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subjectComputer Systems

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Api: Three Letters That Change Life, the ­niverse, and Even Detroit
From ACM News

Api: Three Letters That Change Life, the ­niverse, and Even Detroit

Sam Ramji met AT&T chief technology officer John Donovan on a speed date—or at least the tech world equivalent of a speed date.

From ACM News

How the View From a Comet Might Look

The European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft is heading for a comet.

Marines Want iPads to Control Robo-Copter Brains
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Marines Want iPads to Control Robo-Copter Brains

It's been less than a month since the Marines flew their first robotic supply helicopter on its debut combat mission in Afghanistan.

Risky Rescue for Crippled Air Force Satellite
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Risky Rescue for Crippled Air Force Satellite

It was an epic space rescue that, in audacity and risk, echoed NASA's campaign to save the astronauts aboard the doomed Apollo 13 moon mission.

Amazon Builds World's Fastest Nonexistent Supercomputer
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Amazon Builds World's Fastest Nonexistent Supercomputer

The 42nd fastest supercomputer on earth doesn’t exist.

Mystery Men Forge Servers For Giants of Internet
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Mystery Men Forge Servers For Giants of Internet

If you drive down highway 880 from Oakland, Calif., take an exit about 30 miles south, and snake past a long line of car dealerships, you’ll find an ordinary...

Prof Promises Supercomputer on Every Desktop
From ACM News

Prof Promises Supercomputer on Every Desktop

When Wu Feng looks at an iPad, he sees something more than a great way to play Fruit Ninja.

From ACM News

Iran's Alleged Drone Hack: Tough, but Possible

Take everything that Iran says about its captured U.S. drone with a grain of salt. But its new claim that it spoofed the drone’s navigational controls isn't implausible...

From ACM News

China Looms Large in Race of the Supercomputers

Ten years ago, a ranking of the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers included precisely three entries from China. The most powerful of these—a system used to...

Japan Pushes World's Fastest Computer Past 10 Petaflop Barrier
From ACM News

Japan Pushes World's Fastest Computer Past 10 Petaflop Barrier

The Japanese have broken the 10 petaflop barrier. On Wednesday, Japanese IT giant Fujitsu and the government-funded RIKEN research lab announced the supercomputer...

From ACM News

Headless, Humanoid Robot Preps For Army Duty

Sauntering toward you like a mechanized zombie is the Army’s newest recruit: a robot with a blinking red light where its head should be.

From ACM News

The Quest For the Holy Grail of Storage

The cloud has a big problem on its hands: Cloud storage is failure-prone, slow, and infinitely quirky.

Microsoft Embraces Elephant of Open Source
From ACM News

Microsoft Embraces Elephant of Open Source

It took more than three years, but Microsoft has finally learned to stop worrying and love Hadoop.

Computational Model of Peace Predicts Social Violence, Harmony
From ACM TechNews

Computational Model of Peace Predicts Social Violence, Harmony

New England Complex Systems Institute researchers have developed a computational model that analyzes census data to identify potential areas of civil violence,...

From ACM Opinion

Dennis Ritchie: The Shoulders Steve Jobs Stood On

The tributes to Dennis Ritchie won’t match the river of praise that spilled out over the web after the death of Steve Jobs. But they should.

From ACM News

Document: Fbi Surveillance Geeks Fear, Love New Gadgets

Can't wait for 4G to become the ubiquitous standard for mobile communication? On the edge of your seat for the unveiling of Microsoft's secret Menlo Project and...

Real ­.s. Stealth-Tech Advantage: Its Assembly Lines
From ACM News

Real ­.s. Stealth-Tech Advantage: Its Assembly Lines

For more than 20 years, the U.S. Air Force had a world monopoly on radar-evading technology—and with it, a huge advantage over any rival. Several generations...

Lady of the Rings: Saturn Surveyor Carolyn Porco
From ACM Opinion

Lady of the Rings: Saturn Surveyor Carolyn Porco

When Carolyn Porco started exploring the outer solar system, it was all about the rings. Her 1983 doctoral thesis at Caltech focused on shifting spokes in Saturn’s...

Nanomagnetic Computers Are the ­ltimate in Efficiency
From ACM News

Nanomagnetic Computers Are the ­ltimate in Efficiency

Computers that run on chips made from tiny magnets may be as energy-efficient as physics permits.

Air France Crash Probe Raises Pilot Training Questions
From ACM News

Air France Crash Probe Raises Pilot Training Questions

Air France Flight 447 stalled high over the Atlantic Ocean and plunged into the sea even as the pilots repeatedly tried to pull the nose up—a reaction opposite...
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