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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Nsf: Federal Role in Academic R&d Funding Has Diminished

A report from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) concludes that the federal government's role in the underwriting of science and engineering research and...

Scientist Receives NSF Grant to Improve Computer Tools
From ACM TechNews

Scientist Receives NSF Grant to Improve Computer Tools

Carnegie Mellon NewsCarnegie Mellon University's Ole Mengshoel has received a two-year, $498,000 U.S. National Science Foundation grant to develop new computer...

New ICANN Agreement Runs Into Criticism
From ACM TechNews

New ICANN Agreement Runs Into Criticism

There has been some concern that the new agreement between ICANN and the U.S. Department of Commerce will not provide enough accountability. Under the new agreement...

Cybersecurity On Exhibit: Defending The ­.s. Online
From ACM News

Cybersecurity On Exhibit: Defending The ­.s. Online

A panel of officials says the United States is far behind in addressing cyber-security threats.  "Taking down the grid for months comes as close to a nuclear attack...

Betting Exchange Proposed as Means to Valuing Toxic Assets
From ACM News

Betting Exchange Proposed as Means to Valuing Toxic Assets

Alan Holland, a researcher at the Cork Constraint Computation Centre at University College Cork, Ireland, advocates using an online prediction market to value toxic...

Researchers to Develop Algorithms for 'Commonsense Knowledge' Bases
From ACM News

Researchers to Develop Algorithms for 'Commonsense Knowledge' Bases

Two researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago were recently awarded a three-year, $500,000 grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to develop...

Cooperative Design Shaves Chip-Making Costs
From ICT Results

Cooperative Design Shaves Chip-Making Costs

A European-sponsored programme that gives universities inexpensive access to state-of-the-art microchip design tools and fabrication techniques, and helps even...

From ACM News

Threat of next world war may be in cyberspace: ­N

"Cyber war!" flashes on the screen at an Internet security conference. The next world war could take place in cyberspace, the UN telecommunications agency chief...

Nobel Awarded For Advances in Harnessing Light
From ACM News

Nobel Awarded For Advances in Harnessing Light

The mastery of light through technology was the theme of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics as the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honored breakthroughs in fiber...

Itu Sets 'green Ict' Agenda
From ACM TechNews

Itu Sets 'green Ict' Agenda

Information and communications technology (ICT) needs to play a bigger part in helping reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, says Malcolm Johnson, director of...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Detects Abuse Before Doctors

Ben Reis at Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School led a research team that developed software that could spot warning signs of domestic abuse. 

Researchers Sharpen Photos By Capturing Multiple Low-Quality Images
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Sharpen Photos By Capturing Multiple Low-Quality Images

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers Sam Hasinoff, Fredo Durand, and William Freeman, along with University of Toronto researcher Kiriakos Kutulakos...

Rim and Nserc Invest in Queen's Expertise
From ACM TechNews

Rim and Nserc Invest in Queen's Expertise

Software engineering techniques for very large data systems will be the focus of research at Queen's University in Canada, which has received a $5 million investment...

Protocols Will Test Effects of Rfid on Medical Devices
From ACM News

Protocols Will Test Effects of Rfid on Medical Devices

Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems have found their way into medical environments to track patients, equipment assets and staff members. However, there...

Sdsc Part 'futuregrid' Computer Network Project
From ACM TechNews

Sdsc Part 'futuregrid' Computer Network Project

The U.S. National Science Foundation has selected the San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) to be part of a team to construct and operate an experimental high-performance...

Virginia Tech's Improved Robotic Hand Captures Top Award
From ACM TechNews

Virginia Tech's Improved Robotic Hand Captures Top Award

A team of five undergraduates from the Virginia Tech College of Engineering have placed first in a competition run by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers...

From ACM TechNews

­nix at 40: Hanging on Despite Strong Linux, Windows Challenges

After four decades, the Unix platform is still very important to enterprise information technology and has many years of usefulness left to it, even though Linux...

After Losing ­sers in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software
From ACM TechNews

After Losing ­sers in Catalogs, Libraries Find Better Search Software

People are worried that library catalogs are in danger of marginalization because they present information online in a clunky, non-intuitive way that often frustrates...

Aid Agencies Turn to Open-Source Software
From ACM TechNews

Aid Agencies Turn to Open-Source Software

Wesleyan University and Trinity College students have developed Collabbit, software that acts as a virtual emergency response center. Collabbit serves as a central...

From ACM TechNews

New Digital Security Program Doesn't Protect as Promised

The Vanish security system has been broken by a team of researchers from the University of Texas at Austin, Princeton University, and the University of Michigan...
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