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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cisco: Patch Routers Now Against Massive 9.8/10-Severity Security Hole
From ACM TechNews

Cisco: Patch Routers Now Against Massive 9.8/10-Severity Security Hole

Cisco has advised enterprise users of its wireless virtual private network and firewall routers to immediately install updates to patch a critical flaw.

Your Bionic Hand Is Now at Risk From Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Your Bionic Hand Is Now at Risk From Hackers

Kaspersky Lab researchers revealed at Mobile World Congress 2019 in Spain that bionic hand prostheses from Moscow-based Motorica are vulnerable to hacking.

Security Flaws Found in 26 Low-End Cryptocurrencies
From ACM TechNews

Security Flaws Found in 26 Low-End Cryptocurrencies

Researchers have discovered two security flaws that impact 26 Proof of Stake cryptocurrencies.

Security Conference Will Let You Hack Tesla Car, Earn Cash Prizes
From ACM TechNews

Security Conference Will Let You Hack Tesla Car, Earn Cash Prizes

Security researchers attending the Pwn2Own CanSecWest security conference this March in Vancouver, Canada, will be incentivized to hack a Tesla Model 3 car.

Tech Skills in Most Demand This Year: Data, Cloud, Cybersecurity
From ACM TechNews

Tech Skills in Most Demand This Year: Data, Cloud, Cybersecurity

A global recruiting firm predicts 68% of information technology employers will increase full-time IT hiring this year, while 53% will increase their use of consultants...

Hyundai Develops Fingerprint Tech to Unlock and Start Cars
From ACM TechNews

Hyundai Develops Fingerprint Tech to Unlock and Start Cars

Hyundai Motor has developed a system that will allow drivers to unlock and start their vehicles using only their fingerprints.

Nurse Robot Moxi Gets Schooled by Texas Nurses
From ACM TechNews

Nurse Robot Moxi Gets Schooled by Texas Nurses

A robot designed to test collaborative automation integration in a working medical facility recently concluded its first real-world trial in a Texas hospital.

Walmart Leads the Floor Scrubbing Robots?
From ACM TechNews

Walmart Leads the Floor Scrubbing Robots?

By the end of next month, Walmart will deploy floor-scrubbing robots in its stores.

Playing With Molecules in Virtual Reality
From ACM TechNews

Playing With Molecules in Virtual Reality

A growing number of companies are using virtual reality to enable scientists to view, design, and manipulate molecular structures.

Flaws in Self-Encrypting SSDs Let Attackers Bypass Disk Encryption
From ACM TechNews

Flaws in Self-Encrypting SSDs Let Attackers Bypass Disk Encryption

Researchers have found vulnerabilities in some solid-state drives that allow hackers to circumvent encryption and access local data without knowing the password...

Intel CP­s Impacted by New PortSmash Side-Channel Vulnerability
From ACM TechNews

Intel CP­s Impacted by New PortSmash Side-Channel Vulnerability

Researchers discovered a new vulnerability in Intel processors that can allow attackers to leak encrypted data from the internal process of a central processing...

Can a Robot Learn a Language the Way a Child Does?
From ACM TechNews

Can a Robot Learn a Language the Way a Child Does?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a method to train semantic parsers by mimicking the way a child learns language.

Need to Fix an iPhone or Android Device? You Can Now Break DRM ­nder New ­.S. Rules
From ACM TechNews

Need to Fix an iPhone or Android Device? You Can Now Break DRM ­nder New ­.S. Rules

It is now legal in the U.S. for consumers and repair companies to break an electronic device's digital rights management protections in order to to repair it.

Watching YouTube Videos May Someday Let Robots Copy Humans
From ACM TechNews

Watching YouTube Videos May Someday Let Robots Copy Humans

Researchers have trained a neural network to reconstruct human acrobatics in YouTube video clips and manipulate a simulated humanoid to ape those movements.

Facebook, NY­ Aim to ­se AI to Speed ­p MRI Scans
From ACM TechNews

Facebook, NY­ Aim to ­se AI to Speed ­p MRI Scans

Facebook's artificial intelligence laboratory, working with the New York University School of Medicine, generated reliable magnetic resonance imaging scans with...

Zen and the Art of Data Structures: From Self-Tuning to Self-Designing Data Systems
From ACM TechNews

Zen and the Art of Data Structures: From Self-Tuning to Self-Designing Data Systems

Harvard University's Stratos Idreos is using what he calls a periodic table of data structures to map those structures and their characteristics and to probe their...

Exoskeletons Debut at Ford Factories
From ACM TechNews

Exoskeletons Debut at Ford Factories

Ford plans to offer exoskeleton technology to its factory employees worldwide.

IBM Watson Health Extends Partnership With ­.S. to Help Vets With Cancer
From ACM TechNews

IBM Watson Health Extends Partnership With ­.S. to Help Vets With Cancer

IBM Watson Health has extended its collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to help treat veterans with cancer using artificial intelligence. ...

Can Graphical Passwords Keep ­s Secure Online?
From ACM TechNews

Can Graphical Passwords Keep ­s Secure Online?

Researchers from the Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in China have developed an authentication method that uses semantically linked images.

How Do Autonomous Vehicles Learn to Drive? Download This Self-Driving Dataset and See for Yourself
From ACM TechNews

How Do Autonomous Vehicles Learn to Drive? Download This Self-Driving Dataset and See for Yourself

The University of California, Berkeley has made available a massive dataset used by engineers in the development of driverless auto technologies.
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