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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Unionization of Technology Companies
From Communications of the ACM

The Unionization of Technology Companies

New unions could change how tech giants engage with their employees.

Upholding ACM's Principles
From Communications of the ACM

Upholding ACM's Principles

Repeated ethical violations ends with membership revocation and ban.

Will AI Grade Your Next Test?
From ACM TechNews

Will AI Grade Your Next Test?

Stanford University researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system designed to provide automated feedback to students taking the online Code in Place...

The World's First Digital Model of a Cancer Cell
From ACM TechNews

The World's First Digital Model of a Cancer Cell

Researchers have developed the world's first computer model of a cancer cell, which could revolutionize cancer research.

At a Summer Camp, Juice Boxes and Bitcoin Mining
From ACM TechNews

At a Summer Camp, Juice Boxes and Bitcoin Mining

The Crypto Kids Camp hosted five days of activities in Los Angeles to familiarize 26 children ages five to 17 with money and cryptocurrency.

What Should Be a Student's First Programming Language?
From ACM News

What Should Be a Student's First Programming Language?

Different universities have different answers for the question, reflecting both their teaching philosophies and their sense of which language will prove most important...

Georgia Tech's Online MS In Computer Science Continues To Thrive
From ACM News

Georgia Tech's Online MS In Computer Science Continues To Thrive

Why that's important for the future of MOOCs.

Raj Reddy Honored by Computer History Museum
From ACM News

Raj Reddy Honored by Computer History Museum

Turing Award recipient Reddy was recognized for his contributions in artificial intelligence and speaker-independent continuous speech recognition.

The Future of Supply Chains
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Supply Chains

Droids, drones, and driverless technologies are fueling a supply chain revolution.

Charles M. Geschke (1939-2021)
From Communications of the ACM

Charles M. Geschke (1939-2021)

Charles M. Geschke helped create the modern world of computing, where beautiful typography and expressive, artistic graphics are as integral to most users' experience...

Amazon India Introduces Machine Learning Summer School
From ACM News

Amazon India Introduces Machine Learning Summer School

Amazon India's three-day ML Summer School will cover fundamental concepts in Machine Learning, while linking them to practical industry applications.

Honoring the Ties Between Computer Science and Mathematics
From ACM News

Honoring the Ties Between Computer Science and Mathematics

László Lovász and Avi Wigderson were awarded the 2021 Abel Prize.

How Do We Improve the Virtual Classroom?
From ACM TechNews

How Do We Improve the Virtual Classroom?

Researchers investigated virtual learning's shortcomings and proposed approaches for improving the experience.

IBM Partners with U.K. on $300 Million Quantum Computing Research Initiative
From ACM TechNews

IBM Partners with U.K. on $300 Million Quantum Computing Research Initiative

A five-year, $297.5-million partnership between IBM and the U.K. government will research quantum computing and artificial intelligence in the quest for sustainable...

A Blueprint for Designing, Synthesizing Multifunctional Materials
From ACM TechNews

A Blueprint for Designing, Synthesizing Multifunctional Materials

Nanocrystal combinations can yield new multifunctional materials through an inverse design blueprint.

How to Get More Women into Technology
From ACM TechNews

How to Get More Women into Technology

Recent initiatives aimed at swelling the ranks of women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) include enrichment programs, mentorships, and engagement...

Jack Minker (1927–2021)
From Communications of the ACM

Jack Minker (1927–2021)

ACM Fellow Jack Minker was a leader in the development of automating logistic reasoning, but he is perhaps best known for his efforts to promote the social responsibility...

Let the Algorithm Decide?
From Communications of the ACM

Let the Algorithm Decide?

Algorithms fail their first test to replace student exams.

Coding Bootcamps in the Time of COVID
From ACM News

Coding Bootcamps in the Time of COVID

Immersive coding schools have headed online, where their job orientation is more intense than ever.

Ayanna Howard Named ACM Athena Lecturer
From ACM TechNews

Ayanna Howard Named ACM Athena Lecturer

ACM has named Ayanna Howard, dean of the Ohio State University College of Engineering, its 2021-2022 ACM Athena Lecturer.
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