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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Spark: Open Source Superstar Rewrites Future of Big Data
From ACM News

Spark: Open Source Superstar Rewrites Future of Big Data

Ram Sriharsha works in the engine room powering one of Silicon Valley's most influential companies. He’s an engineer at Yahoo.

CIA Releases Analyst's Fascinating Tale of Cracking the Kryptos Sculpture
From ACM News

CIA Releases Analyst's Fascinating Tale of Cracking the Kryptos Sculpture

It took eight years after artist Jim Sanborn unveiled his cryptographic sculpture at the CIA's headquarters for someone to succeed at cracking Kryptos's enigmatic...

Hacking the Drone War's Secret History
From ACM News

Hacking the Drone War's Secret History

In 2008 U.S. troops in Iraq discovered that Shi’ite insurgents had figured out how to tap and record video feeds from overhead American drones. Now you too can...

Hogwarts For Hackers: Inside the Science and Tech School of Tomorrow
From ACM TechNews

Hogwarts For Hackers: Inside the Science and Tech School of Tomorrow

The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy public live-in high school for students who excel at math and science, allows students at their own pace.

Thought Experiment: Build a Supercomputer Replica of the Human Brain
From ACM TechNews

Thought Experiment: Build a Supercomputer Replica of the Human Brain

Henry Markram believes his Human Brain Project can simulate all 86 billion neurons in the human brain as well as the 100 trillion connections among them. 

The Man Behind the Google Brain: Andrew Ng and the Quest For the New AI
From ACM Opinion

The Man Behind the Google Brain: Andrew Ng and the Quest For the New AI

There's a theory that human intelligence stems from a single algorithm.

A Leader of Obama's New Brain Initiative Explains Why We Need It
From ACM Opinion

A Leader of Obama's New Brain Initiative Explains Why We Need It

Neuroscientist William Newsome of Stanford University is one of two scientists tapped by President Obama to lead a new brain research initiative, which the administration...

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter
From ACM Careers

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter

PayPal co-founder Max Levchin faced some flak recently when he announced he was starting a new company in the already crowded field of digital payments.

Massive Fiber-Optic Installation Lights ­p Library Queries
From ACM News

Massive Fiber-Optic Installation Lights ­p Library Queries

Getting a glimpse into the curious minds of others has never been so beautiful—or so bright.

Texas, Where Science and History Have Become Ideological Battlegrounds
From ACM News

Texas, Where Science and History Have Become Ideological Battlegrounds

Some of the most important decisions that influence the public's knowledge aren't made by scientific societies and they don't take place in Washington D.C.

Student Suspended For Refusing to Wear Rfid Tracker Loses Lawsuit
From ACM News

Student Suspended For Refusing to Wear Rfid Tracker Loses Lawsuit

A Texas high school student who claimed her student identification was the "Mark of the Beast" because it was implanted with a radio-frequency identification chip...

Want a Flying Drone? These Students 3D-Printed Their Own
From ACM Careers

Want a Flying Drone? These Students 3D-Printed Their Own

It was supposed to be a big moment for the two brothers—both University of Virginia engineering students—the culmination of months of designing and refining.

Judge Says Fair Use Protects Universities in Book-Scanning Project
From ACM News

Judge Says Fair Use Protects Universities in Book-Scanning Project

A federal judge on Wednesday threw out a copyright infringement lawsuit against universities that participated in a massive book-digitization project in conjunction...

Estonia Reprograms First Graders as Web Coders
From ACM TechNews

Estonia Reprograms First Graders as Web Coders

Estonian public schools recently launched a program to develop a curriculum for teaching Web and mobile application development to students as early as first grade...

Coders Get Instant Gratification With Khan Academy Programming
From ACM TechNews

Coders Get Instant Gratification With Khan Academy Programming

The Khan Academy, which has provided free video lectures on subjects such as mathematics, biology, and history since 2006, recently launched a computer science...

­.s. Needs Another 600 Humans to Fly Its Robot Planes
From ACM Careers

­.s. Needs Another 600 Humans to Fly Its Robot Planes

The Pentagon doesn't have nearly enough people to operate its growing fleet of flying robots. Right now, the U.S. Air Force is short nearly 600 drone pilots and...

DARPA Director Bolts Pentagon For Google
From ACM News

DARPA Director Bolts Pentagon For Google

Darpa director Regina Dugan will soon be stepping down from her position atop the Pentagon's premiere research shop to take a job with Google.

From ACM Careers

Hackers Vie For More Than $1 Million to Take Down Browsers

As alleged hackers from LulzSec and Anonymous contemplate the possibility of a life behind bars, other hackers are limbering up in Canada this week to vie for more...

From ACM News

Engage: Apple's New Tools For Interactive Books on Ipad

Engagement is a big word in education. It combines both objective participation and subjective emotion. It's one of the few psychological terms in education that...

Prof Promises Supercomputer on Every Desktop
From ACM News

Prof Promises Supercomputer on Every Desktop

When Wu Feng looks at an iPad, he sees something more than a great way to play Fruit Ninja.
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