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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Clever Tool Shields Your Car From Hacks By Watching Its Internal Clocks
From ACM News

Clever Tool Shields Your Car From Hacks By Watching Its Internal Clocks

Car-hacking demonstrations tend to get all the glory in the security research community—remotely paralyzing a Jeep on the highway or cutting a Corvette’s brakes...

Artificial Intelligence Is Setting ­p the Internet For a Huge Clash With Europe
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Artificial Intelligence Is Setting ­p the Internet For a Huge Clash With Europe

Neural networks are changing the Internet.

Google Tests New Crypto in Chrome to Fend Off Quantum Attacks
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Google Tests New Crypto in Chrome to Fend Off Quantum Attacks

For anyone who cares about Internet security and encryption, the advent of practical quantum computing looms like the Y2K bug in the 1990s: a countdown to an unpredictable...

Clever Attack ­ses the Sound of a Computer's Fan to Steal Data
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Clever Attack ­ses the Sound of a Computer's Fan to Steal Data

In the past two years a group of researchers in Israel has become highly adept at stealing data from air-gapped computers—those machines prized by hackers that,...

The Quest to Make Code Work Like Biology Just Took A Big Step
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The Quest to Make Code Work Like Biology Just Took A Big Step

In the early 1970s, at Silicon Valley's Xerox PARC, Alan Kay envisioned computer software as something akin to a biological system, a vast collection of small cells...

Self-Driving Cars Will Teach Themselves to Save Lives—but Also Take Them
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Self-Driving Cars Will Teach Themselves to Save Lives—but Also Take Them

If you follow the ongoing creation of self-driving cars, then you probably know about the classic thought experiment called the Trolley Problem.

This 'demonically Clever' Backdoor Hides In a Tiny Slice of a Computer Chip
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This 'demonically Clever' Backdoor Hides In a Tiny Slice of a Computer Chip

Security flaws in software can be tough to find. Purposefully planted ones—hidden backdoors created by spies or saboteurs—are often even stealthier.

Soon We Won't Program Computers. We'll Train Them Like Dogs
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Soon We Won't Program Computers. We'll Train Them Like Dogs

Before the invention of the computer, most experimental psychologists thought the brain was an unknowable black box.

Ibm's Watson Has a New Project: Fighting Cybercrime
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Ibm's Watson Has a New Project: Fighting Cybercrime

IBM's Watson supercomputer hardly needs any more resumé-padding. It’s already wonJeopardy, written a cookbook, and dabbled in revolutionizing healthcare. 

Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide
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Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide

Stingrays, a secretive law enforcement surveillance tool, are one of the most controversial technologies in the government’s spy kit.

Building AI Is Hard‹so Facebook Is Building AI That Builds AI
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Building AI Is Hard‹so Facebook Is Building AI That Builds AI

Deep neural networks are remaking the Internet. Able to learn very human tasks by analyzing vast amounts of digital data, these artificially intelligent systems...

The Critical Hole at the Heart of Our Cell Phone Networks
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The Critical Hole at the Heart of Our Cell Phone Networks

In February 2014, the US ambassador to Ukraine suffered an embarrassing leak.

New Maps Make Aftershocks Look Scarier Than the Main Quake
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New Maps Make Aftershocks Look Scarier Than the Main Quake

Aftershocks continue shaking the cities of Kumamoto, Japan and Muisne, Ecuador, almost a week after earthquakes rocked the two cities, frightening residents still...

Hyper Vision
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Hyper Vision

There is something special happening in a generic office park in an uninspiring suburb near Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Mit's Teaching AI How to Help Stop Cyberattacks
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Mit's Teaching AI How to Help Stop Cyberattacks

Finding evidence that someone compromised your cyber defenses is a grind.

You Want to Build an Empire Like Google's? This Is Your Os
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You Want to Build an Empire Like Google's? This Is Your Os

Google called it Borg, and for many years, it was among the company's best-kept secrets.

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working
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A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working

Apple's move to encrypt your iPhone and WhatsApp's rollout of end-to-end encrypted messaging have generated plenty of privacy applause and law enforcement controversy...

IBM Wants to Implant Fake Brains in Real Brains to Prevent Seizures
From ACM News

IBM Wants to Implant Fake Brains in Real Brains to Prevent Seizures

Talk about neural networking.

Forget Apple vs. the Fbi: Whatsapp Just Switched on Encryption For a Billion People
From ACM News

Forget Apple vs. the Fbi: Whatsapp Just Switched on Encryption For a Billion People

For most of the past six weeks, the biggest story out of Silicon Valley was Apple's battle with the FBI over a federal order to unlock the iPhone of a mass shooter...

A Computer With a Great Eye Is About to Transform Botany
From ACM News

A Computer With a Great Eye Is About to Transform Botany

My dad is a wildlife biologist, and during road trips we took when I was growing up he spent a lot of time talking about the grasses and trees along the highway...
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