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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cosmic Ray Showers Crash Supercomputers. Here's What to Do About It
From ACM News

Cosmic Ray Showers Crash Supercomputers. Here's What to Do About It

The Cray-1 supercomputer, the world's fastest back in the 1970s, does not look like a supercomputer.

Stealthy, Destructive Malware Infects Half a Million Routers
From ACM News

Stealthy, Destructive Malware Infects Half a Million Routers

Home routers have become the rats to hackers' bubonic plague: An easily infected, untreated and ubiquitous population in which dangerous digital attacks can spread...

House Democrats Release 3,500 Russia-Linked Facebook Ads
From ACM News

House Democrats Release 3,500 Russia-Linked Facebook Ads

On Thursday, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee published more than 3,500 Facebook and Instagram ads linked to the Russian propaganda group Internet...

Cracking the Crypto War
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Cracking the Crypto War

On December 2, 2015, a man named Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, opened fire on employees of the Department of Public Health in San Bernardino,...

A Long-Awaited IoT Crisis Is Here, and Many Devices Aren't Ready
From ACM News

A Long-Awaited IoT Crisis Is Here, and Many Devices Aren't Ready

You know by now that Internet of Things devices like your router are often vulnerable to attack, the industry-wide lack of investment in security leaving the door...

The Next NSA Chief Is More ­sed to Cyberwar Than Spy Games
From ACM News

The Next NSA Chief Is More ­sed to Cyberwar Than Spy Games

After sailing through two friendly Senate hearings—one so uncontroversial that only six senators tops bothered to even show up at any given point in the hour—Lieutenant...

Facebook's New Data Restrictions Will Handcuff Even Honest Researchers
From ACM News

Facebook's New Data Restrictions Will Handcuff Even Honest Researchers

Last week, when news broke (again) that Cambridge Analytica had allegedly misused 50 million Facebook users' data, it immediately raised a difficult question: When...

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More
From ACM News

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More

Consumers have long wondered just what Google and Facebook know about them, and who else can access their personal data. But internet giants have little incentive...

AI Has a Hallucination Problem That's Proving Tough to Fix
From ACM News

AI Has a Hallucination Problem That's Proving Tough to Fix

Tech companies are rushing to infuse everything with artificial intelligence, driven by big leaps in the power of machine learning software. But the deep-neural...

The Decentralized Internet Is Here, With Some Glitches
From ACM News

The Decentralized Internet Is Here, With Some Glitches

I usually write in Google's online word processor Google Docs, even when noting the company's shortcomings.

Spoof, Jam, Destroy: Why We Need a Backup for GPS
From ACM News

Spoof, Jam, Destroy: Why We Need a Backup for GPS

Earth got a warning shot on January 25, 2016. On that day, Air Force engineers were scheduled to kill off a GPS satellite named SVN-23—the oldest in the navigation...

Microsoft's Supreme Court Case Has Big Implications For Data
From ACM News

Microsoft's Supreme Court Case Has Big Implications For Data

Five years ago, US law enforcement served Microsoft a search warrant for emails as part of a US drug trafficking investigation. In response, Microsoft handed over...

Inside the Two Years that Shook Facebook, and the World
From ACM News

Inside the Two Years that Shook Facebook, and the World

One day in late February of 2016, Mark Zuckerberg sent a memo to all of Facebook's employees to address some troubling behavior in the ranks.

Mind the Gap: This Researcher Steals Data With Noise, Light, and Magnets
From ACM News

Mind the Gap: This Researcher Steals Data With Noise, Light, and Magnets

The field of cybersecurity is obsessed with preventing and detecting breaches, finding every possible strategy to keep hackers from infiltrating your digital inner...

Your Sloppy Bitcoin Drug Deals Will Haunt You For Years
From ACM News

Your Sloppy Bitcoin Drug Deals Will Haunt You For Years

Perhaps you bought some illegal narcotics on the Silk Road half a decade ago, back when that digital black market for every contraband imaginable was still online...

Meet Antifa's Secret Weapon Against Far-Right Extremists
From ACM TechNews

Meet Antifa's Secret Weapon Against Far-Right Extremists

Computer science professor Megan Squire  has created an array of programs that monitor approximately 400,000 accounts of white nationalists on Facebook and elsewhere...

A New Way to Track Down Bugs Could Help Save Iot
From ACM News

A New Way to Track Down Bugs Could Help Save Iot

On a clear day this summer, security researcher Ang Cui boarded a boat headed to a government biosafety facility off the northeastern tip of Long Island.

Triple Meltdown: How So Many Researchers Found a 20-Year-Old Chip Flaw At the Same Time
From ACM News

Triple Meltdown: How So Many Researchers Found a 20-Year-Old Chip Flaw At the Same Time

Four groups of researchers independently found the vulnerabilities behind the devastating Meltdown and Spectre attacks within months of each other.

A Critical Intel Flaw Breaks Basic Security For Most Computers
From ACM News

A Critical Intel Flaw Breaks Basic Security For Most Computers

One of the most basic premises of computer security is isolation: If you run somebody else's sketchy code as an untrusted process on your machine, you should restrict...

Unprecedented Malware Targets Industrial Safety Systems in the Middle East
From ACM News

Unprecedented Malware Targets Industrial Safety Systems in the Middle East

Since Stuxnet first targeted and destroyed uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran last decade, the cybersecurity world has waited for the next step in that digital...
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