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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Israelis, Germans Bring Yad Vashem Museum to Minecraft
From ACM TechNews

Israelis, Germans Bring Yad Vashem Museum to Minecraft

Israeli engineers and German gamers partnered to build an accurate virtual model of Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Museum and an educational exhibition in the online gameworld...

Will the Metaverse Be Entertaining? Ask South Korea
From ACM TechNews

Will the Metaverse Be Entertaining? Ask South Korea

South Korea's entertainment industry is producing virtual content as a gateway into the metaverse.

ACM TechBrief: Policies Needed for Safer Algorithmic Systems
From ACM TechNews

ACM TechBrief: Policies Needed for Safer Algorithmic Systems

A TechBrief released by ACM's global Technology Policy Council warns the spread of algorithmic systems carries with it unaddressed risks.

What Caused Wednesday Morning's Microsoft Outage?
From ACM News

What Caused Wednesday Morning's Microsoft Outage?

Service was impacted in the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa, however, China was unaffected, per CNN.

Muscle-Powered Robots Have Freedom of Movement
From ACM TechNews

Muscle-Powered Robots Have Freedom of Movement

Researchers collaborated on the construction of remote-controlled electronic biological robots powered by organic muscles.

LG, Whirlpool Target Customers Disconnected from 'Smart' Appliances
From ACM TechNews

LG, Whirlpool Target Customers Disconnected from 'Smart' Appliances

Appliance manufacturers LG Electronics and Whirlpool are trying to entice customers whose "smart" appliances are not connected to the Internet to embrace the technology...

Justice Department Sues Google for Monopolizing Digital Advertising Technologies
From ACM News

Justice Department Sues Google for Monopolizing Digital Advertising Technologies

Justice Department accuses Google of subverting competition in Internet advertising technologies through serial acquisitions and anticompetitive auction manipulation...

Viral ChatGPT Spurs Concerns About Propaganda, Hacking Risks
From ACM TechNews

Viral ChatGPT Spurs Concerns About Propaganda, Hacking Risks

Researchers at Georgetown University, OpenAI, and the Stanford Internet Observatory issued a report warning about the potential misuse of OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot...

Hundreds of MSI Motherboards Have a Serious Security Flaw
From ACM TechNews

Hundreds of MSI Motherboards Have a Serious Security Flaw

Polish security researcher Dawid Potocki discovered a vulnerability in MSI's motherboards that occurs when the Secure Boot default settings for "Image Execution...

Meta Board Trashes Facebook's 'Convoluted and Poorly Defined' Female Nipple Rule
From ACM News

Meta Board Trashes Facebook's 'Convoluted and Poorly Defined' Female Nipple Rule

Facebook's rules, the board acknowledged, are "extensive and confusing" and "often convoluted and poorly defined," requiring bizarre, subjective content moderation...

Rentokil Pilots Facial Recognition System as Way to Exterminate Rats
From ACM TechNews

Rentokil Pilots Facial Recognition System as Way to Exterminate Rats

U.K. pest control services provider Rentokil is testing facial recognition software as a tool for rat extermination.  

The AI Magic Show
From ACM News

The AI Magic Show

Explanations about how deep learning and large language models actually work often emphasized incomprehensibility, or a model's explainability or interpretability...

Post-Quantum Cryptography
From Communications of the ACM

Post-Quantum Cryptography

Cryptographers seek algorithms quantum computers cannot break.

Computational Linguistics Finds Its Voice
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Linguistics Finds Its Voice

Advances in artificial intelligence permit computers to converse with humans in seemingly realistic ways.

Can AI Demonstrate Creativity?
From Communications of the ACM

Can AI Demonstrate Creativity?

When fed a sufficient amount of training data, artificial intelligence techniques can be used to generate new ideas in several different ways. Is that creativity...

AI Becoming More Conversational. But Will It Get More Honest?
From ACM TechNews

AI Becoming More Conversational. But Will It Get More Honest?

Many companies and laboratories are tapping artificial intelligence to develop more sophisticated chatbots.

Smart Appliances Could Stop Working After Two Years Due to Lack of Software Updates
From ACM TechNews

Smart Appliances Could Stop Working After Two Years Due to Lack of Software Updates

U.K. informed consumer brand Which? warns smart appliances could stop operating after only two years due to a cessation of software updates from manufacturers. ...

Sailor-Less Ships Head to Port on AI Wave
From ACM TechNews

Sailor-Less Ships Head to Port on AI Wave

Artificial intelligence-powered unmanned boat technology was among the technologies showcased at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2023).

Telehealth Cuts Healthcare's Carbon Footprint, Patient's Costs During Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

Telehealth Cuts Healthcare's Carbon Footprint, Patient's Costs During Pandemic

Researchers found that using telehealth for ambulatory visits lowered patients' costs and carbon footprint and saved time and lives during the first two years of...

The Biden National Cyber Strategy is Unlike Any Before It
From ACM News

The Biden National Cyber Strategy is Unlike Any Before It

Regulation is on the menu of a national cybersecurity strategy.
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