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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nvidia ­pdates Its Moon Landing Conspiracy Debunk with Its New GP­
From ACM News

Nvidia ­pdates Its Moon Landing Conspiracy Debunk with Its New GP­

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon almost 50 years ago, but some conspiracy theorists don't believe that it actually happened.

AI on a MEMS Device Brings Neuromorphic Computing to the Edge
From ACM News

AI on a MEMS Device Brings Neuromorphic Computing to the Edge

In order to achieve the edge computing that people talk about in a host of applications including 5G networks and the Internet of Things (IoT), you need to pack...

These New Tricks Can Outsmart Deepfake Videos, for Now
From ACM News

These New Tricks Can Outsmart Deepfake Videos, for Now

For weeks, computer scientist Siwei Lyu had watched his team's deepfake videos with a gnawing sense of unease.

All Systems Go for Second-Ever Mission to Enter Mercury's Orbit
From ACM News

All Systems Go for Second-Ever Mission to Enter Mercury's Orbit

A European rocket is ready to launch the most ambitious mission ever taken towards Mercury, Earth's once-neglected sibling in the Solar System.

World's Fastest Camera Can See Light Moving in Slo-Mo
From ACM News

World's Fastest Camera Can See Light Moving in Slo-Mo

Scientists from Caltech and the University of Quebec have developed the world's fastest camera, which is capable of capturing a record-breaking 10 trillion frames...

Riskiest Landing of Japan's Asteroid Mission Delayed ­ntil January
From ACM News

Riskiest Landing of Japan's Asteroid Mission Delayed ­ntil January

Touchdown of the Hayabusa2 mothership has been postponed because of unexpectedly rough terrain.

As Companies Embrace AI, It's a Job-Seeker's Market
From ACM Careers

As Companies Embrace AI, It's a Job-Seeker's Market

Dozens of employers looking to hire the next generation of tech employees descended on the University of California, Berkeley in September to meet students at an...

Mars Virtual Reality Software Wins NASA Award
From ACM News

Mars Virtual Reality Software Wins NASA Award

A mixed-reality software that allows scientists and engineers to virtually walk on Mars recently received NASA's 2018 Software of the Year Award.

Supercharged Crime-Scene DNA Analysis Sparks Privacy Concerns
From ACM News

Supercharged Crime-Scene DNA Analysis Sparks Privacy Concerns

Genetic sleuthing techniques that led to the arrest of a suspect in the infamous Golden State Killer case this year are set to become vastly more powerful, suggest...

AIs Invent Weird New Limbs to Beat Virtual Obstacle Courses
From ACM News

AIs Invent Weird New Limbs to Beat Virtual Obstacle Courses

What are the best two legs for running an obstacle course? One leg that crawls at the knee joint, and one massive leg dragged behind for stability like a kangaroo's...

The Ick of AI That Impersonates Humans
From ACM News

The Ick of AI That Impersonates Humans

Philip K. Dick was living a few miles north of San Francisco when he wrote Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, which envisioned a world where artificially intelligent...

Painting Cars for Mars
From ACM News

Painting Cars for Mars

When John Campanella's friend wanted his beloved Ferrari painted, he knew exactly who to call.

Turbulence, the Oldest ­nsolved Problem in Physics
From ACM News

Turbulence, the Oldest ­nsolved Problem in Physics

Werner Heisenberg won the 1932 Nobel Prize for helping to found the field of quantum mechanics and developing foundational ideas like the Copenhagen interpretation...

'Quantum Atmospheres' May Reveal Secrets of Matter
From ACM News

'Quantum Atmospheres' May Reveal Secrets of Matter

Over the past several years, some materials have proved to be a playground for physicists.

Scientists Create a 'Social Network of Brains'
From ACM News

Scientists Create a 'Social Network of Brains'

Sending your thoughts directly into someone else's brain may seem like the stuff of science fiction. But this capability could be closer to reality than you think...

Groundbreaking Science Emerges from ­ltra-Close Orbits of Saturn
From ACM News

Groundbreaking Science Emerges from ­ltra-Close Orbits of Saturn

New research emerging from the final orbits of NASA's Cassini spacecraft represents a huge leap forward in our understanding of the Saturn system—especially the...

A Goblin World That Points Toward Hidden Planet Nine in the Solar System
From ACM News

A Goblin World That Points Toward Hidden Planet Nine in the Solar System

Among some astronomers, there is a growing suspicion that our solar system's distant reaches conceal a large, ninth planet that we have not yet seen. New findings...

'Optical Tweezers' and Tools ­sed for Laser Eye Surgery Snag Physics Nobel
From ACM News

'Optical Tweezers' and Tools ­sed for Laser Eye Surgery Snag Physics Nobel

Optical physicists Arthur Ashkin, Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland have won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics for "groundbreaking inventions in the field of...

New AI Strategy Mimics How Brains Learn to Smell
From ACM News

New AI Strategy Mimics How Brains Learn to Smell

Today's artificial intelligence systems, including the artificial neural networks broadly inspired by the neurons and connections of the nervous system, perform...

What Termites Can Teach ­s
From ACM News

What Termites Can Teach ­s

New termite colonies are founded on windless evenings, at dusk, after the rain. Most termites have neither eyes nor wings, but every mature colony has a caste of...
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