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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Georgia Tech Students Compete at ­.k. Video Game Competition
From ACM News

Georgia Tech Students Compete at ­.k. Video Game Competition

Five Georgia Tech students will be the first team from the United States to participate in Dare to Be Digital, a 10-week challenge in the United Kingdom where teams...

From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Soon to Arrive in Ghana

The Ghana-India Kofi Annan Center of Excellence in ICT (AITI-KACE) has partnered with the EU Pascal2 Network of Excellence to establish an artificial intelligence...

The Humanities Go Google
From ACM TechNews

The Humanities Go Google

Stanford University's Literature Lab attempts to probe the evolution of literary style by using computer algorithms to sort, interrogate, and interpret some 1,000...

From ACM News

Jump in Enrollments of First-Time, Full-Time S&e Graduate Students

Enrollments of first-time, full-time graduate students in science and engineering programs in the United States reached a record 108,819 in 2008, an increase...

From ACM TechNews

House Allocates $84 Billion for Technology R&D

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the America Competes Reauthorization Act of 2010, which provides $85 billion in science and technology research and...

Olpc and Marvell to Develop Xo Tablet Computer For Students
From ACM News

Olpc and Marvell to Develop Xo Tablet Computer For Students

One Laptop per Child and Marvell will jointly develop a family of next-generation OLPC XO tablet computers based on the Marvell Moby reference design.

Educators Seek New Ways to Steer Kids Toward Technical Fields
From ACM News

Educators Seek New Ways to Steer Kids Toward Technical Fields

Students at the new Hughes STEM High School, in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati, learn concepts of science, technology, engineering and math by...

Mine Your Business
From Communications of the ACM

Mine Your Business

Researchers are developing new techniques to gauge employee productivity from information flow.

Straightening Out Heavy Tails
From Communications of the ACM

Straightening Out Heavy Tails

A better understanding of heavy-tailed probability distributions can improve activities from Internet commerce to the design of server farms.

Engineer Goes from Race Track to Classroom
From ACM News

Engineer Goes from Race Track to Classroom

Moving from the inner circles of professional automotive racing to the halls of academia has given Andrew Borme the second life he's wanted—teaching a new generation...

Book Urges a 'minds-On' Approach to Teaching Science
From ACM News

Book Urges a 'minds-On' Approach to Teaching Science

Thomas O'Brien, director of Binghamton University's Center for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, hopes that his new book will change the way students...

From ACM News

3-D Printer Proving Ground: Models Meet Their Match in Elementary Classrooms

Want a chocolate bar? Then, print one. Kids in the classroom are learning how technology works by fabricating 3-D copies of their favorite things. The goal is...

Engineer Says Robotics Can Use a Woman's Touch
From ACM TechNews

Engineer Says Robotics Can Use a Woman's Touch

Texas A&M at College Station computer science professor Robin Murphy creates rescue robots designed to slither through collapsed buildings, fly over wildfires,...

Illinois Institute of Technology to Provide Apple Ipads to ­ndergraduates
From ACM News

Illinois Institute of Technology to Provide Apple Ipads to ­ndergraduates

Illinois Institute of Technology will provide all incoming, first-year undergrads with Apple iPads as part of an initiative to integrate new technologies into the...

Nsf Awards STEM Grant to Salisbury ­niversity
From ACM News

Nsf Awards STEM Grant to Salisbury ­niversity

Salisbury University is working to increase graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, with the help of a $996,303 National...

From ACM News

Amd and Bgca to Offer Game Technology Program to Hundreds of Youth

The AMD Foundation has awarded a $115,000 grant to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America to implement Club Tech: Game Tech, a digital game development program, in...

Teachers Plan to Teach in 3d
From ACM TechNews

Teachers Plan to Teach in 3d

Computer scientists at the universities of Hertfordshire and Southern Denmark are on track to finish building technology that would bring virtual reality to Europe's...

Operation Reboot: It Professionals Become Computer Science Teachers
From ACM TechNews

Operation Reboot: It Professionals Become Computer Science Teachers

A three-year, Georgia Tech-sponsored program called Operation Reboot is helping 30 information technology professionals reenter the work force as high school computer...

Online Tools Help Professionals Share Their Expertise
From ICT Results

Online Tools Help Professionals Share Their Expertise

Online tools developed in Europe have created completely new approaches in pedagogy – the science of education.

Web Science: Exploring the Network Without Guesswork
From ACM TechNews

Web Science: Exploring the Network Without Guesswork

University of Southampton professor Nigel Shadbolt, speaking at a recent conference on the emerging discipline of Web science, says the Internet has become such...
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