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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Csi Bin Laden: Commandos Use Thumb, Eye Scans to Track Terrorists
From ACM News

Csi Bin Laden: Commandos Use Thumb, Eye Scans to Track Terrorists

The U.S. forces that killed Osama bin Laden in his Abbottabad compound were more than expert marksmen. Some of them were forensics experts as well, using sophisticated...

From ACM News


The Pentagon has spent decades and gazillions of dollars trying to build the perfect translation device. Now, its far-out research arm is looking at a new direction...

From ACM News

The 'Panda' That Hates Farms: A Q&A With Google

Google's new update to its search engine addressed the growing complaint that low-quality content sites (derisively referred to as content farms) were ranked higher...

From ACM News

Is the Navy Trying to Start the Robot Apocalypse?

Whenever the military rolls out a new robot program, folks like to joke about SkyNet or the Rise of the Machines. But this time, the military really is starting...

 Report: Stuxnet Hit 5 Gateway Targets on Its Way to Iranian Plant
From ACM News

Report: Stuxnet Hit 5 Gateway Targets on Its Way to Iranian Plant

Attackers behind the Stuxnet computer worm focused on targeting five organizations in Iran that they believed would get them to their final target in that country...

­.s. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators
From ACM News

­.s. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators

When Hosni Mubarak shut down Egypt’s internet and cellphone communications, it seemed that all U.S. officials could do was ask him politely to change his mind...

Report Strengthens Suspicions That Stuxnet Sabotaged Iran
From ACM News

Report Strengthens Suspicions That Stuxnet Sabotaged Iran

A new report appears to add fuel to suspicions that the Stuxnet superworm was responsible for sabotaging centrifuges at a uranium-enrichment plant in Iran.

Congress Hears Wikileaks Is 'fundamentally Different' From Media
From ACM News

Congress Hears Wikileaks Is 'fundamentally Different' From Media

The Justice Department would have no problem distinguishing WikiLeaks from traditional media outlets, if it decides to charge WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange...

WikiLeaks Reveals Everybody's Christmas List: The World Wants Drones
From ACM News

WikiLeaks Reveals Everybody's Christmas List: The World Wants Drones

Black Friday has passed, but the holidays are upon us and shopping days are increasingly few. Having a hard time finding the perfect gift for that tiny emirate...

­npublished Iraq War Logs Trigger Internal Wikileaks Revolt
From ACM News

­npublished Iraq War Logs Trigger Internal Wikileaks Revolt

A domino chain of resignations at the secret-spilling site WikiLeaks followed a unilateral decision by autocratic founder Julian Assange to schedule an October...

From ACM News

Darpa Wants You To Build An Anti-Secrecy App

Usually the Pentagon expends time and technological effort to protect information. But now the far-out researchers at Darpa are looking for a few good futurists...

Apple Answers Questions About App Rejections, Raises Others
From ACM News

Apple Answers Questions About App Rejections, Raises Others

Apple on Thursday published a set of rules about the types of content that aren't allowed in the iOS App Store, answering questions that have been bugging software...

How Spies (and Counter Spies) Are Using The Cloud
From ACM News

How Spies (and Counter Spies) Are Using The Cloud

Secret agents have long been at the cutting edge of technological developments. By studying how different spy agencies use technology, it’s often been possible...

Google, Verizon Propose Open vs Paid Internets
From ACM News

Google, Verizon Propose Open vs Paid Internets

Google and Verizon announced a joint proposal on Monday that would allow ISPs to offer premium content bundles over an unspecified global network—an unexpected...

From ACM News

WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious 'Insurance' File

In the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks' recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious...

Researcher Demonstrates Atm 'jackpotting' at Black Hat Conference
From ACM News

Researcher Demonstrates Atm 'jackpotting' at Black Hat Conference

In a city filled with slot machines spilling jackpots, it was a "jackpotted" ATM machine that got the most attention Wednesday at the Black Hat security conference...

DARPA Plots Death-From-Above, On Demand
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DARPA Plots Death-From-Above, On Demand

Before a bomb gets dropped in Afghanistan, dozens of people weigh in: air controllers bark coordinates over a radio; officers double-check the target’s location...

Afghan Deaths Highlight Lack of Tracking Tech
From ACM News

Afghan Deaths Highlight Lack of Tracking Tech

At about 4 a.m. Wednesday, NATO warplanes dropped precision-guided munitions on a band of Afghans who seemed like militants in the provincial district of Andor....

From ACM News

Is Breaking Captcha a Crime?

Prosecutors in a New Jersey ticket scalping case are pushing the envelope on the federal computer hacking law, setting a precedent that could make it a felony to...

With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepair
From ACM News

With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepair

Would-be whistle-blowers hoping to leak documents to Wikileaks face a potentially frustrating surprise. Wikileaks’ submission process, which had been degraded for...
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