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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Carmakers Park Aging Models as U.N. Cyber Rule Comes into Effect
From ACM TechNews

Carmakers Park Aging Models as U.N. Cyber Rule Comes into Effect

Some European car manufacturers are discontinuing older vehicle models ahead of the full implementation of a U.N. cybersecurity regulation in July.

White House Urges Developers to Stop Using C, C++
From ACM TechNews

White House Urges Developers to Stop Using C, C++

The White House Office of the National Cyber Director called on developers to reduce the risk of cyberattacks by using programming languages without memory safety...

Here Come the Killer Robots
From ACM News

Here Come the Killer Robots

Despite concerns, autonomous AI weapons and defense systems for military applications are on the rise.

U.S. to Invest Billions to Replace High-Tech Cranes at Ports
From ACM TechNews

U.S. to Invest Billions to Replace High-Tech Cranes at Ports

The U.S. has proposed spending more than $20 billion to bolster domestic port security, including increasing domestic manufacturing of cargo cranes with advanced...

'AI Godfather', Others Urge More Deepfake Regulation
From ACM TechNews

'AI Godfather', Others Urge More Deepfake Regulation

More than 400 AI experts and executives from various industries signed an open letter calling for increased regulation of deepfakes.

The Battle to Mitigate E-Waste
From Communications of the ACM

The Battle to Mitigate E-Waste

As electronic waste grows by the metric ton, companies and citizens work to stem the tide.

In Memoriam: Niklaus Wirth
From Communications of the ACM

In Memoriam: Niklaus Wirth

The overriding philosophy of computing pioneer Niklaus Wirth, who died on January 1, 2024, was that systems should be simple, efficient, and "elegant."

When Eyes in the Sky Start Looking Right at You
From ACM TechNews

When Eyes in the Sky Start Looking Right at You

Satellites like those made by Colorado startup Albedo Space are heightening privacy concerns.

iOS Users' Face Scans Used to Break into Mobile Banking Accounts
From ACM TechNews

iOS Users' Face Scans Used to Break into Mobile Banking Accounts

iOS users are being targeted with malware that steals face scans from Apple devices to break into and steal money from bank accounts.

Defending the Business
From ACM News

Defending the Business

The potential for a cyber incident is a top risk to business globally.

The Text File that Runs the Internet
From ACM News

The Text File that Runs the Internet

For decades, robots.txt governed the behavior of Web crawlers. But as unscrupulous AI companies seek out more and more data, the basic social contract of the Web...

Open Source Security Chip Released
From ACM TechNews

Open Source Security Chip Released

A commercial silicon chip that includes open source, built-in hardware security has been announced by the OpenTitan coalition.

Waymo Recalls Software After Two Self-Driving Cars Hit the Same Truck
From ACM TechNews

Waymo Recalls Software After Two Self-Driving Cars Hit the Same Truck

Waymo, the self-driving car division of Alphabet, issued a recall for its software after two of its vehicles hit the same pickup truck minutes apart in Phoenix....

Your Body Is Your Next Security Key
From ACM TechNews

Your Body Is Your Next Security Key

Biometric scanning and AI advances could replace the need for badges to enter buildings and regular password resets to access websites.

The Campaign Against Deepfakes
From ACM News

The Campaign Against Deepfakes

Digital deceit is on the rise and needs to be addressed.

Spying on Security Cameras Through Walls
From ACM TechNews

Spying on Security Cameras Through Walls

Northeastern University researchers have developed a way to access video feeds from home security, dashboard, and smartphone cameras through walls.

Scientists Find Optimal Balance of Data Storage and Time
From ACM News

Scientists Find Optimal Balance of Data Storage and Time

Seventy years after the invention of a data structure called a hash table, theoreticians have found the most efficient possible configuration for it.

Attacks in the Metaverse Are Booming. Police Start to Pay Attention
From ACM TechNews

Attacks in the Metaverse Are Booming. Police Start to Pay Attention

Law enforcement is paying closer attention to reports of attacks, harassment, and sexual assault in virtual environments.

Computer Scientists Find Gaps in Privacy Practices of Political Campaign Websites
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Find Gaps in Privacy Practices of Political Campaign Websites

A study by computer scientists revealed that interacting with political campaign websites puts people's personal information at risk.
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