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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nanostructures Bring Gains for Phase-Change Memory
From ACM TechNews

Nanostructures Bring Gains for Phase-Change Memory

Researchers developed a nanocomposite superlattice phase-change memory device.

Japan Bids Sayonara to the 3.5" Floppy Disk
From ACM TechNews

Japan Bids Sayonara to the 3.5" Floppy Disk

Japan's rules for the submission of official documents to the government no longer mention physical media like floppy disks, CD-ROMs, or other "electronic recording...

Virtual Reality as Therapy
From Communications of the ACM

Virtual Reality as Therapy

Leveraging precisely designed alternate realities as therapeutic tools.

NVMe Consortium Polishes Its Specs to Support Computational Storage
From ACM TechNews

NVMe Consortium Polishes Its Specs to Support Computational Storage

The NVM Express (NVMe) consortium has established a standardized method for applications to talk to storage devices with processing capabilities.

Cryptographers Just Got Closer to Enabling Fully Private Internet Searches
From ACM News

Cryptographers Just Got Closer to Enabling Fully Private Internet Searches

Three researchers have found a long-sought way to pull information from large databases secretly. If the process can be streamlined, fully private browsing could...

Data Stuffed into Diamond Cavities
From ACM TechNews

Data Stuffed into Diamond Cavities

Researchers at the City College of New York developed a technique that allows diamonds to be used for optical storage under cryogenic conditions.

Epigenomics Now
From Communications of the ACM

Epigenomics Now

Computer power helps biologists track the regulation of genetic information.

Wayfinding Without GPS
From Communications of the ACM

Wayfinding Without GPS

Quantum entanglement provides a new direction in navigation.

Multiple Data Leaks at 23andMe
From ACM News

Multiple Data Leaks at 23andMe

Stolen genetic data leads to class action suit against the testing firm.

Samet Honored with ACM SIGSPATIAL Lifetime Impact Award
From ACM TechNews

Samet Honored with ACM SIGSPATIAL Lifetime Impact Award

Hanan Samet was honored with the inaugural Lifetime Impact Award from ACM’s Special Interest Group on Spatial Information (SIGSPATIAL).

Tales of Topological Qubits
From Communications of the ACM

Tales of Topological Qubits

Emulating the behavior of exotic quantum states may give quantum computing a better way of squeezing out troublesome noise and errors.

News Group Says A.I. Chatbots Heavily Rely on News Content
From ACM News

News Group Says A.I. Chatbots Heavily Rely on News Content

The News Media Alliance, a trade group that represents newspapers, says that A.I. chatbots use news articles significantly more than generic content online.

Microsoft Repositions 7TB 'Project Silica' Glass Media as Cloud Storage Solution
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Repositions 7TB 'Project Silica' Glass Media as Cloud Storage Solution

Microsoft said its Project Silica glass media storage technology can retain roughly 1.75 million songs or about 3,500 movies on a palm-sized glass sheet for 10,000...

An Exabyte of Disk Storage at CERN
From ACM TechNews

An Exabyte of Disk Storage at CERN

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland has exceeded the 1-exabyte threshold, amassing 1 million terabytes (TB) of disk space.

Why NASA Is Sending National Secrets to the Moon
From ACM TechNews

Why NASA Is Sending National Secrets to the Moon

NASA will work with startup Lonestar plus the Isle of Man to send a data payload to the Moon next February to assess lunar-based backup storage as part of the Artemis...

Biomedical Digital Twins
From Communications of the ACM

Biomedical Digital Twins

Considering the transformative possibilities of simulated models of biological phenomena and systems at multiple scales.

The Fight to Repair
From Communications of the ACM

The Fight to Repair

How the battle over the right to repair is tipping in favor of consumers.

Using Psychology to Bolster Cybersecurity
From Communications of the ACM

Using Psychology to Bolster Cybersecurity

Getting into the minds of attackers to protect the enterprise.

Private Equity Recruits Data-Science Talent as Industry Tackles Machine Learning
From ACM TechNews

Private Equity Recruits Data-Science Talent as Industry Tackles Machine Learning

Private equity firms integrating machine learning and data analytics into their investment processes increasingly are turning to data-science experts to interpret...

Shining a Light on the Dark Web
From Communications of the ACM

Shining a Light on the Dark Web

How the Dark Web continues to operate, and why law enforcement will not shut it down anytime soon.
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