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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Microsoft Research Special Projects Group Tipped to Take on Google X
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Research Special Projects Group Tipped to Take on Google X

Microsoft Research's new Special Projects Group is tasked with working on disruptive technologies that could benefit both the company and society. 

Google's Coder Tool Turns Raspberry Pi Into a Mini Web Server
From ACM News

Google's Coder Tool Turns Raspberry Pi Into a Mini Web Server

A new open source development tool from Google is designed to make it easier to use Raspberry Pi computers to build Web applications.

Microsoft ­nleashes Bug Bounty Program--for Betas, Too
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft ­nleashes Bug Bounty Program--for Betas, Too

Microsoft has announced plans to launch three bug bounty programs designed to eliminate security vulnerabilities in its software. 

Swipe, Shake, CTRL Z? Web Spec Aims to End Input Overload
From ACM TechNews

Swipe, Shake, CTRL Z? Web Spec Aims to End Input Overload

The World Wide Web Consortium recently published the draft of Indie UI, a specification aimed at making it easier for developers to build Web applications that...

Researchers Find a New Way to Mix Computers and Neurons
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find a New Way to Mix Computers and Neurons

Nerve cell tendrils recently grew through tiny tubes made of semiconductor material in groundbreaking research conducted by University of Wisconsin, Madison graduate...

From ACM News

Inside Stuxnet: Researcher Drops New Clues About Origin of Worm

The mysterious Stuxnet worm took center stage at the Virus Bulletin 2010 conference here with a prominent security researcher dropping a raw hint that Israel may...
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