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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Organoid Intelligence: Computing on the Brain
From ACM TechNews

Organoid Intelligence: Computing on the Brain

Researchers have proposed using brain organoids—spherical masses cultured from neural tissue—as computational systems.

Lighting the Way at Nanometer Scales
From ACM News

Lighting the Way at Nanometer Scales

Light waves bouncing around could replace a significant portion of digital computation.

Advanced AI Faces New Regulatory Push in Europe
From ACM TechNews

Advanced AI Faces New Regulatory Push in Europe

In an open letter, a group of EU lawmakers said regulators should be given authority to govern the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

(Almost) Everyone Likes a Helpful Trash Robot
From ACM TechNews

(Almost) Everyone Likes a Helpful Trash Robot

A study by Cornell University researchers found that the public responded well to two remote-controlled trash barrel robots installed at a Manhattan plaza, one...

AlphaFold Spreads through Protein Science
From Communications of the ACM

AlphaFold Spreads through Protein Science

Based on machine learning, DeepMind's code now lies at the heart of a variety of protein-structure tools and workflows. It may ultimately be replaced by models...

Tech Industry Pioneer Sees Way for U.S. to Lead in Advanced Chips
From ACM TechNews

Tech Industry Pioneer Sees Way for U.S. to Lead in Advanced Chips

Ivan Sutherland, who helped pioneer CMOS semiconductors decades ago, believes the U.S. can regain the global lead in advanced chipmaking.

This New Technology Could Blow Away GPT-4 and Everything Like It
From ACM News

This New Technology Could Blow Away GPT-4 and Everything Like It

The Hyena code is able to handle amounts of data that make GPT-style technology run out of memory and fail.

Companies Turn to AI to Avoid 'Cloud Sprawl'
From ACM News

Companies Turn to AI to Avoid 'Cloud Sprawl'

Cloud-computing usage at large companies is measured in millions of records a day, making it 'humanly impossible' to keep track of costs.

Microsoft's Refusal to Pay for Twitter's API Outraged Musk
From ACM News

Microsoft's Refusal to Pay for Twitter's API Outraged Musk

Twitter will no longer be available on Microsoft Advertising as the service relies on API access.

Autonomous Bus Sounds: All About When, Not How
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Bus Sounds: All About When, Not How

Cornell University's Malte Jung, and Hannah Pelikan from Sweden's Linköping University, are using sound to improve autonomous buses' navigation and communication...

David Papworth Honored with ACM Breakthrough in Computing Award
From ACM TechNews

David Papworth Honored with ACM Breakthrough in Computing Award

David B. Papworth has been named to receive the ACM Charles P. "Chuck" Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award for his work on microprocessors at Intel.

Robotic Worms Could One Day Dig Beneath Your Feet
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Worms Could One Day Dig Beneath Your Feet

Scientists are creating earthworm-inspired soft robots, envisioning their flexibility as an advantage for penetrating hard-to-reach areas.

The Real-World Costs of the Digital Race for Bitcoin
From ACM TechNews

The Real-World Costs of the Digital Race for Bitcoin

An investigation by The New York Times uncovered 34 large-scale bitcoin mining operations in the U.S., which are straining the power grid, inflating electricity...

Physicists Extend Qubit Lifespan in Pivotal Validation of Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Physicists Extend Qubit Lifespan in Pivotal Validation of Quantum Computing

Yale University physicists demonstrated the feasibility of quantum error correction by doubling the lifespan of a qubit.  

Raspberry Pi Code Editor Wants to Help Next-Generation Programmers
From ACM TechNews

Raspberry Pi Code Editor Wants to Help Next-Generation Programmers

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has launched a free coding tool to help next-generation programmers globally hone their skills.

Computer Simulations Show How Drugs Enter the Blood
From ACM TechNews

Computer Simulations Show How Drugs Enter the Blood

Chemists and pharmaceutical scientists at ETH Zurich in Switzerland and Swiss drugmaker Novartis ran simulations on a supercomputer to gain insights into cyclic...

Researchers Analyze 53 Million Points of Clinical Data with Embedding Technique
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Analyze 53 Million Points of Clinical Data with Embedding Technique

Researchers at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Drexel University used a phenotype embedding technique to analyze 53 million patient notes from more than...

Bitcoin Mining has Raised Texas Electricity Prices 5%
From ACM News

Bitcoin Mining has Raised Texas Electricity Prices 5%

The costs of cryptocurrency are increasingly clear. Are the benefits?

'Digidog Is Out of the Pound': Robot Dog Rejoins New York Police
From ACM News

'Digidog Is Out of the Pound': Robot Dog Rejoins New York Police

New York City Mayor Eric Adams says the New York Police Department will deploy the technology this summer.

Predicting the Effects of Environmental Noise on Quantum Information
From ACM News

Predicting the Effects of Environmental Noise on Quantum Information

An advancement crucial for designing and building quantum computers capable of working in an imperfect world.
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