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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cyber Insurance Isn't Helping with Cybersecurity
From ACM News

Cyber Insurance Isn't Helping with Cybersecurity

It might be making the ransomware crisis worse, say researchers.

Average Time to Fix Critical Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities is 205 Days: Report
From ACM TechNews

Average Time to Fix Critical Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities is 205 Days: Report

The average time to correct critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities grew from 197 days to 205 days between April and May 2021, according to WhiteHat Security. 

Most Firms Face 2nd Ransomware Attack after Paying Off 1st
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Most Firms Face 2nd Ransomware Attack after Paying Off 1st

Some 80% of businesses that pay to regain access to encrypted systems experience a subsequent ransomware attack.

The Global Chip Shortage is Creating a New Problem: More Fake Components
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The Global Chip Shortage is Creating a New Problem: More Fake Components

Industry analysts believe that the global chip shortage is creating the perfect environment for counterfeit semiconductors to enter the market.

This Is How Attackers Bypass Microsoft's AMSI Anti-Malware Scanning Protection
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This Is How Attackers Bypass Microsoft's AMSI Anti-Malware Scanning Protection

Researchers outline common tactics for circumventing the security software.

An NTSB for Cyber Attacks?
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An NTSB for Cyber Attacks?

Critics grapple with Biden's Cybersecurity Safety Review Board plan.

Intel's Cryogenic Chip Shows It Can Control Qubits Even in a Deep Freeze
From ACM News

Intel's Cryogenic Chip Shows It Can Control Qubits Even in a Deep Freeze

Intel's researchers have proven that Horse Ridge could be used to control qubits directly next to the quantum processor.

Colonial Pipeline Paid Nearly $5 million in Ransomware Blackmail Payment
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Colonial Pipeline Paid Nearly $5 million in Ransomware Blackmail Payment

The payment was reportedly made soon after the attack began. It wasn't enough to stop the disruption.

This One Change Could Protect Your Systems From Attack. So Why Don't More Companies Do It?
From ACM News

This One Change Could Protect Your Systems From Attack. So Why Don't More Companies Do It?

One 'boring but really important' change could improve your security posture significantly. But not everyone does it.

Millions of Older Broadband Routers Have Security Flaws, Warn Researchers
From ACM TechNews

Millions of Older Broadband Routers Have Security Flaws, Warn Researchers

Millions of U.K. households use old broadband routers that hackers could exploit.

Emotet Botnet Harvested 4.3 Million eMail Addresses; FBI Using 'Have I Been Pwned' to Alert the Victims
From ACM News

Emotet Botnet Harvested 4.3 Million eMail Addresses; FBI Using 'Have I Been Pwned' to Alert the Victims

The law enforcement agency is working with the data breach service to alert people that their information may have been harvested by the botnet.

AWS Reveals Method to Build More Accurate Quantum Computer
From ACM TechNews

AWS Reveals Method to Build More Accurate Quantum Computer

Amazon's cloud subsidiary has unveiled a new architecture for a fault-tolerant quantum computer.

First Multi-Node Quantum Network Paves the Way for the Quantum Internet
From ACM News

First Multi-Node Quantum Network Paves the Way for the Quantum Internet

Researchers in the Netherlands have established an entanglement-based network between three quantum processors for the first time.

Pandemic is Pushing Robots into Retail at Unprecedented Pace
From ACM TechNews

Pandemic is Pushing Robots into Retail at Unprecedented Pace

The results of a recent survey indicate the Covid-19 pandemic has ramped up development and adoption of automation.

Australian Researchers Use ML to Analyze Rock Art
From ACM TechNews

Australian Researchers Use ML to Analyze Rock Art

South Australian researchers at Flinders University are analyzing the evolution of rock art via machine learning.

Firmware Attacks Are on the Rise and You Aren't Worrying About Them Enough
From ACM News

Firmware Attacks Are on the Rise and You Aren't Worrying About Them Enough

Businesses are too busy patching to worry about firmware attacks, according to a Microsoft-commissioned study.  

Fewer Troops, but More Tech: U.K. Military Downsizes as it Shifts to AI, Drones, Cyber
From ACM News

Fewer Troops, but More Tech: U.K. Military Downsizes as it Shifts to AI, Drones, Cyber

New defense plans for the next decade come with a strong focus on new technologies, pitching leaner but more effective armed forces.

Technology Will Create Millions of Jobs. The Problem Will Be to Find Workers to Fill Them
From ACM TechNews

Technology Will Create Millions of Jobs. The Problem Will Be to Find Workers to Fill Them

A new economic analysis indicates that new technologies will create tens of millions of jobs by 2030, but are unlikely to offset job losses from automation.

Bug Bounties: More Hackers Spotting Vulnerabilities Across Web, Mobile, IoT
From ACM TechNews

Bug Bounties: More Hackers Spotting Vulnerabilities Across Web, Mobile, IoT

HackerOne's 2021 Hacker Report reveals a 63% jump in the number of ethical hackers submitting vulnerabilities to bug bounty programs during the last year.

Hackers Exploit Websites to Give Them Excellent SEO Before Deploying Malware
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Exploit Websites to Give Them Excellent SEO Before Deploying Malware

Cybersecurity researchers have found hackers are using search engine optimization to push compromised websites higher up Google's rankings.
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