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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda
From ACM News

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda

Under fire for Facebook Inc.'s role as a platform for political propaganda, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has punched back, saying his mission is above partisanship...

The Evolution of Trust in a Digital Economy
From ACM News

The Evolution of Trust in a Digital Economy

To participate in today's global economy, ordinary people must accept an asymmetrical bargain: their lives are transparent to states, banks and corporations, whereas...

How the Loss of Net Neutrality Could Change the Internet
From ACM News

How the Loss of Net Neutrality Could Change the Internet

The repeal of net neutrality ushers in a new chapter of the internet that could eventually transform the way Americans communicate, shop and consume information...

Berners-Lee, Woz, Cerf: Cancel Flawed Net Neutrality Vote 
From ACM News

Berners-Lee, Woz, Cerf: Cancel Flawed Net Neutrality Vote 

Internet and technology luminaries, including Web creator Tim Berners-Lee, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and "Father of the internet" Vint Cerf, have called on...

Will Tech Firms Challenge China's 'open' Internet?
From ACM News

Will Tech Firms Challenge China's 'open' Internet?

Sometimes you can gauge how proud someone is about being at an event by the extent to which they want to talk about it.

Google Missed Out on China. Can It Flourish in India?
From ACM News

Google Missed Out on China. Can It Flourish in India?

Every month, about four million more Indians get online. They include people like Manju, a 35-year-old seamstress in this city of ancient palaces, who got her first...

The Genesis of Kuri, the Friendly Home Robot
From ACM News

The Genesis of Kuri, the Friendly Home Robot

Over the course  of thousands of years, dogs have evolved alongside humans to be awesome.

Can Police Track You Through Your Cellphone Without a Warrant?
From ACM News

Can Police Track You Through Your Cellphone Without a Warrant?

The U.S. Supreme Court confronts the digital age again on Wednesday when it hears oral arguments in a case that promises to have major repercussions for law enforcement...

How Disinformation and Distortions on Social Media Affected Elections Worldwide
From ACM News

How Disinformation and Distortions on Social Media Affected Elections Worldwide

Internet freedom is on the decline for the seventh consecutive year as governments around the world take to distorting information on social media in order to influence...

Five Technologies That Will Rock Your World
From ACM News

Five Technologies That Will Rock Your World

After the Russian hacking of the 2016 election, many people worry that technology has gone too far.

Only If It Serves the State: North Korea's Online Experience 
From ACM News

Only If It Serves the State: North Korea's Online Experience 

Ever so cautiously, North Korea is going online.

Texas Gunman's Iphone Could Reignite Fbi-Apple Feud Over Encryption
From ACM News

Texas Gunman's Iphone Could Reignite Fbi-Apple Feud Over Encryption

The FBI and Apple are bracing for another potential fight over encryption, this time because of the iPhone of the dead gunman in Sunday's Texas church shooting,...

Fbi Again Finds Itself ­nable to ­nlock a Gunman's Cellphone
From ACM News

Fbi Again Finds Itself ­nable to ­nlock a Gunman's Cellphone

The Texas church massacre is providing a familiar frustration for law enforcement: FBI agents are unable to unlock the gunman's encrypted cellphone to learn what...

Russian Ads, Now Publicly Released, Show Sophistication of Influence Campaign
From ACM News

Russian Ads, Now Publicly Released, Show Sophistication of Influence Campaign

Lawmakers on Wednesday released a trove of ads that Russian operatives bought on Facebook, providing the fullest picture yet of how foreign actors sought to promote...

Building Tomorrow's Robots
From ACM Careers

Building Tomorrow's Robots

When Brandon Araki arrived at MIT in 2015 as a master's candidate in mechanical engineering, he brought along the picobug, a tiny robot that can fly, crawl, and...

How Russian Trolls Lie Their Way to the Top of Your News Feed
From ACM News

How Russian Trolls Lie Their Way to the Top of Your News Feed

Going viral used to be harmless.

Twitter Bans Russian Government-Owned News Sites Rt and Sputnik from Buying Ads
From ACM News

Twitter Bans Russian Government-Owned News Sites Rt and Sputnik from Buying Ads

Twitter is banning two Russian government-affiliated news sites from advertising on its platform, the social network said Thursday.

Inspired By Brain's Visual Cortex, New AI ­tterly Wrecks Captcha Security
From ACM News

Inspired By Brain's Visual Cortex, New AI ­tterly Wrecks Captcha Security

Computer algorithms have gotten much better at recognizing patterns, like specific animals or people's faces, allowing software to automatically categorize large...

Overcoming Disabilities
From Communications of the ACM

Overcoming Disabilities

Brain-computer interfaces hold the promise of fully featured replacements for body parts that don't work or are missing.

How Fiction Becomes Fact on Social Media
From ACM News

How Fiction Becomes Fact on Social Media

Hours after the Las Vegas massacre, Travis McKinney's Facebook feed was hit with a scattershot of conspiracy theories.
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