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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

These Incredibly Realistic Fake Faces Show How Algorithms Can Now Mess with ­s
From ACM News

These Incredibly Realistic Fake Faces Show How Algorithms Can Now Mess with ­s

These faces don't seem particularly remarkable. They could easily be taken from, say, Facebook or LinkedIn. In reality, they were dreamed up by a new kind of AI...

NASA's InSight Places First Instrument on Mars
From ACM News

NASA's InSight Places First Instrument on Mars

NASA's InSight lander has deployed its first instrument onto the surface of Mars, completing a major mission milestone. New images from the lander show the seismometer...

How Computers Got Shockingly Good at Recognizing Images
From ACM News

How Computers Got Shockingly Good at Recognizing Images

Right now, I can open up Google Photos, type "beach," and see my photos from various beaches I've visited over the last decade.

China's Tech Giants Want to Go Global. Just One Thing Might Stand in Their Way.
From ACM News

China's Tech Giants Want to Go Global. Just One Thing Might Stand in Their Way.

In the early 1980s, a cluster of fledging computer companies opened up shop in a chaotic corner of northwest Beijing, near the campuses of Peking and Tsinghua Universities...

Getting the Dirt on Creation, Inside OSIRIS-REx's First Close Look at Bennu
From ACM News

Getting the Dirt on Creation, Inside OSIRIS-REx's First Close Look at Bennu

Last week at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) the science team of NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission presented their first findings from the asteroid...

Quantum Leap
From Communications of the ACM

Quantum Leap

A new proof supports a 25-year-old claim of the unique power of quantum computing.

Team Invents Method to Shrink Objects to the Nanoscale
From ACM News

Team Invents Method to Shrink Objects to the Nanoscale

MIT researchers have invented a way to fabricate nanoscale 3-D objects of nearly any shape. They can also pattern the objects with a variety of useful materials...

How Russian Trolls ­sed Meme Warfare to Divide America
From ACM News

How Russian Trolls ­sed Meme Warfare to Divide America

There's a meme on Instagram, circulated by a group called "Born Liberal." A fist holds a cluster of strings, reaching down into people with television sets for...

Searching for the Perfect Artificial Synapse for AI
From ACM News

Searching for the Perfect Artificial Synapse for AI

What's the best type of device from which to build a neural network? Of course, it should be fast, small, consume little power, have the ability to reliably store...

China Has Never Had a Real Chip Industry. Making AI Chips Could Change That.
From ACM News

China Has Never Had a Real Chip Industry. Making AI Chips Could Change That.

Donald Trump is speaking Mandarin.

The Key to Cracking Long-Dead Languages
From ACM News

The Key to Cracking Long-Dead Languages

Broken and scorched black by fire, the dense, wedge-shaped marks etched into the ancient clay tablets are only just visible under the soft light at the British...

Quantum Computing Needs You to Help Solve Its Core Mystery
From ACM News

Quantum Computing Needs You to Help Solve Its Core Mystery

Since 2016, IBM has offered online access to a quantum computer. Anyone can log in and execute commands on a 5-qubit or 14-qubit machine located in Yorktown Heights...

Inside Huawei's Secret HQ, China Is Shaping the Future
From ACM News

Inside Huawei's Secret HQ, China Is Shaping the Future

The surprise arrest of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Co., has thrust the company into a political firestorm and deepened a core threat...

Finding Alien Life May Require Giant Telescopes Built in Orbit
From ACM News

Finding Alien Life May Require Giant Telescopes Built in Orbit

After snapping the final piece into place with a satisfying "click" she feels through her spacesuit gloves, the astronaut pauses to appreciate the view.

NASA InSight Lander 'Hears' Martian Winds
From ACM News

NASA InSight Lander 'Hears' Martian Winds

NASA's Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport InSight lander, which touched down on Mars just 10 days ago, has provided the...

DeepMind Achieves Holy Grail: An AI That Can Master Games Like Chess and Go Without Human Help
From ACM News

DeepMind Achieves Holy Grail: An AI That Can Master Games Like Chess and Go Without Human Help

DeepMind, the London-based subsidiary of Alphabet, has created a system that can quickly master any game in the class that includes chess, Go, and Shogi, and do...

NASA's Next Mars Rover Will ­se AI to Be a Better Science Partner
From ACM News

NASA's Next Mars Rover Will ­se AI to Be a Better Science Partner

NASA can't yet put a scientist on Mars. But in its next rover mission to the Red Planet, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is hoping to use artificial intelligence...

NASA Reveals Aliens Could Have Already Visited Earth
From ACM News

NASA Reveals Aliens Could Have Already Visited Earth

A NASA scientist suggested that aliens may have already visited earth but evaded detection due to their appearances being vastly different from human expectations...

More Than an Auto-Pilot, AI Charts Its Course in Aviation
From ACM News

More Than an Auto-Pilot, AI Charts Its Course in Aviation

Ask anyone what they think of when the words "artificial intelligence" and aviation are combined, and it's likely the first things they'll mention are drones.

The 'Camera That Saved Hubble' Turns 25
From ACM News

The 'Camera That Saved Hubble' Turns 25

Twenty-five years ago this week, NASA held its collective breath as seven astronauts on space shuttle Endeavour caught up with the Hubble Space Telescope 353 miles...
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