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subjectComputer Applications

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

W3c Boss Jeff Jaffe Explains How the Web Will Beat Smartphone Apps and Keep Growing
From ACM TechNews

W3c Boss Jeff Jaffe Explains How the Web Will Beat Smartphone Apps and Keep Growing

World Wide Web Consortium CEO Jeff Jaffe discusses how the Web will evolve to meet the challenge of smartphone users moving to closed apps.

Google's Coder Tool Turns Raspberry Pi Into a Mini Web Server
From ACM News

Google's Coder Tool Turns Raspberry Pi Into a Mini Web Server

A new open source development tool from Google is designed to make it easier to use Raspberry Pi computers to build Web applications.

Vote Early, Vote Often: Inside Norway's Pioneering Open Source E-Voting Trials
From ACM TechNews

Vote Early, Vote Often: Inside Norway's Pioneering Open Source E-Voting Trials

Norway recently held its second e-voting pilot, following an initial trial that took place during the local government elections in 2011. 

Html5 Now Neck and Neck With Native Apps For Developer Love
From ACM TechNews

Html5 Now Neck and Neck With Native Apps For Developer Love

More developers will trade a superior native experience for the lower cost of maintaining a common code base using HTML5 code in a native app container. 

From ACM TechNews

Tough Choices For Supercomputing's Legacy Apps

The future of supercomputing holds several significant software challenges, writes Numerical Algorithms Group's Andrew Jones. The first challenge is the rapidly...

Japanese Researchers Downplay Super Cpu Effect
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Researchers Downplay Super Cpu Effect

Japanese researchers led by Waseda University computer scientist Hironori Kasahara will spend the next year planning for a project to develop a new software standard...

Ec Calls For Energy Efficiency Through Ict
From ACM TechNews

Ec Calls For Energy Efficiency Through Ict

The European Commission (EC) believes information and communication technologies (ICT) can be used to reduce energy use, which also would help in the effort toView...
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