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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

At a Loss For Words? Google Offers Search By Sight

Google's first search engine let people search by typing text onto a Web page. Next came queries spoken over the phone. On Monday, Google announced the ability...

From ACM TechNews

African Computer Scientists Recognized

The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), and Microsoft Research have awarded the inaugural TWAS-AAS-Microsoft Award for...

Naval Academy to Emphasize Cybersecurity
From ACM News

Naval Academy to Emphasize Cybersecurity

Looking at the next great threat to the nation, U.S. Naval Academy officials told the institution's oversight board Monday (December 7) that they plan to make cybersecurity...

Intel Ceo Paul Otellini New Chair of Innovation Task Force
From ACM News

Intel Ceo Paul Otellini New Chair of Innovation Task Force

Paul S. Otellini, President and Chief Executive Officer of Intel Corp., has accepted the invitation of the Task Force on American Innovation to serve as its new...

From ACM News

First Computer Science Education Week Targets Issues in Teaching Computer Science

ACM and its partners are launching Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) to uncover and remedy the inadequacy of the nation's computer science (CS) education...

From ACM TechNews

Reconfigurable Computing Research Pushes Forward

Alan George, director of the U.S. National Science Foundation's Center for High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC), says that challenges and objectives...

Women Make Strides in Sciences
From ACM TechNews

Women Make Strides in Sciences

The University of Calgary's Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) program helps young women explore opportunities in underrepresented science and engineering...

From ACM News

Squeezing Web Sites Onto Cellphones

When a group of engineers at National Instruments Corp. modified a 1988 Oldsmobile so it could be controlled by an iPhone, the company was quick to share the project...

H-1b Demand Spike May Signal Improving Outlook For Skilled Pros
From ACM TechNews

H-1b Demand Spike May Signal Improving Outlook For Skilled Pros

Demand for H-1B visas has risen sharply over the past six to eight weeks, and the number of companies planning to increase college hiring is also rising, indicating...

Nadya Mason: From Pirouettes to Carbon Nanotubes
From ACM News

Nadya Mason: From Pirouettes to Carbon Nanotubes

In 1986, Nadya Mason competed as a gymnast in Houston, training with the legendary Bela Karolyi as a member of the U.S. National Team, hoping to make it to the2009...

Linux Laptop Orchestra Gives Debut Performance
From ACM News

Linux Laptop Orchestra Gives Debut Performance

Scoot over winds and brass, strings and chorale – it is time to make room for the laptop orchestra. Virginia Tech's laptop group has started the first Linux-based...

From ACM News

Stony Brook ­niversity Students Win Sc09 Cluster Competition

A team of six computer-savvy Stony Brook University undergraduates won first place honors in the SC09 Student Cluster Competition during the annual, internationally...

Game On at Kingston ­niversity
From ACM TechNews

Game On at Kingston ­niversity

A new state-of-the-art gaming facility should help Kingston University produce industry leaders in game development. Every desk in the laboratory has an Xbox and...

White House Pushes Science and Math Education
From ACM TechNews

White House Pushes Science and Math Education

U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday (November 23) announced Educate to Innovate, a campaign to enlist companies and nonprofit groups to donate time and money...

From ACM TechNews

Equal Opportunities Through Technology Education

Academy of FinlandThe international Understanding and Providing a Developmental Approach to Technology Education (UPDATE) project is studying more effective methods...

Blueprints For Self-Assembly
From Communications of the ACM

Blueprints For Self-Assembly

Researchers are using tools from information theory and computer science to facilitate the automatic creation of nanoscale structures.

From ACM TechNews

Evaluators Sought For Degree Programs in Computing

CSAB Inc. — the lead society within ABET Inc. for the accreditation of college-level programs in computer science, information systems, IT, and software engineering...

Moscow Wants Trained It Specialists
From ACM News

Moscow Wants Trained It Specialists

Amid Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's calls for modernization, one of the IT sector's top employers has said Russian high-tech companies are being let down by...

Georgia Tech Creates Online Master's Degree in Information Security
From ACM Careers

Georgia Tech Creates Online Master's Degree in Information Security

Georgia Tech's College of Computing has created a new Master of Science in Information Security degree available online in a distance learning format, a flexible...

Minority Students Earned Greater Number of Degrees in Fiscal 2006
From ACM TechNews

Minority Students Earned Greater Number of Degrees in Fiscal 2006

Students in underserved populations earned a greater number of academic diplomas in almost all categories in fiscal year 2006 compared to fiscal year 2004, according...
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