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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

U.s. Students Show Significant Gains in Math, Science Results
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Students Show Significant Gains in Math, Science Results

U.S. math and science scores for students significantly improved on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's Program for International Student...

MIT Expands and Strengthens its Links to China
From ACM News

MIT Expands and Strengthens its Links to China

MIT's connections to China, already well-established, are set to be strengthened and expanded as part of a major, long-term effort to promote intellectual and...

From ACM TechNews

Civil-Rights Panel Weighs in on Where Minorities Fare Best in STEM Fields

A recently released report that examined minority students' pursuit of degrees found that admissions preferences based on race led to more minority students giving...

From ACM TechNews

Special Report

The current state of North American computer science education includes an upward trend in university enrollment for undergraduate programs, but also the erosion...

Nsf Celebrates Computer Science Education Week 2010
From ACM News

Nsf Celebrates Computer Science Education Week 2010

The High-Low Tech research group at MIT's Media Lab seeks to engage diverse people in developing their own technologies. The research is part of the NSF-funded...

Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators
From ACM News

Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators

With China’s debut in international standardized testing, students in Shanghai have surprised experts by outscoring their counterparts in dozens of other countries...

From ACM TechNews

Virtual Training Gets Real!

University of Leeds researchers are leading the ImREAL project, which is developing a virtual-reality training tool aimed at creating a simulated learning environment...

Live Online Briefing: Inspiring the Next Bill Gates
From ACM TechNews

Live Online Briefing: Inspiring the Next Bill Gates

The National Science Foundation will host a Webcast on Dec. 7 featuring Georgia Tech's Amy Bruckman, MIT's Leah Buechley, and ACM's Cameron Wilson, as part of the...

Schools See Surge in Computer Science Classes
From ACM TechNews

Schools See Surge in Computer Science Classes

Many colleges saw significant growth in computer science enrollment this fall compared to three years ago, demonstrating the growing importance of technology education...

Faculty Innovators Explore Ipad ­se
From ACM News

Faculty Innovators Explore Ipad ­se

A nine-year-old Faculty Innovators program at Western Illinois University strives to mentor faculty on integrating technology and teaching. This year, participating...

Joanne Luciano Joins Rensselaer's Web Science Research Group
From ACM News

Joanne Luciano Joins Rensselaer's Web Science Research Group

Joanne Sylvia Luciano has joined Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Tetherless World Research Constellation. Luciano's research uses computational modeling and...

From ACM News

$1 Million Gift Boosts Prep Program For Future Math, Science Teachers

The University of Houston's teachHouston program, which works to combat the shortage of qualified science and math teachers in middle and high schools, has received...

From ACM TechNews

American ­niversities See Decline in Foreigners Earning Science Doctorates

The number of doctorates in science and engineering granted by U.S. universities rose 1.9 percent last year, but the number of foreigners earning advanced degrees...

Spaf on Security Education in 2011
From ACM TechNews

Spaf on Security Education in 2011

Purdue University professor Eugene Spafford says that both industry and government are focusing more on the need for students to receive training in information...

Professors ­se Twitter in Foreign Language Teaching
From ACM News

Professors ­se Twitter in Foreign Language Teaching

Two professors at the University of South Carolina are using Twitter as a tool in teaching foreign languages.

From ACM News

In Class, Texting Is the New Doodling

Top classroom distraction surpasses doodling, daydreaming and note-passing.

A Matter of Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

A Matter of Privacy

Do consumers have enough control over their personal information or is more government regulation needed?

The New Face of War
From Communications of the ACM

The New Face of War

With the introduction of the sophisticated Stuxnet worm, the stakes of cyberwarfare have increased immeasurably.

CSEdWeek Expands Its Reach
From Communications of the ACM

CSEdWeek Expands Its Reach

The second Computer Science Education Week is showing students, parents, and educators why computer science is important.

The Eyes Have It
From Communications of the ACM

The Eyes Have It

Eye-tracking control for mobile phones might lead to a new era of context-aware user interfaces.
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