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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

S'pore Develops Chipset For Fast Data Transfer
From ACM TechNews

S'pore Develops Chipset For Fast Data Transfer

A microchip developed in Singapore can transmit data 1,000 times faster than Bluetooth. 

Lack of Training Hinders GP­ in HPC
From ACM TechNews

Lack of Training Hinders GP­ in HPC

Several factors, including the lack of training in parallel programming and support from independent software vendors, are major obstacles keeping general-purpose...

Researchers Find a New Way to Mix Computers and Neurons
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find a New Way to Mix Computers and Neurons

Nerve cell tendrils recently grew through tiny tubes made of semiconductor material in groundbreaking research conducted by University of Wisconsin, Madison graduate...

Intel: Why a 1,000-Core Chip Is Feasible
From ACM News

Intel: Why a 1,000-Core Chip Is Feasible

Chipmaker Intel has been investigating the issue of scaling the number of cores in chips through its Terascale Computing Research Program, which has so far yielded...

From ACM TechNews

Chinese Supercomputer Overtakes Jaguar

China's National University of Defense Technology's Tianhe-1A supercomputer has taken the top ranking from Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Jaguar supercomputer...

From ACM News

'world's Thinnest' Metal Lines to Spur Device Miniaturization

A group of international scientists have collaborated to create what they say is the world's thinnest and smoothest metallic lines used in electronic components...

From ACM News

Virtualization Moves Closer to the Desktop

Virtual computing has moved closer with the unveiling of a new client-based hypervisor that allows users to run multiple virtual machines on a single laptop.

From ACM TechNews

Tough Choices For Supercomputing's Legacy Apps

The future of supercomputing holds several significant software challenges, writes Numerical Algorithms Group's Andrew Jones. The first challenge is the rapidly...

Computers Have Speed Limit as ­nbreakable as Speed of Light, Say Physicists
From ACM TechNews

Computers Have Speed Limit as ­nbreakable as Speed of Light, Say Physicists

Boston University physicists Lev Levitin and Tommaso Toffoli have demonstrated that if processors continue to improve in accordance with Moore's Law, an unbreakable...

Japanese Researchers Downplay Super Cpu Effect
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Researchers Downplay Super Cpu Effect

Japanese researchers led by Waseda University computer scientist Hironori Kasahara will spend the next year planning for a project to develop a new software standard...
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