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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Agrees to $391.5 Million Privacy Settlement With 40 States
From ACM News

Google Agrees to $391.5 Million Privacy Settlement With 40 States

The company will change its location tracking disclosures in 2023.

U.K. Will Use GPS Fingerprint Scanner to Track People Facing Deportation
From ACM TechNews

U.K. Will Use GPS Fingerprint Scanner to Track People Facing Deportation

The U.K.'s Home Office says it will soon require people facing deportation to carry a global positioning system (GPS)-enabled fingerprint scanner at all times. ...

Hacking the Metaverse
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Hacking the Metaverse

Louisiana State University's Abe Baggili and colleagues tested the security of immersive virtual reality and X-reality systems for weaknesses.

After Election, Cautious Optimism That Few False Narratives Took Hold
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After Election, Cautious Optimism That Few False Narratives Took Hold

Researchers who study disinformation said most efforts to stoke doubt about results had failed to spread widely.

Setting the Internet of Things Free -- of Batteries
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Setting the Internet of Things Free -- of Batteries

Increasingly, sensors and other Internet of Things devices will be powered by ambient energies.

Billions Spent in Metaverse 'Land' Grab
From ACM TechNews

Billions Spent in Metaverse 'Land' Grab

Research by DappRadar indicates that over the past year, people and companies have spent $1.93 billion in cryptocurrency to purchase virtual “real estate” in the...

Russia Reactivates Its Trolls, Bots Ahead of Tuesday's Midterms
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Russia Reactivates Its Trolls, Bots Ahead of Tuesday's Midterms

Researchers have identified a series of Russian information operations to influence American elections and, perhaps, erode support for Ukraine.

Twitter May Have Lost More than a Million Users Since Musk Took Over
From ACM News

Twitter May Have Lost More than a Million Users Since Musk Took Over

Estimates from Bot Sentinel suggest more than 875,000 users deactivated their accounts between October 27 and November 1, while a half-million more were suspended...

Worries Grow That TikTok Is New Home for Manipulated Video and Photos
From ACM News

Worries Grow That TikTok Is New Home for Manipulated Video and Photos

Misleading edits, fake news stories and deepfake images of politicians are starting to warp reality on the popular video platform.

Study Urges Caution When Comparing Neural Networks to the Brain
From ACM TechNews

Study Urges Caution When Comparing Neural Networks to the Brain

A study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers revealed the difficulty of comparing neural networks to the brain.

Facebook Reveals Language of Loneliness vs. Depression
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Reveals Language of Loneliness vs. Depression

Researchers analyzed Facebook posts to differentiate language associated with depression and with loneliness.

Samsung Breach Slams Consumers
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Samsung Breach Slams Consumers

Including this writer.

Female Politicians Disadvantaged by Online Prejudices, Stereotypes
From ACM TechNews

Female Politicians Disadvantaged by Online Prejudices, Stereotypes

Scientists at Denmark's University of Copenhagen (KU) has found widespread online gender bias to be a disadvantage for female politicians.

Elon Musk's Twitter Faces Exodus of Advertisers and Executives
From ACM News

Elon Musk's Twitter Faces Exodus of Advertisers and Executives

At least five Twitter executives have left in recent days, as one of the world's largest ad companies said clients should pause spending on the social media platform...

Quantum Computing May be Bolstered by Liquid-Like Electrons
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computing May be Bolstered by Liquid-Like Electrons

Experiments conducted by scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore may strengthen quantum computing with liquid-like electrons called parafermions...

Small Sensors for Big Challenges
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Small Sensors for Big Challenges

Shwetak Patel hopes to build something that could impact the lives of a billion people.

Why the Future of the Computer Is Everywhere, All the Time
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Why the Future of the Computer Is Everywhere, All the Time

'Ambient computing' is coming, and it promises to change how we interact with the world. But there are still a lot of challenges — and concerns — to overcome.

HoloLens Headsets Connect Patients, Metropolitan Doctors
From ACM TechNews

HoloLens Headsets Connect Patients, Metropolitan Doctors

Microsoft HoloLens mixed-reality holographic headsets are connecting remote patients in Australia with metropolitan physicians.

Elon Musk Takes Over Twitter, Declares 'The Bird is Freed'
From ACM News

Elon Musk Takes Over Twitter, Declares 'The Bird is Freed'

Musk wants to grow the platform, but he also wants it to be a free speech free-for-all.

Japan Steps Up Push to Get Public Buy-in to Digital IDs
From ACM TechNews

Japan Steps Up Push to Get Public Buy-in to Digital IDs

Japan's government is urging the public to sign up for digital IDs, warning they could lose access to public health insurance otherwise.
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