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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Benchmarking Tools Compare Robot Algorithms
From ICT Results

Benchmarking Tools Compare Robot Algorithms

"What does the world look like?" and "Where am I?" are two questions robots must solve if they are to act autonomously in an unknown environment. Work by European...

Team Wins Insights and Second Place in DARPA Network Challenge
From ACM News

Team Wins Insights and Second Place in DARPA Network Challenge

A national competition aimed at quickly locating 10 red weather balloons tethered at locations across the United States netted a second-place finish for a Georgia...

Interactive Animations Give Science Students a Boost
From ACM News

Interactive Animations Give Science Students a Boost

A new study shows that university science students who supplement their studies with interactive, game-like computer animations retain a much better understanding...

From ACM News

IBM Sets ­p Centers of Excellence in Karnataka

IBM has established Centers of Excellence (CoE) in 10 colleges across Karnataka, India, aimed at creating a platform for the development of software skills among...

From ACM News

Ta ­niversity, Saudi Researchers Collaborate on Computer 'bot' Problem

Internet users must often identify and key in a collection of distorted letters and numbers to get entrance to various Web sites. These are called Captcha — meant...

Network Analysis Reveals True Connections
From ACM TechNews

Network Analysis Reveals True Connections

Northwestern University researchers have developed a universal method that can correctly analyze a variety of complex networks. The researchers tested their method...

Smart Cctv Learns to Spot Suspicious Types
From ACM TechNews

Smart Cctv Learns to Spot Suspicious Types

An international team of computer scientists at Queen Mary, University of London are developing intelligent video-surveillance software designed to spot suspicious...

From ACM TechNews

Scientists, IT Community Await Exascale Computers

The information technology (IT) industry discussed the challenges it faces in developing exascale systems, a new generation of supercomputers that promise to be...

Bristol Postdoc Shares in High-Performance Computing Prize
From ACM TechNews

Bristol Postdoc Shares in High-Performance Computing Prize

University of Bristol postdoctoral researcher Rio Yokota was a member of the team that won the first Gordon Bell prize in the price per performance category of...

From ACM TechNews

A Week to Focus on Computer Science Education

The U.S. House of Representatives has designated Dec. 6-12 Computer Science Education Week to help raise awareness of the dearth of computer science in grades K...

So, That Explains the Headache
From ACM TechNews

So, That Explains the Headache

A new University of California, San Diego (UCSD) study found that the average U.S. citizen consumes 34 gigabytes of information per day outside of the workplace...

Physicist Thinks Small and Big with Cern Large Hadron Collider Research
From ACM News

Physicist Thinks Small and Big with Cern Large Hadron Collider Research

New York City College of Technology Physics Professor Giovanni Ossola is currently developing a new tool that will lead to more precise computations involving the...

Locating Ieds with Scare Technology
From ACM News

Locating Ieds with Scare Technology

University of Maryland researchers have developed and successfully tested new computer software and computational techniques to analyze patterns of improvised explosive...

'one Keypad Per Child' Lets Schoolchildren Share Screen to Learn Math
From ACM News

'one Keypad Per Child' Lets Schoolchildren Share Screen to Learn Math

University of Washington computer science undergraduates have developed a system that lets up to four students share a single computer to do interactive math problems...

From ACM News

Popeye, the Robot with Brains Not Brawn

European researchers have developed a new approach to artificial intelligence that could empower computers to respond intelligently to human behaviour as well as...

From ACM TechNews

Obama Warns Against Turning Away the 'best and the Brightest'

At the recent White House jobs summit, President Barack Obama addressed the need to admit foreign students into the United States. Obama said the intellectual...

In India, Anxiety Over the Slow Pace of Innovation
From ACM TechNews

In India, Anxiety Over the Slow Pace of Innovation

Even as India has emerged as a growing hub of technological know-how and outsourcing business, there is anxiety within India that the country is not living up to...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Science, Engineering Job Ads Increase in November

The number of online job ads increased by 35,400 for computer scientists and mathematicians in November, according to the Conference Board, and online postings...

Breakthrough in 'spintronics' Can Lead to Energy Efficient Chips
From ACM TechNews

Breakthrough in 'spintronics' Can Lead to Energy Efficient Chips

Scientists from the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at University of Twente, and from the FOM Foundation, have successfully transferred magnetic information...

Pneumatic Ball-Levitating Robot Wins at Beer Pong
From ACM News

Pneumatic Ball-Levitating Robot Wins at Beer Pong

A pair of grad students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign are using a computer-controled gimbaled air-jet system with two degrees of motion to not...
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