know where you took that vacation picture over the Fourth of July. It wants to know where...

From ACM News

Document: Fbi Surveillance Geeks Fear, Love New Gadgets

Can't wait for 4G to become the ubiquitous standard for mobile communication? On the edge of your seat for the unveiling of Microsoft's secret Menlo Project and...

Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hackers Spring Prisoners From Cells
From ACM News

Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hackers Spring Prisoners From Cells

Vulnerabilities in electronic systems that control prison doors could allow hackers or others to spring prisoners from their jail cells, according to researchers...

How Digital Detectives Deciphered Stuxnet, the Most Menacing Malware in History
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How Digital Detectives Deciphered Stuxnet, the Most Menacing Malware in History

It was January 2010, and investigators with the International Atomic Energy Agency had just completed an inspection at the uranium enrichment plant outside Natanz...

From ACM News

Spies Want to Mine Your Tweets For Signs of the Next Tsunami

The intelligence community has seen the future, and the future is Google Trends. Actually, more like a highly sophisticated version of Google Trends, with Twitter...

One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: DARPA Plots Manhunt Master Controller
From ACM News

One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: DARPA Plots Manhunt Master Controller

Thought military tracking technology couldn’t get any creepier? Hold onto your tinfoil hats and hide behind the nearest curtain because the next generation of...

Bill Would Keep Big Brother's Mitts Off Your Gps Data
From ACM News

Bill Would Keep Big Brother's Mitts Off Your Gps Data

The reauthorization of the Patriot Act looks like a forgone conclusion. But next month, a bipartisan band of legislators will try to mitigate a different kind...

Automotive Black Boxes, Minus the Gray Area
From ACM News

Automotive Black Boxes, Minus the Gray Area

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will later this year propose a requirement that all new vehicles contain an event data recorder, known more...

Crazy Military Tracking Tech, From Super Scents to Quantum Dots
From ACM News

Crazy Military Tracking Tech, From Super Scents to Quantum Dots

Scents that make you trackable, indoors and out. Nanocrystals that stick to your body, and light up on night-vision goggles. Miniradar that maps your location...

From ACM News

Domestic Surveillance Court Approved All 1,506 Warrant Applications in 2010

The secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved all 1,506 government requests to electronically monitor suspected "agents" of a foreign power or...

From ACM News

Darpa Apes Nick Fury to Map Social Networks

If the military is going to disrupt insurgent cells or understand how revolutionary movements congeal, it needs to perceive the connections between people that...
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